>buy a gun and be ready
>This is the last straw
Buy a gun and be ready
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I don't have kids, and I don't give a fuck about other peoples kids. The world could turn into a fireball the day after I die and I wouldn't give a fuck
I'm sure the FBI would be very interested in his Reddit posts.
I'm pissing me knickers as I type m8
I'm assuming this is about pulling from the Paris Accord. They talk about their children's future but remain ignorantly blind to the very real burden of massive debt they are leaving for their children.
Probably most of them are faggot europoors or fucking leafs.
>shit "climate accord" that's just a mask for income redistribution
>lefties crying as always
>say it time to get a gun
>i look at my collection of AR's
>i look back on my time with patmac
>i look back on my time with panonne
>i look back on my time with vogel
>i look back on my time with langdon
>feel bad for those who are just getting started
I'm literally shaking
Massive debt and the importation of savage shit skins who want nothing more than to rape their daughters and torture their sons (to death in both cases btw)
Nice reddit larp. Maybe that poster will shoot himself and his kids to prevent them from being swept up in a sea of liberal tears. Smart.
Isn't endlessly borrowing from your children's future and stiffing them with massive amounts of debt before they're even born also kind of a "fuck you"?
B-but muh free stuff...m-muh healthcare right...
What's he gonna do? Shoot away the carbon dioxide?
lel what a bunch of faggots
They can rationalize the replacement demographic in their liberal pea brains by making excuses. They actually consider it a good thing. But there's no way to rationalize the debt, it's there and it's a huge problem.
>buy a gun
>never practice on targets
>never learn how to actually use it
>its just like video games, point and shoot
>day of use finally comes
>cock the gun
>it jams
>what now?
>importing fucktons of subhumans not a risk to future but some questionable science isnt
not gonna lie,watching burgerland crash and burn is so beautiful
PLZ go to civil war!!!!
the whole world is already laughing at you so why not?
you talk shit you get killed is concept you guys with your lack of self protective skills dont understand, coz you´re glass cannons you talk a lot of shit but when anyone throws some back like that guy, you´re fucked
so wake up sweetie the world wants you dead and you´re giving them reasons why you should be
>buy a gun
Okay. How about one with a co2 cartridge?
If ya'll are so worried about debt you support free college too, right?
It's not an endlessly expanding list of rights -- the 'right' to education, the 'right' to health care, the 'right' to food and housing. That's not freedom, that's dependency. Those aren't rights, those are the rations of slavery -- hay and a barn for human cattle.
>retard lefties don't know trigger discipline
>end up shooting each other in the back a bunch
>don't know how to change a clip
>don't know where to place fingers, gets hit with hammer and breaks
day of the rope when
If people really cared about 'muh climate change' they would stop consuming so much.
Isn't the agreement just another "pact" to hand out gibs for "climate damage" where the US will be almost the sole financier ?
Also, China isn't held to any restrictions and can pretty much do whatever they want.
But liberals love gibs.
Can't they just start a fund and donate their own money for it? Same thing. They can use the money they would be saving in taxes!
Now that enormous amounts of money have been freed from this shit deal, that cash can be used to actually improve America's environment. Today is a victory for environmentalists, provided they haven't swallowed the constant stream of hysterical and illogical anti-US propaganda.
Sounds to me like he's ready for an armed insurrection because he's so butthurt about a shitty climate deal.
tfw no one is going to do shit but watch our goat potus lead us to utopia
holy shit
what subplebbit is this
I love the passive-aggressive punctuation.
I really mean it.
I am dead serious folks.
Get your assault spoons ready.
Do they honestly believe that Russia "hacked our election? I know they joke about it a lot but I didn't think anyone was actually so dumb
>implying you can buy guns in europe
bwahaha these babies.
god bless Trump
Hello, Merkel.
>Those aren't rights, those are the rations of slavery
Excellent way of putting it.
>this is the last straw
>hang on i have to check my twitter for
retweets first
>..a-americans please
... and I'll look down and whisper "No."
Everything is the last straw to these freaks.
Fuck parents and to hell with their sniveling little fuck trophies.
Are they planning on shooting warming temperatures or the President?
Cool. I hope they get something nice. Imagine all the loot you can find from rich liberals who don't know shit about combat.
I love all this asshurt
I'd buy maple syrup from this leaf.
I bet psychologists are making lots of money since the election.
Too bad they just don't off themselves.
>sir, can i interest you in our twitter melt down meal?
>for starters we have the outrage because on gay pride day a tranny show with a very diverse cast got cancelled
>for dinner we have butthurt a la chef
>and desert will be a suprise
They'll all buy guns and then their niglets will kill themselves playing with it.
liberals are so gaslit by jewish propaganda
this is why white people want their own state tsk tsk
>Cut my life into pieces
>I've reached my last resort
Man the russians sure are powerful now, who knew they where the new world superpower.
>anti gun libs who have never shot one in their life think they will do anything other than die within the first five days of a SHTF scenario if they just "buy guns to get ready"
These people live in a permanent state of delusion.
Keep them coming
Taking any redit fag seriously
That's obvious bait
They don't even know what the fuck the Paris agreement even is
This guys upset that the USA isn't going to continue to give billions of dollars away because al gore said the ice caps were melting. Muh gibs
I feel like this but I still plan to have children.
I don't give a fuck if the world literally ends in 100 years though.
Enjoy life and fuck everyone else.
I thought they were anti gun?
>slag isn't applicable on the internet
i know they're called cartridges man
Everything is the last straw with reddit. They post to get the upvotes
Buddy, you just described 3/4ths of /k/.
>Be American President
>Get shot because you're a retard
Oh no....
>In a parent
The amount of people who underestimate the US astounds me.
Parts of liberals brains that detect threats and danger are actually smaller lmao. They have smaller amygdala
They also have a bigger anterior cingulate cortex which detects and appraises social responses. Not surprising.
That requires not relying on daddy gubbermint actually having a job to make donations
Have some more peak reddit
>Implying that's not an FBI poster
>someone actually wrote this and thought it sounded smart
Extreme actions? Like genociding the overpopulated continent of Africa? Genociding Chinks? Genociding the overpopulated poo-in-loos?
All the more reason to befriend them. I'm not sure why people are so ready to start a fucking war with the only other superpower that can rival us. This isn't the Cold War Era anymore. They're not communists anymore. If we become allies with them, we'll literally be the most powerful nation in history and we'll be without rivals.
I'm a parent and I categorically disagree with the idiot in the OP. Our kids need fucking jobs, not bullshit social agreements that lead to then being subjugated by the third world.
Fuck you, by the way.
Have another gem from reddit
>Be me
>Just finished building an AR-10
>Going to use it on an Oryx hunt in a month
>Work up nice, accurate and hot load
>Hunt will be in open desert, so expect long shots
>Start shooting at longer ranges
>Try out 600yds
>Easily able to make every shot a kill shot at that range.
>Going to start shooting out to 1000+ yards this weekend
>Feels good
Yeah, the lefties arming up doesn't bother me very much.
hahahhahahahhahaha this salt is getting to the election levels
He's right about one thing. Even if a hole in the Ozone layer the exact size and shape of the continental United States opens up and cooks us like bacon I'll still be here laughing at them having a mental breakdown.
>So-called democracy
Only retards call the US a democracy. We're a republic.
>implying it's the job of the FBI to sow social discontent
It's like they don't understand that their ideal society is unsustainable.
>popular vote