>socialism doesn't wo-
Socialism doesn't wo-
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All those countries are white
You faked those statistics, they are not true anyway.
Young people don't live with their parents , their parents live with them
Wow, I hated socialism until I saw that image.
Now I have to strange desire to see my wife gang-raped by illiterate sub-saharan africans.
>that slovakia
What happened?
>be english
>get blown up
>be French
>get stabbed with sharp, pointy bread
>be sweden
>get raped
>be italian
>get strangled with pasta
does your economic status matter if you're being cucked by a million angry brown people?
>be american
>be stupid
It also has to do with culture. Just because they live with their parents doesn't mean the parents own the home.
That's what (((they))) want YOU to believe. White and mullato underclass fighting with each other while (((billionaires))) take all the cash.
Image shows the least socialist countries in green while countries with greatest history of socialism/communism in yellow-red.
You've not thought this bullshit through properly have you shill cunt?
>call americans stupid
>fuck up your country by importing a million brown people
wew lad
mullato are just as bad as niggers if they're raised in ghettos.
Fucking kek
Poland has the most extreme version of free market since 1990. Check (((Balcerowicz))).
>25-34 years old
In Sweden we only measure between the ages of 20-27.
>Swedes between the ages of 20 and 27 now live with their parents, which corresponds to 24 percent of the age group. The figure is the highest since the survey began in 1997, when the proportion was 15 percent.
You are basically a walking corpse after 30*
So it's 24% in age group 20-27 and 4.1% in 25-34? I think the numbers add up because most people move out after they graduate.
what is the problem with living at home? Live for free (assuming they own the house, which is basically everyone in my country), help your parents out, they can help with children so no need for kindergarten payment, connect with your family more.
Tell me one (1) downside.
These kind of statistics are bs, since countries have different residency laws.
In Slovakia, changing permanent residency is real bother and takes a lot of time, so people who rent apartments usually still have permanent residency at their parents house and change it only once they build their own home.
lvl 29, run my own business (IT), still live with parents. Feels good man. Fuck shlomo goldstein and his 15% home loans for 30 years
But you need to go out and live in a small box next to hundreds of other small boxes with people you couldn't give two shits about to really experience youth!
Don't forget to pay the (((landlord))) an extra tip for being such a nice fellow.
Part of the reason why people live with their parents more in shitty countries is because mortgages are like 5x more expensive here with 4x less salaries, so yeah, I wonder why nobody wants to be a slave for shlomo bankstein. If your parents can't help buying your own place, you're shit out of luck for far longer.
yes, fucking retards
usually the only argument they have is "you gotta get independent", by which they imply that going out and spending money for something you already have, all the while having severely distanced yourself from your family, is independence.
they define independence as moving out - their argument translates to
>move out so that you can move out
Realize that Shlomo made you stay in home.
Nice rationalization.
>Don't forget to pay the (((landlord))) an extra tip
The (((landlord))) is the reason you have to stay in home, not the reason you should not move out. Fucking goyim.
Those countries are not socialist; look up the Nordic Model. Denmark/Sweden/Norway/Finland follow something akin to Social Democracy/Democratic Socialism but still have free-market capitalism, so it's a hybrid of the two. Even so, there's still a huge difference between Social Democracy/Democratic Socialism and 100% full blown Socialism.
But you already knew all of that.
tbqh the Nordic Model isn't that bad, it just doesn't work outside of small, homogeneous countries/areas. The U.S. could adapt some of their policies (single payer universal health care, free education) and it wouldn't be the end of the world. Ideally, if it WAS introduced to the U.S., people could choose to "opt out" of paying higher taxes for those in particular and then just not get access to those services and continue paying the normal tax as well as the normal American price for healthcare and education.
Lastly, if you took the state of Vermont (a state with one of the smallest, most homogeneous populations and I believe also the whitest state in the nation although Maine may be a hair whiter...both are something like 98-99% white) and applied the Nordic Model to Vermont, it would thrive.
I live with my dad, he's disabled so I pay the bills.
But he stays at home all the time, cleans and sometimes cooks. Its better than to waist money with putting him on care at some retirement home.
That's the point, that it doesn't work.
But in the US the Nordic Model is a symbol of these dreaded socialism. As in the case of Bernie. In Europe he would be considered a centrist.
>people could choose to "opt out" of paying higher taxes for those in particular and then just not get access to those services
This is virtually not possible.
i am 29 a finally i got a job , :)
You are not a NEET/manchild and I am refering specifically to this problem.
Gimbokorwiniści, wyrosną z tego pierwszego dnia po pójściu do pracy.
Z czego niby? Z tego, że państwo kradnie 30% twojej pensji na dzień dobry?
>former communist countries all in the red
yeah exactly
Also "percentage of young people living with parents" is not a valid metric for anything
>tfw you're not alone
Feels good mang
there are differences between cultures. In the Balkans and the Mediterranean countries there is this concept of the extended family. This is nothing new. Also in some contries it is deemed imperative for a man to have a house and a steady income in order to sustain o family. The men in those country would rather live with their parents in order to save money so that they can buy their own hose. Western cucks pay rent and live at the whim of their landlord.
Communist countries didn't have a chance to accumulate capital and then in 1990 they were exposed to free market and free trade. Not a fair game.
>Also "percentage of young people living with parents" is not a valid metric for anything
The NEET epidemic is a biggest problem of our generation. No, the jews do not stage the media "millenials" outcry. They, multinational capitalists, are the root of this problem.
fuck you Slovakia, why can't you let us have 1st place?
These statistics are skewed, just because people aren't living with their parents doesn't make them financially independent, it is incredibly popular and largely becoming a necessity (at least in the UK) for 4+ young people to club together to rent a house and share the utility bills because it is almost impossible to do it alone without financial assistance or coming from an affluent background.
The countries that were within the Soviet Bloc are on average doing far worse than those that weren't. Are you retarded? This is literally an argument against Socialism.
you're a good man, lätakas
Well in Poland it's just a case of being to poor to rent a flat. The average wage for 18-24 is 2000 złotys a month (implying they are employed) and the rent in Warsaw is about the same. No chance to live on their own. Studying, working part-time and sharing a room at the same time? If you don't have wealthy parents you are totally fucked up. That's why 3 million young people fled to your country in the last 10 years.
So scandinavia is taking money from the baby boomers to provide housing for their children, everywhere else the boomers are stacking their cash while their kids live in the basement.
I hate baby boomers so maybe its not so bad.
No, all housing that was available has been given to immigrants, so ethnic Swedes can no longer afford to raise families.