Is it normal to talk to yourself when you're alone?


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You're not talking to yourself, your talking to us.

Yes, its really just a way to exercise verbal cognition centers and whatnot. It's not okay if someone talks back.

More people do it than you think

Look over the battlements
At the burning countryside
There the army of wicked madness
Besieges this castle of will

Feel the frozen wind
From the bleak outer world
The banner twists in agony
Tortured from the world around
The wind seeps through the walls
Whispering revelations of despair
It skulks in high lofted ceilings
A messenger of the fallen realm

The moat displays whitened bloated corpses
A cesspool where the slain float
For miles back their casualties are strewn
Ours burn on pyres smoke replacing sky

Listen to the sound of the pounding
Battering rams
Their black winged echoes
Fly down these desolate halls
Each catapult stone defeats the walls
We labor to repair what falls upon us
The bringers of insanity
Dance bizarrely
In celebration
Of their coming conquest

Look and see their campfires
Like obscene stars fallen to the ground
Wallow in dread at the moment's peace
For the battle always resumes

No shining army will rush to our aid
We are to die in this crumbling tomb
I'm being driven mad
Specters of bitterness and confusion
Circle my head
The mist goes in my ears and exits my mouth
And within they destroy all they can

The bringers of lunacy have breached the walls
Remnants of innocence put to the sword
Engulfed into the kingdom of the mad
My psyche lays in ruins but now I'm born

Sure. I do it all the time.

Perfectly normal and can be benificial.

I do it quite often without thinking then realise I've been doing it for minutes and feel weird- mainly because I wouldn't want anyone hearing me talk to myself

Look over to India
At the smelly countryside
There the army of pajeets
Shitting in the street

This is a very good political topic to discuss.
>kill yourself

I've talked to a ton of my friends and pretty much every single one of us does this. The only one who said he doesn't is one of those kinds of people who's obsessed with not being weird and has a low embarassment threshold though so he probably actually does. Insisted we were so weird for doing it.

>not talking to the best talking partner there is
Come on.

The smartest person in the world is me, so why not talk to myself rather then other people?

It's perfectly normal.

my mum does that because she has a bad memory and will forget what she's doing if she doesn't narrate it

are you ten years old??

Holy fuck, are you one of the Bogs?

I didn't even know this country existed anymore.

take this shit to bant faggot

I "think aloud" a lot when I'm because it helps me organize my thoughts into something more complete and coherent than just letting my mind wander.

>go run errands
>constantly mumble my to do list

A-am I crazy?

Go to fucking /bant/ fagot.

a common sign of untreated autism in adults

Decent question OP but I have to sage you
Much love and I hope you find life in bant

>he doesn't have an imaginary friend

You cuvks don't know what you're missing. Never argue or backstab each other.

Sometimes I talk to myself about me talking to myself and then I start talking to myself thinking "Am I crazy for talking to myself" then I talk to myself about the whole situation while I go to bed

I am actually talking to myself right now as we speak, I just can't stop

my teacher once said that everbody does it
that is the only experience I have on that topic.
I donĀ“t talk to myself but i do have inner conversation in my mind

Almost everyone does. But only some do it out loud

>yfw you have been having a crazy conversation with yourself in the mirror because of some psychosis-triggering sativa and turns out that your roommate had called in sick and heard everything you said

When you have cabin fever like I do, sure.

Thinking is largely just talking to yourself without opening your mouth. Anyone who has never talked to themselves in any form have severe mental health issues and have the sapience of cats or dogs.
Being able to talk to yourself is what makes you human and above all animals.

Then you realize the internal dialogue is mostly compulsive and meaningless, often outright counter-productive. Then you wonder why you have so little control over it. Why does it keep going when you want it to stop?


usually at work because i work alone most of the time. I just recite things or practice foreign languages or sing wehrmacht songs. normal stuff

Well there is a difference between "thinking out loud" and actually having a "conversation with yourself" in which you reply to your early thoughts. I think the latter is unhealthy. Nothing wrong with thinking out loud but when you start replying to yourself I think it's a bad sign. Probably your brain yearning for social interaction.

DUDE i dunno but ive been doing it alot lately and realized ive never even remotely before.

thinking i caught scizophrenia from smoking to much weed, but the voice in my head is just telling me eat healthy and hit the mother fucking gym everyday so im still feeling really good

>Oh no we get minor new problems when we get a huge advantage.
Oh shit you might stub your toe if you have feet.

The fact is the body is mostly autonomous. You can direct it somewhat but realistically who has the willpower to control their blinking, breathing and walking manually?

>Why does it keep going when you want it to stop?

Your fucking mental m80, that's why. Off your bleedin' noggin!

yeah if your retarded

t. never thought about anything beyond an instant decision.
t. Leaf.

sure, it is a sign of good mental health - 'online' memory processing and consolidating information