Is this true Sup Forums?
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and it's the only job they can hold down
According to my facebook, the hardest job is being a mother, like and share!
sheeit. fpbp
I met Shannon sharpe once when I was 6. He yelled at me and made me cry it was pretty funny
I mean it must be pretty hard when you have never had a job
Getting tired of millionaire niggers telling me how hard their life is.
Well, that wraps up this thread.
hup mo bix nood muhfugga
Beat me to it
He got nuked by Jason Whitlock, who said poor people, regardless of color, have the hardest job
Everything is harder when you're stupid. No surprise here.
My family is good friends with the former lineback coach who's now the GM of the Texans. He got us all access passes to training camp back when it was in the boonies of Greeley. After practice I tried going up to him to sign my ball in the area where no spectators were allowed and he freaked out because he thought some 6 year old kid was jumping fences to get into the compound.
I thought being a woman or gay or autistic is harder than being black, FUCK TIS SHIT
Checked! Must be accurate. Live, laff love, amirite?
Isn't this the nigger who got away with stating that the only way blacks can get good things is if they steal it?
Ohh wow please tell me more.
By the way dont have a black doctor they only need a 2.5 gpa to enter medical school whereas whites need 3.5
I fucking hate this blabbering nigger. He's the worst in sports, second only to pic related.
yeah, so hard to be full of privileges, getting everything for free and living of the wellfare state.
fuck im bekomming a real racist.
cannot stand nigglets anymore.
funny thing i saved from pol the other day, that really made me think. see image
Depends on what kind of black you are. If you don't agree with BLM because they do the opposite of what they preach and understand why the world hates you then I can see why. But there are too few of them.
So I say the hardest job in America is being rational
why do niggers actually believe this?
Are Blacks a literal Curse upon us? I'm beginning to think they're a curse.
>Depends on what kind of black you are.
No it's not. Source: I am black
Hes right you know. Nobody wants to pay a nigger to be a nigger, except maybe Soros.
Unironically this. There's a reason Thomas Sowell refuses to give out things like his home address or home phone number even on the faculty page at Stanford.
>be black
>get accepted into harvard
> Everybody looks at you like you are going to rob them, and they are on guard around you
> Which makes it really hard to rob them
I've never seen white kids in a college classroom completely fail to grasp the material and then pass anyway, going on to compete with people who did grasp the material in the economy.
>Born white in USA
>You chose "Easy Mode!"
>Easy access to good education
>Stable, safe environment
>Caring families and relationships
>Get to look down your nose at other races
>Born black in USA
>Little access to education
>Crime-ridden ghettos
>Families destroyed by poverty and hardship
>Told by whites that you are inferior
C'mon burgers. Face the damn facts for once in your life. You'd rather be born white than black, no contest.
Your dysfunctional racism is the cause of so many of your social problems, if only you would wake up to that.
pick one
>5 niggers taking remedial classes at a community college
>1 wigger
Blacks btfo
But being black is not having a job.
Their dysfunctional culture results in every disadvantage you list. They are the cause for every "hardship" in their life. It's why no amount of gibs or diversity quotas has been effective in improving their educational levels, income, or living standards. Continue excusing their infatuation with drug dealers, gangsters, guns, violence, drugs, and role models that include NBA/NFL stars, rappers, and the local hood rats.
>blacks don't try in school
>they create crime ridden ghettos
>Because of the above, they are faced with poverty
>genetically predisposed to be disadvantaged, which is true
Somehow whiteys fault
replace rich with poor and maybe you have a point
seems like you're the racist, nigel
Stop being distracted Sup Forums
Listen to your president
>>You chose "Easy Mode!"
>Easy access to good education
>Stable, safe environment
>Caring families and relationships
>Get to look down your nose at other races
Would like to mention that I was born in Hackney (in the uk) and never had any of these advantages
I WORKED myself to move to the usa.
So please gtfo with that shite
Nope the mexicans are stealing their job
>Gang culture is becoming Hispanic, being poor is Hispanic
>Hispanic take heir gibs
They losing their jobs
Stephan a is a moron but he is WAY more based than sharpe
Actually the reason blacks suffer is because other blacks WANT them to suffer. Look at every majority black community in America and you'll notice a reoccurring theme of black people doing everything they can to keep other blacks down.
Any black that speaks out against this behavior is considered a coon or a house nigger. Every black that promote degeneracy is considered attractive and knowledgeable Blacks have no one to blame but themselves.
Hardest game in the world being black.
We did nothing wrong
Mom's better fucking argue this one. They've been claiming this for decades.
You are not a faggot.
> obstacles in the black community are due to mean white people, they have nothing to do with cultural practices like fatherless homes, crime, violence, drug use and alcoholism, which may be deeply rooted to IQ, capacity for delayed gratification, which is probably based in population genetics and epigenetics
Hahaha, fag. You really went hook, line & sinker into egalitarian platitudes huh?
Yeah, yeah, this morning I wasn't checking at my market portfolio, contacting some clients, putting out a bid for a new customer, I was thinking about how to make life worse for dindus. During this same time period, Xaykwondus baby momma scored $5 of crack from between the couch cushions and checked the balance on her EBT card. Clearly, it's my and other white people's fault.
Shut up.
>it's my and other white people's fault.
>and other white people
suck my dick
>groids BTFO forever and eternity
[Ed McMahon voice]Hiyooooooo[/Ed McMahon voice]
it is done...
shoudnt it be Wojaks in the fields?
> The hardest job in America is being black
Tell the Jews you quit then
As an intelligent black male yes it is on one side I have white people who see me as a criminal and on another side I have my own race THATS WANTS ME TO BE A CRIMINAL.
I mean shit bro I have a nice job but for some reason my drug dealer older brother gets more respect back in my old neighborhood.
>get off my lawn nigger.
The hardest job is having to live among niggers
Its hard because other blacks try to drag you down or kill you. For blacks who want to assimilate into white culture and have a decent attitude its much easier.
Hardest job in America is being a white, straight, Christian male. Popular culture blames you for everything while demanding you give random mud people and women all your shit for no reason, then blames you when that doesn't help anything.
Blacks have above average height and are considered more masculine. The only thing left is to speak proper english, wear some decent clothes and smile a lot to seem nonthreatening.
Blacks are poor and dysfunctional because it's in their genes to be that way. In Africa you just shit out as many kids as possible and hope some survive, quality is not important.
Technically, if you're into deterministic gene theories regarding the races. Than Blacks are playing life on hard mode. Due to no fault of their own, they come into this world with an IQ of 85 which limits their options, which will greatly effect their life outcomes.
Even if a black comes into this world smart, mother nature, and all her cruelty, will reset the IQ of their offspring back to the group average, thus, making it impossible for them to improve, at-least thru controlled breeding. They can't help what they are, but yet they're destiny to suffer the consequence of what they are...assuming you believe in genetic group differences by race.
Literally 8 out of 10 Americans are christians lol
Too bad they can't count...that's more jobs den ppl in the pic
Blame the media
Nothing has received a worse smear campaign in recent history than the Christian faith
Liberal media has made a mockery of it while giving a pass to Judaism and Islam, and modern Christians are bending over backwards to placate them
Christianity needs people like us, who understand that you cannot yield to these people, as nothing will ever satisfy them
threads over lads
Top kek put me in the reddit screencap.
Why do you think Ben Carson is always tired?
What the fuck is he talking about? It's literally never been easier to be black in America.