Thanks trump

thanks trump

literally just

dont forgot to sage

Isn't it rayciss n shieeet to assume that all white people not only voted for Trump but are all just racist redneck skinheads, and that's the only reason they support him? Because that's pretty rayciss n shieeet if you ask me.

Obv satire goy

>Censoring this pathetic excuse of a (((man)))'s name
He deserves to be humiliated for saying such retarded bullshit if this isn't a troll and he's being serious, come on Nigel.
>Love to Hillary
Libshits are still acting like that retarded crone is in any way relevant anymore? This has to be a troll.

>it's going to be hot outside so let's make sure our race dies
Also what is BGEMLTQQQPXY? Is this some elaborate shitpost?

more than enough mental gymnastics have gone into the concept of racism to neatly resolve that dilemma

And here I was, thinking it was genuine up until

would you please post their names as well. these cucks need to be exposed.

I was too young to really remember the Dubya era, but I still don't think Liberals were this retarded back then. Back then we didn't consider trannies and nonblueberry people human, but freaks and sideshow attractions.

Does he even realise that co2 output is an Asian problem?


what do white people have to do with the environment?

Great, the hippie dippies can all die off while the traditionalists stay to fight

were supposedly the devil or something something

He is obviously bamboozling and people on Sup Forums fall for it..

Top kek, is that a troll?

This person is fucked in the head. White people have such low population and room on earth it's ridiculous to think we need to free up room for africans

Think decades earlier than that youngling. The newspeak developed a little more, now they've got it called "racism = power + prejudice" but leveraging it asymmetrically was always in the agenda.

Do they ever get tired

Imagine if they put this level of energy into productive uses !

This is obvious satire guys come on
you fucking retards

>it's a Sup Forums falls for satire episode

>all white people die
>no more pussy liberals

That's like half the series at this point.

ITT: Drumpf-voting retards fail to see obvious satire for the umpteenth time
Either lurk more or self-deport to T_D