Leo is a LARPer. He travels in private jets everywhere, even to environmental conferences, just to tell us that being green is good. He is probably the biggest hypocrite on the planet.
*boards private jet to super yacht*
Has Dicaprio commented publicly on the U.S. government spying scandal under Obama?
It took this man over 30 years to win an Oscar. To us it's not a big deal because it's just a piece of plastic, but to them it's devastating and humiliating. So LOOK AT HIM AND LAUGH.
I think this way of thinking is better than just screeching and getting upset.
If people believe in something else, they shouldn't just sit there and let their President do their talking. They should be competitive and support their industries and prove their worth.
I think it's good that clean energy etc has to be competitive to stay.
He's such a good actor
Toppest of Keks.
A billion KEKS! This made my day!
Remember goy, the hollywood actors are the most smartest and intelligent humans on the face of this planet. They are college graduates from Yale and love diversity!!!!
These faggots have seriously never read what's in the Paris agreement, have they?
>American Celebs now think they are some sort of gods who know more then the rest of us.
I hope when a civil war does come, every single one of these libtarded celebs is lined up and shot.
Is there anything funnier than seeing A-list celebrities lecture working class stiffs on how they should be more environmentally conscious before boarding their private jet to fly to their vacation home? Or scolding the flyover states for not opening their arms to refugees and migrants before retiring to their walled estate full of armed security guards?
It takes a special kind of obliviousness to be a Hollywood celebrity.
Implying that playing make-believe makes your judgment any better than the rest of us.
The Revenant was pretty lame, good cinematography shots but poor acting and execution.
Wolf on Wall Street was fantastic except for that fat faggot who plays the same character over and over. Seriously watch War Dogs and then watch Wolf, its the same shit.
Anyway, his role in great gatsby was good but I appreciated everything but him more.
Overrated actor with some good roles
I can't wait to read Katy Perry's statement!
quick rundown for mexignorant please
No they don't and they always ask for mass imigration and other bullshit because they don't know real world since they are already living segregated from the rest of the ordinary citzens in their millionary mansions and well secured condos.
>yfw Leonardo DiCaprio will be the John Wilkes Booth of our time
Screen cap this
>Leo: You know that's just how I feel we should be doing something to save the world. I mean we need to protect this world you know what I'm saying? Leave it for the children....
>prostitute 1: Yes Leo you're so brave
>Prostitue 2: You're so smart Leo!
>Leo: Let's go to the beach get in the plane whores
>muh agent typed this under my account
>I r so worldly
>muh importance because I'm a mediocre B-movie tier actor at best that sucks a lot of dick very well
Liberals, the best free comedy show you could ever ask for.
Climate is making world warm pls give us tax money
Wait... is that 77 million likes? What the actual fuck?
not to mention all of his facebook followers who will rally behind this mode of thinking because hes a movie star
>snorts some coke off of some luxury slut's ass
while traveling in his private jet
guize Trump is bad M'kay?He make Eearth sick :< plz impeach
All of them are bots. I shit you not, they make a bunch of bot accounts with poor english to spam comments and likes
Leo roars. Trump's move definitely triggered a lot of people.
Shitlibs purporting to believe in scientific facts and empirical truths, but vehemently reject the POSSIBILITY that there are genetic intelligence differences between races.
They all deserve death.
He has a fucking point you know.
I don't want our planet getting fucked up cause some 70 year old fat old man thinks it's not a threat.
Our Country needs to take a personal responsibility to a better environment, here. There is NO fucking reason to spend billions overseas cleaning up other countries shit holes.
THAT is why Trump got the fuck out of a bad deal.
>77 million
fuck off
Cucked 3 times by the Supreme Court
>Stand Up America
funny how dinosaurs lived for 250 million years with far higher co2 numbers but humanity will go extinct in 10 years if we don't instantly surrender everything to the globalists and hollywood elite.
Everybody should give money to Moveon.org ASAP SAVE THE PLANET
We must be extra vigilant and prepare for these enviro-nut's attack.
Prepare and expect Europe/EU to sue President Trump.
Prepare and expect our MSM to pound the death of children in the streets to the dumb and impressionable.
We must take our fight out of Sup Forums to the them in their safe spaces, their social media outlets and expose the real danger to humans... the governments of NATO that spray chemicals like barium and toxic metals on the masses which is 10xs worse that CO2 that is naturally emitted from plantlife at night.
Then go tell India/China to "go green". Anything Western countries do is irrelevant.
can you prove your statementm burguer?