What Would Carl Sagan Do?

We all know half-rate niglet Neil Cotton-pickin` Tyson is a globalist shitstain reptoid. He is an intolerable cretin spouting watered down nigger science for a low IQ audience.

If Carl was alive today would he be dishing out redpills? He was pretty emphatic about the importance of western civilization, but he was also a tree hugger. What does Sup Forums think?

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Carl Sagan was pretty logical. I think he was see the unequal restrictions on India and China, the world's largest polluters, and know this treaty wasn't about the ecology of the planet. I believe he would want an equally fair and effective restrictions on pollutants globally, for the benefit of all mankind, not just specific countries.

Have a Dr. Sagan pic for a post considering his thoughts.

do you think he would be for more "cultural enrichment"? he was one of (((them))) after all...
i loved that episode.

he was a kike, what do you think he would do lol

yes you are probably right but i still think he is a legend and if he were still alive i would say he should go on the "do not gas" list

He would probably be a liberal psuedoscientist like niel degrasse or billy nye

Sagan was not only highly intelligent, but he was a visionary thinker. I grew up learning from his work, and watching Cosmos.

Were he alive today, and in his prime, he'd probably be disgusted with what he sees, and trying to book passage when the first Mars mission comes along. Clearly, there's no intelligent life here- may as well look elsewhere.

Hitler was a tree hugger. We need environmentalism and food/drug/product regulationsbecause children are being poisoned into early puberties and trans/gay shit by hormones and endocrine disruptors.

this is certainly true. we should all be environmentalists in that sense.

i watched cosmos and read all of his books. he planted the seed of curiosity and discovery in my mind from a young age and i am so very grateful for that.

Saudi arabi released news within the last few days that they intend to colonise mars.

You can't escape, fight here or lose everything.

Same here. He also fed my thirst for logic, which when I was growing up, was a big part of my upbringing. I was fortunate enough to be recognized very early on and given a classical education. Perhaps people should quit wasting their time on reforming a failed education model and revive the root of classical academies.



I agree with almost everything he said. We should be using EVERY resource in the most efficient way possible. We should also research shit like solar while avoiding solyndra-esque boondoggles. We should also try to restore some of the damage done. The last point is meh. If third world people want to bring themselves up in living standard they should do it themselves. We shouldn't help.

>India and China, the world's largest polluters,
Yanks keep repeating this lie.

Carl is the ultimate red pill



>I want to hear smart people voice the opinion I already have

Wait, who's worse then? I don't remember any other country curbing their industry so the Olympics didn't choke on clouds of smog.

I think Sagan was borderline libtard, but he was also very rational and reasonable.
I think he'd surely reject the SJW special snowflakes, who'd in turn probably backlash against him, and that would maybe push him further right. Who knows. He lived in the days before all the great radicalization of the "left vs right" we see today.
In any case I don't think he'd be happy with the development of the world we see today.

>pic related
His best work. Read it or download the great audiobook narrated by him (the only one). It influenced me immensely.

ok hans

I agree. Any traditionalism should love the beauty of nature and want to preserve it. We should be pragmatic environmentalists.

My personal view is instead of cracking down with fines and regulations we should incentivize green energy until it becomes more efficient and the market favors it

Should also definitely keep our park programs. I don't like the extreme of pure materialist capitalism where everything is just fuel for the market. I prefer the third option.

any *traditionalist


it is always about balance. think about central park in manhattan as a good example. there must be incredible pressure to take chunks out of it for development. every square inch of that land must be worth an insane amount of money. but the lives of the people are made so much better by the park that it must be worth it.

checked. and disappointed.

>Sagan was not only highly intelligent, but he was a visionary thinker.

god i loved his shows and wish he was here

if anyone was born to soon, it was him


>I believe our future depends powerfully on how well we understand this Cosmos in which we float like a mote of dust in the morning sky.


He was a half baked intellectual, most of his shit was wrong. U need to go back and crosscheck the memes you took from him, chances are you've been given blupills, not redpills.

For a start, he gives the Greeks alot of credit for ancient maths and astronomy. That's horseshit. It was the Egyptians, all the Greeks went to Egypt to learn how to maths. Egypt had maths 1 to 2 thousand years b4 the Greeks.
Not saying the Greeks didn't build on Egyptian maths. But Sagan wrongly gives all credit to the Greeks.

>most of his shit was wrong
>only lists one, without sources

wish i had the sense to rip you a new one m8

He would fucking hate all the pseudo science with todays moderns "more than two genders" but be passive aggressive about it like the bitch he was.

Carl sagan was a fucking idiot who painted a target on our backs.


Everyone rightly praises the introduction, but the ending was just as good.


this is what sagan would do


as if super intelligent aliens couldn't find our shit hole of a planet otherwise, voyager 1 has barely left our solar system.

i've never took the time to round up all his shit and counter evidence it.
By the time I got round to Sagan ( because everyone had him as their meme leader ), I'd already redpilled myself on the stuff he was trying to bluepill me on. So i didn't need to gather cross-references, I already knew he was wrong.

here's a solid piece on why Sagan fucked up royally on Greece. I enjoyed reading it all, haven't made an infograph from it for the 2 second attention span crowd here.



When did Sagan escape /sci/?

We don't need your outdated, secondfiddle memes, here. Except the fucking 747 on a treadmill. I'd be curious to see how Sup Forums works jews into it.

The odds of that craft ever being found, not to mention the odds of it being found before the Earth is but dust in the solar wind, are staggering.

It's a map made preemptively to the future ruins of the people of Earth. Carl didn't want aliens to find us; he knew the odds himself; but he wanted someone to know that we had once been there.

Think of how we might have been, if someone had left us such a blessing.

Interesting. I don't know this passage from the audiobook I have.

The Arecibo message was much more dangerous.

Carl Sagan was The nigger before Neil. Total actor fraud who knew nothing. Did nothing. You're all fucking brainwashed stooges and they only reason you even THINK you're awake is because the media is so outrageously fake it's impossible to not realize something is wrong.

NONE of you are redpilled. NOT A SINGLE ONE OF YOU.

You need sources the greeks studied in Egypt?



Stop deflecting and fuck off, Bill.
Some of the people on tv actually have degrees in the subject.


Bill, REEEEEing on Sup Forums isn't helping.
Calm down and accept there are only 2 genders.

Who is the most important scientist of the 20th century to you? I'm genuinely curious

Super intelligent aliens are a fable. There is practically no way to detect industrial life on a planet before they create antimatter rockets.

Still increased the odds of us being wiped out by an R-Bomb.

Arecibo and SETI in general are 100% worthless because the inverse square law exists and signals do not go much further than a light year before being indistinguishable from background radiation.

We'd need a terawatt transmitter to even have a chance of punching through more than a few light years.

"important" is a subjective quantity.

Be specific.

>What Would Carl Sagan Do?
Burn a fatty and chill.

Sagan was a globalist, and well known for it.
>hurr durr the earth is really small zoomed out therefore one world no borders haha

should have said "important in your opinion", because the very question implies subjectivity.

>Who is the most important scientist of the 20th century to you?
>to you?



John Keely, Tesla

More important than either is Viktor Schauberger, but less for his science (of which we owe vortex generators to- not to mention log flumes but that's obvious) and more for his observations which forwarded fluid dynamics and field mechanics.

We have IDs you reddit cunts. I fucking hate Sup Forums

Stop deflecting and answer the question, capsposting faggot.

Proper Sup Forums answer

>implying Zen Buddhism isn't the final red pill

It's okay leaf, i understand you're yelling at me because if you did it IRL you'd be sent to the HRC Gulag.

Jonas Salk.

>20th century
since that was a boring question and everyone even remotely not fucked up on CNN knows the answer to. Let's move on to a real redpill.

21st century science: Dan Winter.

I think Carl would probably be for a more scientific solution to climate change. I don't think he'd deny the science (but he'd also be one too counter the ones who are inflating its importance/timetable). He'd want a scientific solution, using technology to actually /do/ something, instead of this whole buy and sell carbon tokens bullshit.

On the other hand, Sup Forums would hate him. He's a globalist, in the most traditional sense of the word. He wants a more unified and community focused world, and might buy into the "open/no borders" rhetoric, although he'd probably try and keep that out of his scientific shows/writing and reserve it for interviews.

I respect Carl as a scientist. And I love his dedication to space exploration. Its the one thing I'm passionate about. But I don't think he should be commenting on politics.

>Viktor Schauberger
I remember some conspiracy theories about him and the anti-gravity propulsion / UFOs.

>signals do not go much further than a light year before being indistinguishable from background radiation
You're probably right. I have to read more about it.

Also this is a great video.

He would criticize Drumpf just like every other scientist worth his salt

>I remember some conspiracy theories about him and the anti-gravity propulsion / UFOs.
problem is these guys were innovating in their fields. this is what a scientist actually looks like. NOT carl sagan. NOT Nigger tyson. NOT shill nye.

Some of the shit they were working on (keely especially) never worked. They were playing with shit they ultimately didn't live long enough to achieve. Some of it I don't even think works.

But Viktors real work which made his career was studying fluid dynamics and mastering it to control the behavior of water for various machines. His work is represented in a lot of fields. vortex generators don't just make a log flume operate by organizing water in the center, they also reduce separation across air foils to lower the stall speed.

Sagan was a globalist blue-pill ... The SETI thing was garbage and Feynman kicked him around badly for it.

But Cosmos totally got me into science... so props.

It doesn't hold up as well rewatching it. But better than the idiot NdGT by billions of light years.

yeah saudi arabia said they planned to colonize mars literally 100 fucking years from now after the US has already done it for them