>the rest of the world does think that will do something, and are building their economies to reflect that
To get into the capital of my country with a car you will be stuck in the rush traffic for at least one hour.
(The same piece of road into the city centre takes 10 minutes during night time)
The solution:
More taxes on cars, fuel and roads.
The "green party" vetoed against building bigger roads because muh ice caps and so on, their solution so far have been to tax everything together.
What they do not understand is that people need to use cars to get to their jobs, they do not have any choice.
Now, some might tell us to take public transportation...
I do, and it's hell.
Overcrowded as fuck and rude people all over.
(The transportation lines would collapse if more people were to take it)
Now, why don't you buy electrical cars you ask??
Because they are now starting to increase taxes heavily and remove every single benefit you receive for buying one today.
The "answer" from the green people here is to discard any real information and just suck money from you.
Do you know that in Norway you would have to pay 600$ each month to pay for toll roads and parking?
(Excluding the 440$ yearly tax for each car you own)
Now, this could all be great if there had been an alternative where you did not have to pay as much, but it does not exist, they are not planning for it to be made and you will just end up paying more taxes every year for something that you really need to use...
Fuck, I can't wait until I get back at work so I can listen to my coworkers whine about this.