Richard Spencer General

Anyone got anymore of these edits?


tons, theyre not edits though







Anyone listen to the podcast he linked on his Twitter? Bretty gud








Gynecomastia Is a serious epidemic


i want to touch his aryan titties :3

CIA is so embarrassing. They have to make threads asking for users on Pol to create their propaganda for them -_-


Does Sup Forums remember Zippy the Pinhead or is it too summer in here?

heres a vector if anyone wants to play with it

Why do you sperging retards hate him so much?

He's not that relevant...

I remember zippy water.

>making fun of a man with tits larping as a nahtzee
Sup Forums does this every day, nigger. its fun, not hateful. cry harder dickie.

Such great tits

I swear it's the same German every time

The anti Spencer shilling went into overdrive after his auburn talk and the thing with the statue in new Orleans, makes you think...

>tfw the person making your drink is of mixed race

Kek. Is this supposed to be anti-Spencer?

No its not me this time

perve :3

I'm surprised you didn't start the thread.

I like Spencer, but the bottom right pic gets me every time.












>oh noes purity spirals

go away TRS. youre defeated.




I love how it sits there so neatly, like a little hair kippa. Very fitting.

>makes you think...

It does make you think. He thinks that libertarians are stupid and he deliberately made white nationalists look like the KKK with his New Orleans stunt. He shills for democrats, universal healthcare and is against capitalism. He's not right wing, he's controlled opp.

I forgot all about Anonymous Conservative. Thanks for reminding me.

Anyone have the one with the dialogue choices like "Are Italians White?"


>damn richard spencer looks like that?

this one looks like an album cover for some shity post-rock band

One of life's simple joys is the boys.

Libertarians are stupid as fuck and what he was doing at the new Orleans stunt or whatever you want to call is not modled after the fucking KKK or even the NAZEEEES that you fucking tards keep talking about.

>He's not right wing,
Of course he isn't hes third position get used it to it fucking retard.


You mean jews who want to turn nations into nothing more than business and money transfer stations? And as a WN I'm supposed to get mad at him for hailing his audience or holding a toch burning protest? Why? Because CNN told me so?

>stay home and do nothing goy! never reveal your power level and just keeping voting Republican, things will fix themselves goy!

The only controlled opposition that is real is people like you :^)

>tiki torches
>hail trump
>not controlled opposition

pick only one

cry more nigger we know all the anti-spencer fags are non-white retards who scream and throw hissy fits that whits are finally waking up to there own self interest

For the second time, I challenge you and/or all representatives of TRS and Richard Spencer to a public debate regarding Zionism and the Jewish Plot of White Genocide -- right here on le 4channel.

Do you accept or will you stay eternally defeated?

t. /civic/

When did he say he wanted a violent civil war?

Or is it just shit you made up?


Sure the libertarian party. But ron paul was woke. He even had a newsletter talking about dindu behavior.
And most importantly he knows the key is the federal Reserve and getting blackballed by the media. The good Dr. Is well aware of the JQ and how they use the US military to do thdir work.

Yeah you're right the ~60% population of whites in America seceding from the US for the implicit purpose of creating a white ethnostate will be a smooth process.

i'm not sure i buy his explanation for the homosexuality stuff.

making thread nao

If you want a better explanation go onto his twitter he responded again to clarify what he was saying.

Ah well I guess you shouldn't bother then. Beige power, amirite?

>meanwhile, the rest of Sup Forums screams for rahowa

Everything in that pic is correct, except the civil war part.
Putting a "funny" drawing next to it won't change that.

>Richard Spencer

Literally who? That faggot is the most propped up strawman in the history of strawmen. That fucking Lambright spamming faggot would be a better spokesman for the alt right. I've been browsing this shitty website for years, and I never heard of him until you fucking faggots got paid to tell me Blumpf is a stoopie poopie doodie head with cooties.

It's just impractical. Europe might be able to pull it off since they still have a dominant majority of whites in most of their countries, but the US is basically a lost cause.

looks good here
>people are stupid enough to believe this
Go back and shill for Peterson or Shapiro

That's a very elaborate way of admitting that you're a total pussy and a coward.

read here

>There are still people who don't think Spencer is a CIA plant

Absolutely subversive.

I find his the most funny.


if you think the US is beyond saving, then you are either non-white or have a non-white gf

Prove that he is a CIA plant.

even if he was(he isn't), it wouldn't be that much of a negative. Gloria Steinem was a CIA asset, and feminists worship her

It's funny how any other time, Europeans will laugh at how non-white the US already is and say essentially the same thing.

>t. 56%
>top kek amerimongrels talking shit about white countries
>america > white

No, it's true that America is a lost cause. Our value will be to hopefully serve as an example of what happens if you fall for the multiculturalism meme.

It's not a fucking movement. The majority of users here are just sick of the current state of the world, and can't express their true feelings to others without losing their jobs and loved ones.

Yeah sure if you say so nigger.

dat filename
hearty kek

>The majority of users here are just sick of the current state of the world, and can't express their true feelings to others without losing their jobs and loved ones

So you admit that you're just a coward who doesn't want to change anything? cool

Yeah nah I've never done that unless it's for banter. Of course I want America to remain white. America isn't a lost cause, you're just a goddamn coward.

I really like Spencer desu. Aside from his retarded fixation with duginism

Come back to me when Sup Forums actually starts organizes marches and cold clocking people with bike locks, then I'll believe it.

>Our value will be to hopefully serve as an example of what happens if you fall for the multiculturalism meme.
Yeah actually it is always, ALWAYS your country which our socialist and neo-liberal elites look to and think: "WHEEEZ! I wanna turn Europe into just like that!"

Also why do you think I specifically talking about Sup Forums?

Sup Forums falls under the umbrella that alt-right describes. it's not a club with memebers and leaders, it's just a general description of the marketplace of ideas in the new ethno-nationalist, far-right zeitgeist.

There are plenty of good reasons to not take on a name or identity with a specific ideology; it makes you easier to attack and classify. Sup Forums has historically never identified as alt-right and never should. The terms that describe this amorphous rightist zeitgeist are going to change over time, and so will the movement.

But- if you genuinely think Sup Forums isn't a part of what "alt-right" currently describes, you're delusional, like some leftists going "HEY DONT LABEL ME MAN, I'm not a COMMUNIST, I just believe in a global revolution of the proletariat seizing the means of production".

All the signs you need are there. He's a longtime Bushie with ties to Beltway insiders and the CIA. He is constantly carted out by the media as a strawman for "white supremacy" to discredit it. He repeatedly makes spergalicious public faux pas that discredit him and the movement. He even lives 5 minutes from Langley, CIA HQ.

These are all just (((coincidences))) though, I'm sure.

He could should lose that and insert more hate facts into his speeches
like having a rally around the Lee statute? Or does that not count?

>organizes marches
How's the 1960's working for you, gramps?

They just need freedom of association. This, in the long term will lead to the US splitting up and forming ethno-states.

>So you admit that you're just a coward who doesn't want to change anything? cool

Yeah, go out and tell people you don't buy the kike lies anymore, and Hitler did nothing wrong, see where that gets you. Nothing's gonna change, you won. Now quit shitting up my Mongolian Moonman Manga board.

He also has ties with Ron Paul what now is he secret libertarian? lmao you are a fucking retard.