>Both just peaceful xenophobic creatures >Both just want to drain the swamp >Both sadly discriminated against by powers that be >Green >Names end in 'ek' >Religious deities
But no memes linking the two together. Why? Why must they exist in separate parallel universes?
Normies ruined shrek maymays forever. They haven't touched Kek yet, we saved him from the filthy grimy hands of Katy Perry.
Joshua Bennett
Bumpin' because the board is full of paris agreement butthurt and slide threads
Colton Kelly
Have you ever been on thedonald? Its all Praise le kek xddd! Shrek isn't popular with normies anymore
Ian Jones
>Both just peaceful xenophobic creatures Are you forgetting "kek" started as a subversion of "lol". Do you forget it comes from WoW? Stop fucking ruining memes dumbass.
Leo Martinez
>haven't touched kek Have you heard of kekistan?
Jace Cook
Thanks genius, I obviously had no understanding of the history of 'kek' due to the fact that I referred to the frog which has since also been named kek
Tyler Bailey
>praise kek xD you seriously have to go back
Gavin Thompson
Okay. Does this mean we take Shrek back?
Ryder Hall
You misinterpret Kek, like most redditors do. Hes not the god of the alt-right and he doesn't want to save western civilization or drain the swamp. Kek is the god of chaos (apocalypses) and the new beginnings that come after. Hes basically black-pilled and his emergence signals the coming of the end times.
Tyler Lopez
Now it's "Praise Shrek" I guess. Normies care more about le Peepee and this is our opportunity to steal Shrek from the normies as we did Pepe.
Jordan Gomez
Might I also add this is also the difference between Kekistanis (redditors) and Sup Forums Kekists. Sup Forums Kekists realize the west isn't worth saving and wants to speed up its collapse. Kekistanis fell for the (((western civilization))) meme.
Easton Roberts
Does this mean Kek didn't want /ourguys/ to win in Europe? How is he out god then?
Cooper Perez
Hell yeah lets do it
Jacob Sanchez
Again, Kek doesn't favor one side. Trump was elected in America because Kek saw him as the chaos candidate. """/ourguys/""" aren't winning in Europe because Kek sees that Europe doesn't need to be changed, the collapse is already coming.
Matthew Sullivan
>Plotting the downfall of the US >Europe doesn't need to be changed I spotted the jew
Zachary Gomez
>memes aren't you still not getting tired of them? fucking normies...