QT @ 10:45pm >David Dimbleby presents topical debate from Barnet in north London. >On the panel are Conservative Brexit secretary David Davis, Labour's shadow international trade secretary Barry Gardiner, Liberal Democrat former deputy prime minister Nick Clegg, SNP deputy leader Angus Robertson and Ukip deputy chairman Suzanne Evans.
TW @ 11:45pm >Andrew Neil is joined by Ed Balls, Michael Gove, Tommy Sheppard and Miranda Green to review the final few days before the general election. >The studio guests are the poet and rapper Akala looking at the media's performance during the campaign, while Lydia Bright, who found fame on The Only Way is Essex, will look at political clichés.
Reminder that it's okay to discuss QT in Brit/pol/ if you prefer.
I don't understand the need for a separate thread personally.
Kayden Rivera
>david davis >born to a single mother >joined the Reserve SAS at university for a job >went to harvard business school >successful businessman >entirely self made
Labour hate people like this. They want "working class" people to be mindless drones who spend their entire lives voting Labour and taking welfare.
Joseph Perry
Laura K on BBC News just reported *SPOILERS* David Davis on QT said they might not be able to meet their migration reduction target within 5 years
Landon Smith
I'm pretty neutral on racialist terms but this twat is the physical embodiment of WE WUZ KANGZ
He bastardizes history so much but gets a free pass just because he's a "musician"; when he started claiming the greeks were African in that Oxford speech or that africans were the first people to cross the Atlantic via sail I wanted to strangle him
Tories will (maybe) reduce net migration to 99,999 per year by 2022.
Reminder that the only way to stop British people from becoming a minority in their own country is to make net migration negative very soon.
Vote for Tories (or Labour or any of the rest) if you want to go extinct!
Bentley Martin
>bastardizes How bitterly ironic
Bentley Wood
Whhhyyy is the Brit thread a /QT/ edition? That's just going to confuse people REEE.
Robert Bell
Because brit/pol/ is autism
Jordan Price
this independent thread is up every week
Aaron Reyes
Birmingham is gonna become London 2.0?
Jonathan Martinez
Don't be a paki nonce.
Bentley Nguyen
Is? birmingham has more pakis than London does.
Jayden King
Forgive me Enoch
Ayden Bennett
Look at the demographics. It already is.
Brody Myers
>Birmingham does offer a better life
Juan Walker
Still voted Leave
Leo Wilson
Prepare for a dicking from based Double D's.
Nolan Foster
>have BBC set to north west >pakis everywhere
Jose Brooks
Anyone midlands today? >Rebecca WOULD amirite
Connor Adams
Yeah, I think native Brummies are still present and moral enough to have a spine - the same can't be said of many Londoners.
Adrian Butler
A box full of munch - a "Munchy Box", if you will - winging its way here in time for QT and TW.
Does life get comfier than this?
Nathaniel Gutierrez
>20 degrees celsius in London what is that like 75 farenheit?
Thomas Long
>kebab shop floor sweepings
I'll pass.
Eli Morris
Chase Sullivan
Michael Robinson
Means it's gonna be a hot and sticky night for us.
>"why don't you have air con?"
We don't have hot weather to warrant use for it.
Thomas Davis
>last proper qt before the election
Here we go
Brayden Butler
alri mincers
Connor Evans
>tfw streaming >going to be about 30 seconds behind the thread
Lincoln Taylor
Hunter Harris
>tommy shepherd >angus robertson
Ryan White
Luke Rodriguez
>Robertson's JUST hair
Christian Adams
>Akala and Tommy Shepard on this week
kill me
Ryan Scott
Owen Edwards
DD should slaughter these cunts
Nathan Young
Angus Robertsons combover is quite somthing.
Ayden Howard
>SNP heart throb Tommy Shephard
Christopher King
I can't wait to see Are Neil btfo Akala when he starts chatting shit. It'll be Suez twat all over again.
Leo Taylor
Jayden Torres
>anyone missing? lol
Jeremiah Davis
Lincoln Anderson
Do they Keep Baz in a cupboard at BBC HQ? Cunt hasn't been home in a week.
Xavier Adams
Thomas Russell
Jordan Kelly
Jacob Stewart
Akala is the archetype Facebook celebrity. >Never heard a single Akala track >All I know of him is the same video shared by the drones over and over again.
why is right wing so fucking horrible on environment issues and so good at everything else?
Juan Wilson
>getting arrested after Tories shut down internet freedom
this is why I vote labour
Robert King
>£75 frog tie
Also fuck off Clegg
Jacob Taylor
>It's going to be a David Davis bosses the entire panel episode
Jonathan Bennett
Why hasn't Gardiner been Yewtree'd yet?
James Hughes
Jace Wright
>if theresa may can't debate and she negotiate Oh yeah I'm sure she'll really have her heart in it
Cameron Rivera
London is Birmingham 2.0
Gabriel Wilson
Levi Edwards
Technically the best line-up in ages.
Jack Martin
Has Nick embraced the radical centrist meme?
Cameron Perry
kek who cares about environment, mate.
Mason Russell
i just looked it up. its not so bad at all. its already getting up to 27c here
Ayden Sanchez
He looks like a knackered crow.
Samuel Murphy
>Muh debates.
We're not fucking Americans. Stop trying to turn our politics into there shit show.
Luis Jenkins
Theresa May already getting grilled from the start. Tory shills BTFO
Thomas Gonzalez
They're indebted to big industries - oil, gas.
Tyler Powell
More like Barry GAYdiner amirite?
Levi Hill
Ancient Chinese proverb say: "if Teresa May can't debate can she negotiate?"
Landon Gonzalez
Based double D.
Aaron Murphy
tell me that after global energy production reaches the tipping point and the word turns into a new mad max episode
Benjamin White
>called Gardiner >Is a massive fruit Pottery
William Howard
getting ready for comeback Cable
Nicholas Ramirez
Michael Sullivan
I wonder what sort of gardening Barry does...
David Jones
>tfw you have a dream about participating in the debate with your own party, but you only receive booing for every comment you make >tfw that one lad who clapped you gets swarmed
Any yanks watch QT?
Cooper Williams
This bender's giving me ASMR
Julian Walker
How can an old man sound like a 20 year old nonce?
Owen White
Just watched the Tim interview
What a fucking shit show
Matthew Thomas
Televised Debates are fucking pointless.
Asher Jones
Barry has such a gay voice holy shit
Brody Smith
I watched 60minutes of this just because I was rather curious just how deep the WE WUZ rabbit hole goes