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I used to be a lefty vegan for several years. now I eat everything & even hunt (and I'm no longer a lefty). but the more I see pictures of cows and pigs, the more I feel like not eating meat because they're disgusting filthy animals.
>How can you kill an animal the way my humans have for thousands of years
You answered your own query shitskin. We DID do it in a similar way for thousands of years. We have something better now. Which is why the practice is barbaric you idiot.
Cows are disgusting.
Cows are not disgusting
Hindus have been killing animals the same way for even longer than Muslims, and guess what they do? One instant cut that lops the head clean off.
Cows are MAYBE disgusting
Yeah, I'm sure slitting their throats manually is much faster than using a compressed airgun that kills them in under a second. Fucking lmao
>a muzzie calling anyone else an inbred
Kek, pic related
It's only better for mass slaughter you inbred tard
I don't know if cows are disgusting.
Calling people muzzies without knowing it.
>Implying I'm against halal for any reason other than stopping the normalisation of Islam
You're the one defending a disgusting subhuman shitskin practice you filthy animal. There is a 99% chance you're a Muzzie
>t.based Irish
There is a 50% chance that you are a subhuman nig or a 50% chance that you are a inbres obese spawn which mean there is a 100% chance that you are a subhuman ameritard either way
>t. inbred shitskin worshiper of a pedophile warlord that will soon be killed by pissed off Europeans
Hopefully they prepare your carcass following halal practices then feed it to pigs
>>t. inbred shitskin worshiper of a pedophile warlord that will soon be killed by pissed off Europeans
>Hopefully they prepare your carcass following halal practices then feed it to pigs
>t. person who hasn't seen and smelled a cow in real life
They are disgusting and smelly.
Sorry Tyrone but I'm afraid you will die because of diabetes, or another Tyrone before Europa gets uncivilised as the U.S of 57%
Is that a picture of a Canadian glory hole?
What did he mean by this
Cow are cozy and so is their smell.
Possibly but we will still cleanse human filth like you from the face of Earth.
>eating them raw
After cooking them, they smell and taste differently (much better).
If I actually hunted I'd actually just say some words of respect towards the animal before killing or eating it. Anyone else?
Larp some more Tyrone, larp some more
Just fucking stun your animals before killing them, you barbarians.
your vegetables are grown in human shit, shut the fuck up
dude I hunt and kill skin eat dear and bear we aint lib cucks like them city folk.
I heard bear meat is really drie