Monarchism and Feudalism are REDPILLED Ideologies

They are the only ideologiges that recognizes genetics, merit, honour, freedom, rule of law, God, honour, property, respect, loyalty, honour, and the natural heirarchy of man. All other systems fall short of at least a few of those. These systems also are why Europe was saved the dark ages ain't dark they were the best times to be alive look at the knight in pic related that looks amazing and you also got jousting

>pic related look at that ASS

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Republicanism is the ultimate redpill


Republicanism has led to the fall of the west


Except for that time when monarchy allowed inbred faggots to rule over Europe.

Democracy is the most redpilled system.

Ewwww those boobs are so weird, and that guy has no armpit hair
I descend from those "inbred faggots" and I'm fine. They had superior genetics because their ancestors were chiefs who built villages from nothing. They weren't even that inbred since they could intermarry with so many kingdoms.

Only if you're talking about Roman Republicanism, which is different than the current republics

Same her kinsman

Republicanism created the west

enjoy having your daughters raped by royals you dumb cucks


Don't listen to what (((they))) say about the middle ages, there is no evidence that droit du seigneur was an actual practice all mentions of it come from later time periods

This is fair but I prefer monarchism

Unfortunantly I descend from illegitimate royalty since it was with a non-royal partner but the point remains the same. If genetics are superior you should be able to make your way back up via knighthood and then royalship.


It was a hoax. The Magna Carta prevented it. And if we talking mainland Europe they had laws and social order of themselves. Besides they followed strict Christianity which would have shunned such a thing.

Okay faggots but what type of monarchy ?
Constitutional or Absolute....

>droit du seigneur
was talking about Lucretia

I've been doing a lot of genealogy recently, once you connect yourself to at least one noble ancestor and can find so many notable people. I was able to trace my ancestry to the Plantagenets, Carolingians, Merovingians, and the Kings of Britanny among others

Abolsute. Constipootional monarchy isn't monarchy

Need to have mechanisms in case a drooling inbred gets the throne.

Freedom for whites, no freedom for niggers and kikes AYYYYY

Same. I was doing it until I went back to some descendant of King David who was a Jewish elixarch in France. I have nothing against Jews but I just don't feel Jewish and i don't want to learn more about that because then i won't feel fully european.

The Jews we know come from central asia

True. But the true reason why "feudalism"/monarchism is found universally in civilizations, is that it affirms true and natural hierarchies also found in true religions.

Indeed, it upholds the natural order

Nothing redpilled at all about my monarchy.

Then who are the European Jews that came from Babylon? THe ones from King David?

Totally bro!

I have nothing against this statement. Feudalism and God are inherently connected. God created the superior human and the inferior human. The superior human must resist a thirst for power and show mercy to the inferior, and the inferior must accept his position and not feel jealsey or hatred towards God. Both positions are equally hard.

Shitting in woods was also found universally. However civilizations evolve so we don't do it anymore.

That picture was drawn by his enemies.

>I have nothing against this statement. Feudalism and God are inherently connected. God created the superior human and the inferior human. The superior human must resist a thirst for power and show mercy to the inferior, and the inferior must accept his position and not feel jealsey or hatred towards God. Both positions are equally hard.

I'm no expert, but I believe the ashkenazi truly came from the caucus or central asia, and not israel

Stop mocking me. You don't know who you're talking to. I descend from ROYALTY and NOBILITY. I have that blue blood.

Fedoras are for atheists stupid

You do know they made them look prettier in these official portraits?
>monarchcucks think an absolute retard ruling because he fell out of right vagina is "noble" and "good"

I know. The jewish community in France i descend from is a Mizarh or whatever Jewish community meaning they came straight from Babylon.

Nah you're just a fucking leaf.

Oh yeah I agree, republicanism is a good concept

But ancient republicanism is more of a moral directive, rather than anti-monarchical concept

Indeed, in most Republics the representatives were not elected, but were nobles themselves

Take ye back to the east, son of the saracen!

>You do know they made them look prettier in these official portraits?

And what does that show? Bogdanoffs are ugly as fuck but they have superior genetics and some crazy high IQ. Just like aliens there genetics are so superior they look ugly just like how a monkey might think a human is ugly.

>>monarchcucks think an absolute retard ruling because he fell out of right vagina is "noble" and "good"

What are genetics?

>getting cucked by a king is redpilled

Your retarded nobility literally fucked up Poland.
In fact, historically, there is not a single country in history that prospered while nobles had power.
You could argue for Roman Republic, but their "nobility" was of different sort, and plebeians weren't powerless either.

t. slack-jawed faggots who would not survive a day in the middle ages

I wish I was still a Noble Lord like my great great great (you get the point) grandpa. You wouldn't talk to me like that. My ancestors probably drafted your ancestors

Republicanism wouldnt be bad if the entire society was still based around the morals and values of Christianity.

But instead we have bought into the "Church of Self and Science".

Hedonism and Pleasure are the new false gods, and all who worship them will one day be forced to bend at the knee and profess "Jesus is Lord".

LOL true. Look at Clintons, Bushes, Kennedys. They are an example of monarchy in a way since they are dyanstys. Too bad the Clintons and Bushes are evil though even though it's undoubtable they are genetically better than the average human.

At least it's involuntary. Under a republic you are ACTUALLY cucked since you choose who's the leader, you voluntarly let them rule you meaning you actually get cucked

>royal families
>superior genetics
>after centuries of inbreeding
>literally worse genes than the average plebeian because of hereditary illnesses
what are genetics indeed

Look at England under William the Conquerer, it had honour, it had God, it had morality, it had truth, it had culture, it had loyalty, it had a sense of purpose.

And why wouldn't I?

>slack jaw

You know the jawline thing is a myth right? A MYTH

>Under a republic you are ACTUALLY cucked since you choose who's the leader, you voluntarly let them rule you meaning you actually get cucked
>what is direct democracy
>what is switzerland
kys leaf

Yeah, you wish, leaf.
Republic needs civic virtue. But good thing about republic is that people get what they deserve. It's a rather fair system, wouldn't you agree?

1. First off inbreeding didn't happen as much as you think. There were many kingdoms in the medievil times, it wasn't like modern countries. There was such a broad choice and since every generation wanted to marry a new country leader to strenghten their allience inbreeding seldom happened.

2. This anti-inbreeding propaganda is a hoax created by the globalists to destroy the family. There is nothing wrong with a family intermarrying for many generations, it keeps the ties strong and this "health problems" thing is government funded pseudo science.

3. Just because they look ugly doesn't mean they have bad genes. Bogdanoffs are ugly but they are genetically superior and have ultra high IQs.

>slaughtering thousands and commiting genocide in north

Switzerland has a Federal commission it isn't a direct democracy.

Yeah you wish right.

They didn't commit genocide. Back then men had honour they didn't kill civilians, that started in world war 1. Back then civilians were treated with honour and respect and knights would actually cheer up children of the enemy fallen soldiers.


Monarchist is garbage and anyone supporting it should be hung as a traitor to his people.

>in most Republics the representatives were not elected, but were nobles themselves
well in Poland-Lithuania there were nobles, but they had local legislatures which elected deputies to the central Sejm/Parliament

>Your retarded nobility literally fucked up Poland
Partly but townspeople too. Catholic nobility was simply afraid of those Enlightenment radicals of burger/noble roots and they couldn't agree on how to reform the country and how to fight with foreign powers. 18. century is when ideologized intellectuals come onto european stage with their "modernization" zeal. Progressive catholic hierarchy included. For instance Poland-Lithuania had the first secular ministry of education in Europe created by those "modernizers" and traditionalists were sceptical of all this because they were used to republicanism. Enlightenment ravaged entire Europe. The roots of SJW-ism are in 18. century burger/noble intellectuals and activists who called themselves modernizers

The medieval peasant produced the grain of interest for the feudal lord,
The tithe for the priest. But neither grain nor torn grain were commodities produced for others. To order goods the product must serve the other, to which it serves as a useful value,
To be transferred through the exchange.

Finally, no thing can be of value without a usage of an object. If it is useless, so is the work which it contains
It is useless, does not count as work and forms therefore has no value.

Just gonna let this here.

"The origin of the all-mechanical escapement clock is unknown; the first such devices may have been invented and used in monasteries to toll a bell that called the monks to prayers. The first mechanical clocks to which clear references exist were large, weight-driven machines fitted into towers and known today as turret clocks. These early devices struck only the hours and did not have hands or a dial. The oldest surviving clock in England is that at Salisbury Cathedral, which dates from 1386. A clock erected at Rouen, France, in 1389 is still extant (photo above), and one built for Wells Cathedral in England is preserved in the Science Museum in London"

I didn't understand a word.

i don't get it

Monarchism is the only redpill there is. People need a leader there will always be a leader. You and your elected populist retards ruin everything. Monarchism is the only way to make sure there will be a good leader over generations. You might get your eventual goodguys like hitler but what happens after he' gone? Next elected fucker will fuck everything up like they always have done. Suffering makes good leaders who build empires and easy life makes bad leaders who destroy empires. Monarchism ensures that the lead stays with people who are especially trained for their position and wont fuck everything up.

>why should this guy be in charge?
>uhhh his dad was?
>what if he's retarded?
>idk its muh tradition

yeah good system

God isn't real, retard.
There's nothing about royals makes them better than anyone else except that they've convinced retards like you of it.
>The superior human must resist a thirst for power and show mercy to the inferior
And that doesn't fucking happen in monarchy. To a nobleman a peasant is barely human, more like cattle useful for maintaining his position and throwing at his enemies.

Monarchism isn't about leadership because you can have a shit king. Monarchism is simply the most natural social state. Monarch is the guy who was on top of society since unknown times and he spontaneously or through election collected power and became the head of this society. Look at barbarian tribes of Europe - they all created monarchies, because to them it was natural that a natural social hierarchy has to have its end in the monarch, like a pyramid. Monarchy is a non-ideological social state

>People who disagree with my free democracy should be killed
Good job showing your hypocracy

>especially trained
Only argument monarchcucks have, but it's still painfully retarded.
Education doesn' guarantee success. In fact historically, good rulers were very often succeeded by incompetent children.

Poland got invaded by countries that had stronger monarchies

You said it yourself, your "noble blood" is from a bastard. You don't have any claim to shit.

If they were inept their could be a regent, or succession would pass to a suitable heir

Why do extreme right idiots make arguments like this?
You want to enslave the people and take away their rights. Of course you'll be shot. if you act on your beleifs.


>the morals and values of Christianity.
Name one thing Christ taught that was any good. Everything he said was shit. There are no good Christian values.

You realize monarchy isn't slavery, right? They had slavery in Rome, yet when William I invaded England and brought continental style Feudalism, he he did away with slavery

Sovereignty belongs to people. Stripping away popular sovereignty means slavery.

Which is why the world needs a Caliphate ASAP
Republic of Portugal were never great, but Kingdom of Portugal and Empire of Brazil were for some times

>have to work the fief for the local Lord
>get drafted if he has a fit with the neighboring Lord
>own hardly anything and are taxed most of what you produce
But it's not slavery, it's "fuedalism".

Hans Herman Hoppe would recommend both.

What if Pinochet would crown himself and start a dynasty? That would be far right minarchist-monarchy, the best system on earth

It's about GENETICS I am genetically superior

> Education doesn' guarantee success.
Let me disagree here with you, i'm not talking about some random (((elementary school))) i'm talking about real upbringing with real values and real education.

>Besides they followed strict Christianity which would have shunned such a thing.


Yeah sure buddy

My ancestors cared for their people, noblemen cared for peasants which is why peasants had a good quality of life

No one has acted on any belief, it's a discussion thread


As someone who was bullied in high-school by people who banded together to be more intimidating I 100% respect this guy

Yeah sure bud
