How do we fix Canada?
I don't see it happening when the best we can do politically is vote for a cucked conservative in 2 years.
Productive white people here should move to the states.
Societies usually fix themselves, as unsustainable societies collapse. Just sit back, prepare for the worst, and relax
Nuke quebec
Maybe we can eventually create a new country out of the ashes
I still don't get why Canada is its own country and not belonging to the USA.
We need a military junta, then we need to invade greenland.
Get rid of the Frenchies and you'll be OK
Because fuck you, Hans. That's why.
It's not worth the internation political shitstorm the US would face, in exchange for the benfits that annexing Canada would provide
Stop letting the Chinese proceed with the silent coup
Ontario and Quebec should form their own nation of New Cuckistan then the rest of the provinces would be set after a couple walls go up.
That's about it really those two provinces are cancerous as fuck.
Thanks for stopping by, dad.
Someone needs to invade us so that we can learn what its like to have real problems
Southern Ontario should just break away and become New Sweden. Northern Ontario wants no part of Wynne's SJW state.
>How to fix Canada
>step 1: stop fucking dogs
The frenchies are the only nationalistic people in this country
Wait, is anything actually alive in labrador? Can we do something with that?
Put a bullet through Justin Trudeau's head.
The sad truth about what Trudeau said about Canada being post national, is that ist true.
Stop seeing yourself as canadian. Beuing canadian means nothing more than being a person born in this landmass who pays these taxes.
Start identifying as a white European or an anglo-saxon, or whatever you are. Join and form groups of only these people, and begin forming communities.
This commie style gov is going to collapse soon and the well established tribes will form the new borders
Blow it up!
You call it something else. Like Leafland, or the United Culturalist Federation of Bestiality
What's there to fix? Canada is perfect. Canadians are friendly and civilized, you have universal healthcare and a sensible immigration system.
Merkel, Macron and Trudeau are the leaders of the free world now.
There's caribou and drunken Innu. The only reason there are white people up there is because of the iron ore and hydro. They're tough af though, even the qt's.
Thank Trudeau sr. for our retarded metric system
And thank Fidel Castro for his seed.
usa needs to annex us
if not, give quebec its own country, nuke toronto
I still don't get why Germany is its own country and not belonging to Turkey.
All major Canadian cities need a nuking, full of chinks and niggers.
nah just toronto and vancouver
Have you been to Ottawa? It's all chinks being retarded, they don't even speak English.
Please die.
Kill yourself coward. I dont want to be part of that Jewish right arm.
I think the only way to save Canada at this point would be for it to spilt up and then rejoin later once all the niggers, chinks and poos leave.
Apply for statehood we'll do the rest.
When we stop having politicians that sell us out to globalsts and we need to create as well as control our own currency.
>a cucked conservative
I'm still in disbelief that literallywho won by double-digits
It'd be like Jill Stein won the presidency (she's the only one I kinda know, were there others?)
Quebec is 55% against immigration
75% for tighter border control
>you have universal healthcare and a sensible immigration system.
Hospitals at 200% capacity
Nation's population growth is 80+% first generation immigration
20+% of the country's population is now first generation immigrant
But no, let's cram more people in here