What's Barron Trump's IQ Sup Forums?
What's Barron Trump's IQ Sup Forums?
Who's that semen demon?
0 because autists are retards
the kid is autistic, leave him alone
Autistics should be put to death, you're redpilled aren't you?
>Brilliant trick fixes wrinkled face skin
I need to know this
Get a BBC to jizz on your face and spread it around with the black man's hands
Say goodbye to innovation in STEM fields then
It's really hard inheriting such shitty genes. It does make me wonder if eugenics should be revived in the US.
About that of an average American, and he's not the among the sharper crayons in the box.
His iq it too high to show through conventional means.
>What's Barron Trump's IQ Sup Forums?
He got traumatized by a second rate comedien holding up a plastic head that resembled his father.
He can't be too bright.
Equivalent to nignogs.
6 gorillion
It's Over 9000!
Heh heh. I just had to do it
>What's Barron Trump's IQ Sup Forums?
Probably below 60 since he though a prop head was his dead father, Jesus what a retard.
about tree fiddy
confirmed, Barron Adolf Trump will lead the New American Empire into battle against the mongrels of the planet until we finally develop a white ethno-planet and spread our influence throughout the galaxy and soon the universe and maybe someday even other universes