
A good old Risk game

>name of nation
>color of nation
>starting location of nation


>The Papacy
>Vatican City

we should move risk back to 4/pol/ but keep it at max 1-2 threads.
it's too easy to time tolls on /bant/

Gay diaper communists


The Gay diaper communists

Oops. Posted twice.

Nigger Federation
north africa

The Wall

Rice Farming Republic

setting the map up now

some fucking shithole in the middle east

Georgia/Caucasus region
Any color (color blind friendly pls)
Terbizondian Resurgence

You're color blind? What's it like being color blind?

Sorry for some people getting a diff color. Some have already been asked for or I just skipped them because I felt that georgia needed dark green more than the rice farmers.


You may have an alliance of only 2 people in it. If your ally dies you may ally yourself with another nation.


I see around 50,000 colors while you see around 5,000,000. I have some ChromaGen glasses that kind of correct it. My art has been described as very "subtle" since I notice changes in grey scale more than saturation of color.

conquer Italy

If I showed you two colours (you can see them), could you imagine a shade in between them?
Also unify England

Move west along the south Black Sea shore.

Ally? Color blindness is valuable for detecting camouflage!

fill SE asia

I said this yesterday as well. Don't know who came up with the idea to move it to that shitty board

You should do the colorblind test. Even people without colorblindness can have it hard at certain questions. You basically have to guess a number in a circle full of colors

lol probably. It gets fucked when certain shades of color are close by. My glasses make reds especially pop the fuck out. The first sunset I saw with them I wept because I was alone in a Kansas wheat field and the colors were beautiful :')

Conquer Tunisia and Algeria

Would the Vikings be willing to make an alliance in exchange for scotland?

Don't do it. Outright conquer the English and the Scottish.

Nah, Angevin empire v2

Fill Iceland, spills to beeline from England to Norway

waiting for the wall, isis and the communists

Double double!

I'm fine without it, but if you insist, I accept the alliance with the Kingdom of England.

The Nigger Federation proposes a non-aggression pact with ISIS.

Take all of Scandinavia

well I will grab something to drink. Hope the 3 roll before I am back

Soviet Union

The mighty English crown invades Wales

Pitcairn Islands of Pedos
Piss Yellow
Pitcairn Islands (Pacific Ocean)

can't add a new player. You may take over
>the wall
>the communists

one of these

No alliances for the Pitcairn Pedos. Give me prepubescent girls or give me death

Oh I guess I'll be ISIS

I'll take over for the wall

Roll to fill area around me

Because of a new plyaer, the Nigger Federation once again proposes an non-aggression pact towards ISIS.

ISIS takes no prisoners, and we plan on nuking the Jews ASAP

here you guys go. I am imo a quick OP but if players reply late the rounds will take longer as well. So try to stay active

ISIS accepts but you have to stoke the Islamocock of Peace first

Keep Filling space around me

Luke warm covfefe

time to crusade the niggers

Fill Sweden, that one English island I missed, and then take Norway and the weird Russian peninsula.

Kill the communists in their youth

Take ISIS as name when replying

you can only join if you play as the red communists

so close

Shit give me black instead senpai

>tfw 5d palindrome but it doesn't count

Push up towards the border of Scotland

Rolling to take out Israel and exterminate the Jews


Rolling to exterminate the Jews and taking Israel

The Nigger Federation wants to expand into Morcocco, southern Spain and the northern coastline of Libya

again take ISIS as your name when posting trudeau and no rerolling

Also reclaim rightful English lands of Normandy

ISIS proposes temporary NAP with Terbzondians or whatever in order to expediate the Jews to their deaths

ISIS supports the proposal of the Nigger Federation

Fill France

when you post fill in the box that says name with ISIS


France accepts "refugees"
Isis planted several suicide bombers in Paris, creating a temporary state of emergency

Lol ok this time do the southern shores and go west along turkey

Okay I think I've got this now goys

courtest bump

Rolling for rush to Mecca

Dismember isis "Refugees" publicly.
And occupy east germoney

England declares war on LWC

Fuck you. Luke warm covfefe wants a ceasefire.

Throw tea into the channel and occupy Germany

waiting for soviet union and the wall..

Well since we didn't get a roll from them we shall continue

Everyone use your names when posting. England for example.

don't wait, just remove them from game and add other people who may wanna join

Fill Denmark. Spills to Finland

Conquer Normandy

Connect the arms and fill bulgaria/greece


Nigger Federation proposes an alliance with ISIS to bring down vile Western civilisation.

Also attempting to conquer Iberia peninsula and the Balearic Islands.

Launch first attack on LWC

Are you like a newfag with risk? Why do you post twice during 1 round? Already let you conquer normandy

fill china

Rolling for rest of Arabian Penninsula

Agreed, but you must stroke the islamodick

well this game is dying quick guys. Maybe we should stop. Look at how many people quit per round or are inactive

I really wanted to host and play again but maybe it is a bit too late to have an active game

ISIS rolling for Syria

Oops I already have Syria, rolling for Sri Lanka because we went insurgents there thanks to the bananas the Niggers gave us gave us the needed energy

ill be lurking Sup Forums in about an hour if you wanna try again

Try pic related. I can dump a few if you want me to.


will probably host tomorrow again but like an hour of 2 earlier.
yes please dump some maps. I actually got this map from google since I got a new laptop and haven't found the google drive link yet.


Anything open I can take?
This is the 1st I've seen in months!

Sorry for late reply, here's some. (I made this one :-) )



saging thread from now on so faggot on front page don't get pissy