What is the logic behind this?
Other urls found in this thread:
there is none
welcome to liberalism
it's implied to them that black people live near coal plants more than whites do
I've yet to see any proper map or numbers on this idiocy
pick one
Bro CO2 is like a gaseous Klansman
oh, got it. They like nigtroleum better
theyre going to start pushing this hard just wait. Instead of fleeing a warzone they will be fleeing "drought stricken area because of climate change"
You have to stop thinking that liberals are capable of logic.
Liberalism is a mental illness.
Checked. In the future, please use archive.
>nytimes com/2016/05/03/us/resettling-the-first-american-climate-refugees.html
--> archive.is
>theguardian com/environment/2016/dec/01/climate-change-trigger-unimaginable-refugee-crisis-senior-military
--> archive.is
My God.
ahahha time to poluate more .
BLM is already on it. Remember the freak show at the London airport last year?
They just bundle all their nonsense talking points together
You already have to be illogical to have the positions that they have so it's not surprising when they say stupid shit like this
*pollute mafianon
really makes me think.
What has the ACLU tweeted today about the U.S. government spying scandal?
communities of colour are always disproportionately affected by climate disasters
just look at katrina
Sup Forums BTFO
Poor people are more likely to live near shitty things. You know, like train tracks, airports, highways and sources of pollution and all that. Participating properly in the agreement would mean reductions of sources of pollution, so fewer poor people (And by extension, niggers) would be as exposed to pollution.
(((Gay Si El Jew)))
something something white guy making decisions that negatively affect the health of poc
member when the ACLU wasn't just the NAACP lite? I member
u member when they came up with BLM?
>racial justice
>communities of color
These are all code words for the marxist type far left.
Pic related: One of the founders of the ACLU. They're all jews communist/bolsheviks that hate/hated white christian america.
More white people are coal miners than niggers. Checkmate.
>black people are poor, it's whitey's fault
Yes, and jacking up their electricity costs to shave .2 degrees off the average temperature by 2037 based on unproven models is a good idea.
That's dumb af. They go out of their way to protect the civil rights of any dick who needs it, klansmen and nazis included.
Twitter itself is just more propaganda on top of the media.
a good chunk of likes these leftists get on these social media sites are from chinese companies who sit on their computer all day "liking" what they are told.
its all to try and sway the masses opinions.
Not anymore. They're becoming SJW as more and more marxists join the organization.
It's 2017 retard, not 1980. Principles no longer exist, and if you truly believe what you just wrote you'll be disabused of the notion before the decade is done.
What the hell does Racial 'Justice' have to do with Civil Liberties?
Why can't there be an American Civil Liberties Union that defends Civil Liberties without some other agenda attached?
What the fuck is "racial justice"?
It's the opposite of liberty.
The ACLU used to be about protecting the constitution, they would even defend the KKK if they wanted to hold and an event.
However the ACLU has become an unofficial arm on the government, which can't track people for political ideologies, so they let them along with the SPLC """advise""" them instead.
I used to respect the ACLU a few years ago, but these kinds of things are nails in the coffin. One of the worst was when the SPLC attacked the Sierra Club for investigating the damage that illegal immigrants do to the environment, like trampling endangered plants.
more welfare
jesus.... literally none.
just... wow
Same reason that snopez has changed from a fun little website that investigates urban legends and chain emails, to an SJW cesspool. The leftists don't believe in decency or fairness, unlike us, so they wipe us out while we continue playing by the rules.
It would give poor blacks more jobs jepordizing the ACLU's productivity
Oh God they don't know what coalburners mean.
>racial justice
code for black supremacy
Paris accord includes an immigration requirement.
Their tweets are better than Wendy's.
What decency and fairness? All I see here is racism.
Dude, at first I didn't get this move by Trump. But is this his goal? Turning the third world into an uninhabitable shithole? Cause I'm down with that, as long as we don't let them take refuge here.
But then our country just lifted the limit on refugees... wtf is going on? Nothing he does is consistent.
>tell them to move if they don't want to breathe coal.
If they don't move, they voluntarily choose to breathe coal.
Why do you think their skin is so dark?
Reddit is taking the news well.
>tfw the only places i would ever live are unaffected
You can still post whatever you want that's legal, including in a new thread.
"I'm part Jewish and I support Israel." See?
The SJW approach to Sup Forums would be to censor anything that is inconvenient to their cause, so no "sexism" (unless it's anti-male), "racism" (unless it's anti-White), "homophobia" (unless it's against gays who are conservative or Christian), etc. And furthermore, the mods would cherrypick articles for us to discuss, for example DRUMPFY TOOK AN EXTRA HALF SCOOP, NOW HE WANTS 2.5!
I like how my state and australia are low risk despite already being hot as fuck deserts.
lets go ahead and re enslave the jews n blacks
kill all lebsians n gay
keep hto traps tho
is that enuf injustice!! now your news will match the shti going on!
wow i just noticed japan
how fucked up will anime become once their brains are fried?
you just described neogaf
Don't you know? Climate change is rayciss.
They're concerned about rising sea levels because niggers can't swim.
Nogs won't be able to swim when the sea levels rise.
There's no logic.
You are Italian so I can't really explain this in a way you are sure to understand but assuming things are roughly the same there:
Where are your coal plants? On/in/around the poor and industrialized side of town? Or on/in/around the wealthy suburban side of town?
Now where do the blacks and other poor people live? On the poor side of town or the wealthy one?
>The area around coal power plants and other industrial areas aren't places where people want to live
>Residential areas around these areas are cheaper as a result
>Apparently only minorities are dirt poor, so they live in these areas because they can afford it
>Somehow the Paris Agreements will fix this
It's reactions like this that remind me why I love trump so much
we collectively could not effect so much butthurt in a thousand years as this one man has already
>all I see is racism
We know. You live and breathe racism.
You've been taught to.
that just means that trump is revitalizing black communities by putting them back to work.
After Brexit, after Trump's victory, they still haven't figured out that declaring anything they don't like to be racist isn't enough to convince the people to side with them.
I didn't mean to describe an actual website, but I'm not surprised!
I'd just like to point out that while suburbs typically are wealthier than inner cities in America the opposite is typically true about European cities, with minority enclaves often forming in peripheral suburbs
>everything I dont like is racist, homophobic, sexists, etc
If you do not know the progressive handbook by now then you are not paying attention
>le upvote this epic for a win trol heheh xDD
A lot of that is because of the FHA, which rated neighborhoods by their racial makeup. When the Supreme Court said no restrictive covenants based on race, the property values tanked when non-whites moved in. Even whites who like non-whites don't want to lose their investments. Should be considered an ethnic cleansing of whites from urban areas by deliberate action of the government, really.
>mfw this is real
>mfw some of my contacts on normiebook agree withit
I figured it might not be the same. That's why I said I wasn't sure I could explain it well.
So here, I will try again.
It's not something you need numbers for if you live in the US. It's more like common sense that you can readily observe in any given city.
Plants are built in areas where property is cheap and there is little resistance (Industrial and poor areas in a city). The property is cheapest in and around the industrial side of a city, because people don't want to live next to the loud noises, pollution, etc. The people who can afford to be picky about where they live (wealthy people) choose to live someplace away from this part of town. The people who live near it are those who don't have the money to be choosers.
Minorities are a much higher percentage of the poor, thus the people who live around plants tend to be minorities more often, and are thus the ones who suffer the effects of bad air quality and chemicals in the air.
But if you would like some more concrete information, here:
The NAACP did a study wherein they looked at the US's coal plants, examined their quality based on what kind of shit they were putting into the air and in what amounts and then looks at the demographics of the people residing closest to these plants (typically very impoverished households).
how about we just build factories with all money wasted on welfare n public school and put homies to productive work?
cut off the parasites and they howl bloody murdah
Says the psychopaths who relish in death, bloodshed, destruction, and "dominance," who are heavy misanthropes and hate women and other races, and who advocate an assortment of subhuman and degenerate behavior.
Keep projecting though, faggot. Sup Forums tactic no.1
Projection is a liberal trait.
Because only White people work in the high paying energy sector. Niggers are to stupid and lazy, therefore good jobs are raaaaaaaaccciiisssttt!
Says the fags who project day in and day out.
Keep it up.
There is none. In case you hadn't realized these global warming cucks are fucking nuts
>klansmen and nazis
You mean fed agents and paid shills
Racial justice is climate change buy buy buy buy ARE YOU BUYING YET FUCK WHITE PEOPLE BUY MY SHIT
My God. Racist worldviews confirmed yet again.
Funny thing is that pollution from chimney don't hit ground level in the direct vicinity of the plant... For modern 100+ meter high chimney pollution start reach ground at around 5-10 kilometers range... Right in the suburbs lol.
Yeah, that's all you ever see. I've had some of the most in depth and enlightening political conversations of my life with anons from this site. I agree it has gotten worse with the shills vs t_d dynamic but there are still a few threads everyday where you can ask genuine questions about different political philosophies and get answers from different perspectives across 6 continents. So fucking what if a few of the responses contain the word "nigger" or "kike". You people are intellectual cancer because you suffocate dialogue, and that is why the only option is to destroy you.
>sees flag
>sees words "suburbs" and "cities"
>triggered by flashback to rural and suburban retard posts
Is this what meme war ptsd is like?
Is that Anri Okita.
pick one
we wuz ice caps and shieeet
>Something happens
Everything is racist, just Anita Sarkeeesian
Allow me to translate - 'Everything is about me.'