Dear Republican Party;

Dear Republican Party;

You spent 8 years obstructing President Obama, you spent 8 years disrespecting, berating, insulting, lying on and denying the legitimacy of our first "other than white" president! In that time he endured personal attacks on his skin color his middle name and his family, called "a liar" by a sitting member of Congress while delivering a speech, pointed in the face like a child while walking on the tarmac, even before being inaugurated, threatened by the House and Senate to obstruct his every attempt at succeeding and reduce him to a one term, and now that you have the epitome of America, a rich white, up in age, narcissistic, lying, misogynistic, supposed "clearing the swamp", when they're actually clearing our pockets, deflecting, repulsive billionaire, with both childlike hands and tendencies, as what you've chosen to represent the Republican Party around the world?!
Lol, this investigation that is causing you rodents to resign, others to get fired, while the rest are running scared is not a result of " the libs that are still angry because they lost so bad during the election!" No my friends, what you're going through is due to a process called karma!! Enjoy, you've had this coming!!!

Sincerest, William Andrews

Literally who

This t-shirt is newspeak for "I fuck children"

Don't forget to sage

Dear William Andrews,
I'm high as fuck
signed, your mom.

I'm an academic here to fight Nazis

How long until these people start killing themselves?

It is a proven fact, conservatives have a lower IQ then Democrats.

Dear Andrew Williams,


come on willy lad, im gonna need a citation for that

I'm an academic.

The same amount of time it took assblasted conservatards to kill themselves over a nonwhite president. That is to say, it won't happen, there will be a revitalization of their party and they'll take back the White House

That doesn't change the fact that many posters here have a much higher IQ than you do, which is why we control the political narrative.

Until you care about the people of Picher, Oklahoma or the Centralia Mine Fire, fuck off with your faux environmentalist grandstanding, dumbass.

Yeah, those inner city welfare hoodrats are fucking geniuses!

Like we are republicans LOL

so either someone grabbed this guys pics from fb or something or he is shitposting a thread w/ selfies. Either way it's hilarious


Now THIS is shitposting

First of all, there is no such thing as karma you uppity shitposting blacked bitch. Secondly, William who? Go fuck your mother.



Your faggot obsession, Mr. Obama is no different than the kike-loving shitstain thats "running" our dumb country now. They're all part of the problem. Get your head out of your ass, wake up and smell the foreign coffee. Obama didn't and doesn't now care if you die. He's concerned with his pockets. Like trump, and every douche nozzle that came before them. Stop supporting. Stop white knighting. In fact, stop living.

The time will come when it'll be us against them, and I'll either survive, or die with my dignity.

What are you gonna do?


Mr. 11

>nearly half of all Democrats are niggers and spics

You might want to rethink your thesis there, Sport.

Oh god is this a joke? Your going to get destroyed mate

If you had such a high IQ you'd know "then" is supposed to be "than" checkmate liberal ;)

What is he saying?

I don't speak faggot.


How long can you faggot liberal cucks keep crying about everyfuckingthing? Never in the world has there been a bigger bunch of bitches. Can't-cunt whiny waaaamburger and French cries motherfuckers.

nigga, you think ima read all that?

Obviously republicans are a problem. So why can't you just get a gun and start killing us all? Were just a bunch of poor trailer trash folks unable to defend ourselves. What are you scared of?

You won the popular vote, so the majority of the people will support this.

It's what I first thought. He looks like he would too.

Please be real


Your so-called love will be crushed beneath Walpurgisnacht.