
>girlfriend has a mulatto kid whose obviously not yours
>can't test for paternity because she hasn't consented
Those poor cucked bastards

Cause that's how you create strong independent womyn by exploiting men fucking genius

But girlfriends don't even exist, read the bible there's only marriage

I am jelly that we can't make money from trashy tv shows with teenage moms

Also the child can approve if it is over 18 for an execution of the paternity test.

English sources, as false as ever.

Is the image true? Switzerland usually gives me painful wood. Now it's reduced to a half chub.

I hate all of Europe full of socialist idiot liberals who believe in evolution

Sup Forums is full of niggers

Oh that's fine then after 18 years of funding the kid and the cunt too, 18 years of caring and raising this kid, the father can know if we was cucked or not. That's if the kid approves.

And people wonder why dudes who "seemed so normal" just snap and off their wife and her newborn child and then kill themselves.

Not that it's in any way excusable.

Paternity fraud is easily equatable with rape. Give most women the option of getting blackout drunk and letting some dude slip it in, or PAYING FOR SOME OTHER WOMAN'S OFFSPRING UNTIL THEY ARE AN ADULT, and i bet you most women would choose option A

Fuk this I'm just gonna be gay

I smell a plot to make a certain demographic want to breed less..

Homos should be whipped and put to death, better to be single and never have children

>inb4 falling birthrates because men do vasectomy

How is that not considered social engineering?

> who believe in evolution

I was with ya till that....

For the life of me I will never understand how anyone could go to a zoo in a major city with a simian exhibit where blacks are there gawking at the gorillas and NOT see the very close resemblance in looks and behavior.

That's all it took for me to figure it out, and I was probably 9 or 10 years old on a school trip to the zoo.

How the fuck grown adults who've spent any time around blacks and deny evolution is just beyond me.

>can't test for paternity
So what happens when a guy says, "nope, not my kid, you have zero proof so you can't force me to pay." ??

Niggers aren't human if you read the bible you'd see this


You only fund, if you are biologically or under legal circumstances the father ofc.

You can't legally prove that unless she approves =^)

No proof required to toss people in prison?

-I identify as female. You fathered my child. When it comes to one persons word against another, the female is always correct and the male is always the liar. Pay up or go to jail.-

Is that how it works?


No, she just writes your name in the birth certificate and you're a father before the law. That's how it works everywhere.

You can get a paternity test in Switzerland. It's France that it's against the law unless it's court ordered. Also all that paternity to ex-girlfriend shit only applies if the kid is yours.

my white racist dad would do all those things to cats. he hates animals

But we were just friends, mr. Judge, she said it herself in the social media.

How you going to prove this ex-bullshit anyway?

Generally the would-be father writes his name on papers during birth at the hospital and that's when he becomes entrapped with lifelong slavery.

Stupid fucking nigger she's gonna have tyrone's baby and make you pay for it, you won't even have to have sex, holy shit do you not think?

He's European so no