Guys it's settled science, why are we not paying indulgences to the church of progressivism to clean our privileged 1st world souls of sinful carbon emissions outside of sanctity of state enforced green energy alternatives?

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Because we're bad goy

Yeah helping American kids suffering from inevitable cancer from you Oil slaves is such an indulgence to liberals. Gas yourself slave.

It bacfles me that there genuinely are people who enjoy being dependent on oil states like saudi arabia. Wtf man...


You are such a fucking idiot

I wouldn't expect you to be able to read between the lines Mohammed.


Sauce? I'd believe it, would like to better understand it

The corporate welfare whores like musk were licking their chops over the free money they had invested themselves into a position to receive. Fantastic blow to science free and corruption heavy crony government.

>there genuinely are people who enjoy being dependent on oil states like saudi arabia.

Umm, we just LEFT the paris accord, have we been buying oil from anywhere else? It bacfles me that you believe adding another layer of oversight is supposed to keep us from having to deal with the saudis.


Go back to Africa.

Someone likes it.

So because 1 billionaire is upset, Trump should change his mind?

It's easier to sell Teslas under something like the Paris Accords because they are low emission and gasoline automobiles bear a much heftier weight.

Source on all these dead oil babies

US does not buy oil from the Saudis or any other ME country. At least not for decades now.

The USA isn't dependent on Saudi oil. The United States' largest oil supplier is Canada.

Learn before you speak next time.


(((settled science)))

Just go shoot off your dirty rocket for huge amounts of dollarydoos, Elon, and stop shooting off your mouth. Like a true American.

That isn't the same as getting money from a fund
Anyways there's nothing stopping him from selling those cars to anyone who wants them

They prefer the term "tar babies"

Anons like that are ignorant. They don't realize how much oil the u.s actually has. I live in Alaska, we are drowning in oil here kek.

Paris accord money just go straight into the pockets of jews.


As far as cancer I don't know but it's been well know to cause Asthma, at least Diesel.

How many Hail Elon's must I say to absolve myself of my climate sins, Father?

It drives up incentive to buy his cars which is what he wants. He doesn't directly get money from the fund but it does benefit him.

He's already collected billions in tax money for tesla though so him throwing a fit is pretty pathetic when this country has given him way more than he deserves.

No he doesn't.
All his business models revolve around distorting the existing market by using economics of scale.

The only country not in the climate agreement is effectively us, that means our fossil fuels will be worthless.

Even if you don't think 7 billion people running engines in atmosphere 62 miles thick could do anything, the rest of the world does think that will do something, and are building their economies to reflect that.

A 20th century economic models will not work in the 21st, even Saudi Arabia is restructuring oil out of their economy.
Trump is complaining about 10s of billions we would possibly spend on investments, while the prime minister of China just announced 100 b in addition to the 60b they are spending on solar alone in the next 5 years.

India and China are already begging to use this as leverage against our releationship with Europe, and they should.
I believe in scientific education above all else, and this is precisely why, we are too stupid to be a super power anymore.

Best DELETE or else you better hope I don't have tapes on you.

I actually believe that. Diesel smells so good though but it does put off some dirty shit.

You're free to leave

>he actually believes china and india give a shit about the environment
I've been there many times. Trust me, they don't give a fuck. Ya dumb little faggot.


Dependent on our military and our Paris peace agreement. Kys kraut

>Going to a place
>Thinking that somehow gives you authority on the way its leaders think
Thinking you have any insight into anything is idiotic.

>he thinks there aren't people on Sup Forums who've actually been to places and work in industries he doesn't and he's too stupid to realize how fuckin' retarded and way out of his element he is
Bernie can still win, bro!


>going to a place
>seeing thousands of factory smokestacks

Funny this is that the US Military believes in and plans for global warming. Which is kind of telling.


citation required. Tesla has done just fine without the legislation, and solar city has since been absorbed by tesla. I don't see how this makes any difference, it's not like he's relying on funds to stay afloat. He's making a profit.

>the rest of the world does think that will do something, and are building their economies to reflect that


To get into the capital of my country with a car you will be stuck in the rush traffic for at least one hour.
(The same piece of road into the city centre takes 10 minutes during night time)

The solution:

More taxes on cars, fuel and roads.
The "green party" vetoed against building bigger roads because muh ice caps and so on, their solution so far have been to tax everything together.

What they do not understand is that people need to use cars to get to their jobs, they do not have any choice.

Now, some might tell us to take public transportation...

I do, and it's hell.
Overcrowded as fuck and rude people all over.
(The transportation lines would collapse if more people were to take it)

Now, why don't you buy electrical cars you ask??

Because they are now starting to increase taxes heavily and remove every single benefit you receive for buying one today.

The "answer" from the green people here is to discard any real information and just suck money from you.

Do you know that in Norway you would have to pay 600$ each month to pay for toll roads and parking?

(Excluding the 440$ yearly tax for each car you own)

Now, this could all be great if there had been an alternative where you did not have to pay as much, but it does not exist, they are not planning for it to be made and you will just end up paying more taxes every year for something that you really need to use...

Fuck, I can't wait until I get back at work so I can listen to my coworkers whine about this.

Climate change is a scam ya faking goof.

Ofc it's real. It's not paramount and actually good for the environment. And we can do nothing about it. 3rd world will never go green.

>implying the paris agreement will do anything to stop climate change
>implying the US Military doesn't plan for ever potential situation from mole people invasion to sentient asteroid attacks

>unbiased source
The mission of The Heritage Foundation is to formulate and promote conservative public policies based on the principles of free enterprise, limited government, individual freedom, traditional American values, and a strong national defense.

US Military plans for anything and everything, it's what they do and it doesn't mean anything. They had a plan in place for if Hildawg would be President the same as they have a plan for any potential climate shifts

idk where this dude gets his money but I know solar wouldn't sell as well here in California if the state didn't pay for most of it

Yeah, I'm planning on it.
I don't like my tax dollars going to support you guys or our impact on the
world as a whole, and frankly I wouldn't be willing to even fight is another country invaded us, which i think removes me of the privilege of honest citizenship, so I should just show myself out.
I would die to defend Europe

If tomorrow all the things were gone I'd worked for all my life,
And I had to start again with just my children and my wife.
I'd thank my lucky stars to be living here today,
'Cause the flag still stands for freedom and they can't take that away.

And I'm proud to be an American where at least I know I'm free.
And I won't forget the men who died, who gave that right to me.
And I'd gladly stand up next to you and defend her still today.
'Cause there ain't no doubt I love this land God bless the U.S.A.

From the lakes of Minnesota, to the hills of Tennessee,
Across the plains of Texas, from sea to shining sea,

From Detroit down to Houston and New York to LA,
Well, there's pride in every American heart,
And it's time we stand and say:

I'm proud to be an American where at least I know I'm free.
And I won't forget the men who died, who gave that right to me.
And I'd gladly stand up next to you and defend her still today.
'Cause there ain't no doubt I love this land! God bless the U.S.A.

And I'm proud to be an American where at least I know I'm free.
And I won't forget the men who died, who gave that right to me.
And I'd gladly stand up... next to you and defend her still today.
'Cause there ain't no doubt I love this land God bless the U.S.A.

Yeah man this is it, America will never work on clean energy ever again.

Good thread.

>>implying the US Military doesn't plan for ever potential situation from mole people invasion to sentient asteroid attacks
They sure keep talking about Climate Change though, don't hear much about mole people.
> it doesn't mean anything.

The US Military also literally pays cash out of pocket to literally cut off its soldier's balls.

What's your point?

>The US Military also literally pays cash out of pocket to literally cut off its soldier's balls.
>taking shit out of context


>We'll save the world from evil, polluting oil companies
>by paying carbon taxes with petrol dollars!
>It's flawless!

This autist is actually a pretty smart scam artist. Riding the wave of sjw cash and retards believing he will go to mars.

all this tard's companies bleed money and operate at a loss

>I would die to defend Europe
Well, Europe will let you die, but you definitely won't be defending anything
you aren't scaring anyone

Oh no

That sucks

Not sure why you are bringing news outlets into this but ok.
Look at this autist. He got cucked so hard.

Fuck him. He wouldn't exist if it weren't for tax payers. He's a fucking welfare whore.

How so

Damn. Guess he better learn how to run a business that can make a profit in the absence of government gibs.

You're a fucking WHITE MALE

>we need more science edumacation X-D
the next time i hear some uneducated ignorant fuck say this i'm going to slit their throat muhammed style

The US military is also turning officers and soldiers into trannies and letting them continue their duties. It also allows women to try to perform duties that are physically impossible for them to handle, leading to debilitating injuries.

This has nothing to do with the paris deal, fucking moron.


God damn that bitch was a so obviously a goldigger, Elon confirmed retarded

tesla is literally finished without government funding


musk is done

child molester brian callen btfo

During his speech on it, Trump said: "I was elected to serve the citizens of Pittsburgh, not Paris."

That's probably one of the best sentences he's said recently.

You dumb fuck, if we conformed to the standards set in the agreement, we would reduce global emissions by the year 2100 equal to the amount China emits in 16 days. The US is already an environmentally responsible country, and fucking ourselves to the tune of billions each year isn't going to change shit. We're not even getting into the territory of your claims about carbon being ridiculously overblown, and the regurgitated whining of your favorite sophistic media charlatans already falls apart. You don't understand or care about science. You're a dipshit pleb who eats up globalist jew media slop and "fucking loves SCIENCE!" Your life is a bad joke.

>if we conformed to the standards set in the agreement, we would reduce global emissions by the year 2100 equal to the amount China emits in 16 days.

Source? This is good info.

>You dumb fuck, if we conformed to the standards set in the agreement, we would reduce global emissions by the year 2100 equal to the amount China emits in 16 days.

How do you do this without genocide?


>No he doesn't.

Tesla has never had a black fiscal year, the company loses money consistently. Stock prices are high because his competition had 1) fleet fuel economy average regulations, and 2) CO2 emission regs generally to deal with, while Tesla does not. People are expecting his competition to be outlawed.

>that means our fossil fuels will be worthless

Per kilowatt hour fossil fuels are cheaper than other methods of power generation. Even if the rest of the world was 100% solar/wind, the fact that our energy is cheaper gives us an advantage unless they tax our imports out of spite.

>China just announced 100 b in addition to the 60b they are spending on solar alone in the next 5 years.

Okay, since solar is still more expensive, that again means they are putting themselves at a disadvantage. German energy costs are three times what they are in America because of this.

It's a shit deal mate.

All of these CEO's against leaving the Paris Accord why don't they pay the billions to stay? They should put up or shut up.


go to a place
giant windmills as far as the eye can see
go to another place
mile after mile of solar panels
muh saved planet

Also plans on injecting fags with hormones and sending them into battle