Red pill me

Why was leaving the Paris agreement a good thing?

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we can fund our own green research instead of funding africas

it makes liberals shake, especially euros.


Maybe we'll actually focus on creating clean energy instead of just taxing dirty ones.

It wasn't.

Anything that pisses Germans and Frogs off I'm all for it.

because it would have been a waste of money.

it wasn't

No Eurotrash bossing us around in the name of climate change

>we can fund our own green research instead of funding africas

you won't be doing jackshit for green research. coal mines are going to open up soon. Did you just understand jackshit about what your president did??

And boom goes the environmentally friendly dynamite

The agreement was treating cancer with aspirin. It was just virtue signaling so nations could say "hey we're trying". That being said Trump doesn't act like he's too keen on finding a better replacement yet

Yall should have dropped it at 'Paris'!

To hell with international law!
We could set policies by ourselves if we wanted to.

Because it makes the other side insane


paying tax will reduce anything else then the size of you wallet?

Saving our planet isn't a waste of money.

Watch the molyneux video. So glad trump won

>sign into a deal where we have to pay BILLIONS of dollars to 3rd world countries
>under the pretense of "helping them build renewable resource infrastructure"
user, we both know exactly where that money goes -- into the hands of the dictators in Africa. Also, America was expected to pay a huge amount compared to other countries. So good luck to them funding their bull shit without the US of A.

It makes clean energy more attractive for investors.

What the jews has to do with that ? They have massive investmenets in fossil energies. Just listen to your your president, burger, and blame the Chinese.

You're right, I guess tomorrow all our renewable energy plants and green energy research centers will have to shut down because of this.

Save it from what? Most climate change is occurring naturally.


Saving our planet is worth money, but the Paris agreement wasn't going to save a damn thing. It was toothless but still expensive.

The Jews are always responsible for everything bad.

I'm on board. Fuck the accords and fuck the French, germans and niggers

Sauce or name for pic plz

need sauce on that JAV

You're pathetic. But no problem, In 2020 a new one will come and put the US on the good way

This, just a paper tiger to get the environmentalists off their backs

And? Heating up the planet burns nigger countries, not white ones. Hail global warming

Because stacks of cash as fat as that ass.

why do we need to save the envrionment?

it's fine now, let our children worry about it

i'm gonna go film a video of me blasting diesel exhaust into the faces of kids at the nearby park to proove my point

yes, i want kids to have cancer, all of them

>Literally redpill me on X.

Because China is the largest contributor to CO2 emissions and they aren't even in the top 10 in terms of financial contributions to the Paris deal.

From an American perspective it's a good thing because America has to foot most of the bill for the Paris climate accord.

>pic related US cities in a few years
In the meantime Elon Musik comes to Germany to build electronic cars and make our economy even stronger. US is below China tier already.

I liked Trump in the beginning. But now I realized that he is too much focusing on money, money and money. The world isn't only about that.

The coal mines are already open, they are just sending the coal to China.

Maybe if China got serious about climate change, these accords and protocols and bullshit would have some merit.

no it makes businesses that provide you with energy and materials to go bankrupt, and it jacks up power prices and the cost of materials.

> muh climates

Global warming was manufactured as a means to control world economies

Here are some scenarios that COULD HAVE UNFOLDED if Trump had stayed in the Paris Accord:

America stays, but comes up with a "target" reduction of 0%

America stays, comes up with a "target" reduction of like 0-2%, and ends up meeting that target purely by accident as the market comes up with alternative energy solutions

America stays, and sets a bold target like 100% reduction of CO2. Then, when we fail to meet that target, literally nothing happens because the agreement is NONBINDING. "Oops. What are you gonna do about it, Frenchie?"

The actual act of leaving the agreement is absolutely nothing, as it is completely non-binding and forces us to change absolutely nothing about our climate policy.

Oh wait, there's one more scenario I forgot, which is what the LIBRALS want:

>America stays in Paris
>sets target C02 reduction of like 15%
>America's energy producers and major manufacturers go "OK, what are we supposed to use instead?"
>Nuclear? The best option, but no that's too scary because look what it did to the Japs
>Wind and solar? LOL wtf is this a fuckin cartoon? Play any city sim game like Cities Skylines and you know how ridiculous impractical it is to keep major industries powered off a fucking cool summer breeze
>No seriously tho what do we use?
>Librals: lol figure it out
>industries downsize
>businesses fail
>lights go out
>America dies
>eurocucks rule the world

>Maybe we'll actually focus on creating clean energy
>we can fund our own green research instead of funding africas

>by shutting down the EPA and opening up more land to drill and mine

>literally no-one here can give a legitimate answer because nobody here knows shit about climatology

t. country that would be paying a fraction of what we would pay if this agreement were signed

Better question is what is the point in joining it? The standards set are entirely optional and largely benefit developing countries over developed ones when it comes to environmental dick measuring. The fact that China is still considered (((developing))) is the biggest meme in history

I haven't seen a German poster not butthurt over this. Enjoy your new Islam overlords.

No. It means more ecological disasters as we continue to strip mountain tops for coal. At least Eastern Kentucky will boom again at the cost of its beautiful scenery as we rip apart the Appalachians, frake the land dry and pollute aquifers and oceans all in the name of giving billions to the billionaires. yay for trump though, amiright? Trumptards forget that Trump himself is a billionaire that wants to continue lining his pockets, a literal jew puppet.

>So the US must pay for other countries to fight their climate change? China and India can pollute all they want, but if the US loses trillions in business by reducing climate change by .0025% that's cool with you.

>Why was leaving the Paris agreement a good thing?
For the US? Completely, 100%

For everyone else that thought they were going to get billions of US dollars every year forever? It's annuda shoah, 6 million coastlines destroyed!

allowed us to remain competitive instead of stifling industry?

if you really think humans are responsible for climate chance, why not start with the biggest offenders like China or India?

Exactly. Every piece of coal burned grows the Sahara desert a bit.

What rock have you been living under? China spent $328 billion on renewable energy last year. Leaving the yanks in the dust. Back 3-4 years ago China's pollution was so bad it caused smog warnings through Japan every spring. Getting less and less every year because they're smart enough to be making the switch.

Yanks are just fucking retarded, which makes sense because the education system in North American countries is terrible.

Now we can do what we want regarding the issue
why should we be bound by what other country want.

>the world isn't only about that
>when jews control the world through it
>and the USA has trillions in debt

it's almost like we're having some short term suffering for long term freedom
it saddens me the environment has to pay for it in the meantime though

Yes because america has a 1.3 billion population where everyone drives 2 stroke motorbikes and everything is run on coal power.

That's why I said "maybe". Ideally, Trump would take this money and somehow promote solar/electric hybrid cars, but I do doubt that. I still feel like this is a good decision, putting money toward climate change "research" might as well be the same as just wiping your ass with it and burning it.

Increased temperatures would increase rainfall, so perhaps not. The Sahara Desert used to be grasslands.

>Trump is the best he makes liberals angry XD by not believing in clime change!!11!!1!!! he is (((my president))) xD
literally /nu-pol/ tier

>why yes I'm a vegan who enjoys interracial pornographic cinema, how did you know?

>A Nip defending and advocating for Chinks

Just how big of a cuck are you?

Gosh why are western euros such massive cucks all of a sudden?

that's because he's yang chong posting on a proxy

99% of jap posters are not japs


They didn't "make the switch" you fucking zipperhead. Their industry and growth is slowing.

That wasn't very funny, Carlos.

No more handouts from the US

Yet you nip bastards keep slithering over here to go to our colleges and live in our cities. Go play in Fukushima you zipperhead fuckwit.

Fuck yuros with your jewish mother guilt trip as a thin veil for begging for American welfare handouts. You get nothing. Everyone else in the world can fuckoff and stay poor.

he's a snaggle toothed britburqa or auscuck beta english teacher

>all of a sudden

He wasn't joking

The environmentalist movement is just another branch of socialism. This is well established.

If Obama, Al Gore, Soros, Merkel, France and Brussels are all for something that means we should be against it.

The true cause for global warming / climate change is due to the inbound Planet X. Also known as Nibiru, Wormwood, the 12th Planet, 10th Planet, Marduk, The Great Destroyer, etc. I have proof.

>austistic screeching

I believe in climate change. Not to the extent to which Bill Nye shills about it i believe it's a thing. But a group of leaders getting together and jerking off isn't going to do anything.


Get out, Macron

Because the chinese is part of it but doesn't give a rats ass about it either.

Besides, the only thing that can actually change oil fuels burning is Exxon Mobile. Everyone is completely reliant on their ability to refine oil into gasoline. The minute they have their breakthrough with Algae oil, they'll change the world.

>save the planet

The planet has been around far longer than we have. It doesn't need to be saved because it's not going anywhere.

Answer me just this one question...
When is it arriving?

Ok then we can not fund green research here and also not fund it in Africa. Either is fine with me.

It's already here, in our solar system.

Answer his question, if you can.

How can you believe this? What changed today versus yesterday before your outrage? Because the treaty wasn't in effect yet, so it's not that. And keep in mind when answering all of the GHG emmissions lowering the US has been doing for decades.