> Clashes between police and students broke out at vocational school at Berliner Platz in Nuremberg, Wednesday after students blocked one of their fellow pupils, a 20 year old Afghan asylum seeker, from being deported.
>The school students surrounded the police car containing the student due for deportation to block his departure. The demonstration turned violent with police using tear gas and batons against the students, some were arrested.
>A deportation of Afghan asylum seekers from Germany was planned on the same day, spurring protests around the country, but was cancelled following the detonation of a car bomb in Kabul killing some 80 people and injuring hundreds
i saw the video today on Spiegel Online, it is still available
Jaxson Evans
this guy is a moron, he later said that if he gets deported he will come back again and then kill germans....
but leftist cucks still support him
haha pathetic
Jayden Watson
>he later said that if he gets deported he will come back again and then kill germans Literal Hero.
David Carter
ah yea right
i know exactly who you are
the guy who wants to see all germans dead
Owen Cooper
Gabriel White
Wow Sherlock that is a great deduction What lead you to that conclusion?
EVERYONE wants all Germans dead. Except some stupid Germans.
Ryder Reed
Germany deporting?
Charles Torres
I don't want Germans dead, Turk.
Ryan Williams
>that video holy shit I want to bullwhip those turbo cucks so badly
William Smith
from Spiegel Online
"Laut Polizei drohte Asef N. am Mittwoch auf der Polizeidienststelle im Fall seiner Abschiebung mit einem Anschlag. Er habe gesagt: "In einem Monat bin ich eh wieder hier und bringe Deutsche um."
Nicholas Bell
Why not?
I am genuinely curious. Usually I get support from Sup Forums from all flags except butthurt Germans who don't realize they are the problem
Owen Peterson
yes, dont fall for the pol memes
we are deporting
but the deporting on afghans is hold on at the moment because of the terror attack in Kabul few days ago
only criminals and dangerous Afghans are deported for the moment
Jose Jones
I think that the other way is just to split Germany into hundreds of little duchies, that would do the job.
Genocide is the only option for germans. You should know that more than most.
Ian Ortiz
>>A deportation of Afghan asylum seekers from Germany was planned on the same day, spurring protests around the country, but was cancelled following the detonation of a car bomb in Kabul killing some 80 people and injuring hundreds What the fuck does Iraq have to do with Afghanistan.
Easton Evans
>only criminals and dangerous Afghans are deported for the moment
Ah, then the racial replacement of native germans continues
>In einem Monat bin ich wieder hier und bringe Deutsche um
>I'll be back in one month and kill Germans
Sebastian Baker
>Ah, then the racial replacement of native germans continues Unstoppable now.
John Parker
Germans have a law-abiding, herd mentality.
It would only take a good leader to turn them around.
Hunter Nguyen
>we are deporting Yeah, like single-digit numbers per month lol While the goal to take in migrants per year is 300.00
Finis Germania
Nicholas Martinez
>EVERYONE wants all Germans dead. Except some stupid Germans. wew lad, maybe you should just go ahead and be the first one then, we'll all be sure not to mourn. Pic might explain some things you don't know about yourself.
Daniel Hill
Just curiosity. Are you a native german? why do you want it (Germany) to die?
Noah Cruz
Why is literally every college student a cuck
Noah Bell
Jace Hernandez
Have a German friend...Told me he has free speech just like USA. I asked him if he was allowed to go outside with Nazi signs and protest...He told me "No. That is the wrong kind of speech."
Connor Morgan
yes, at least he claims he is
he is everyday on pol and saying all germans need to die
all we know for sure is that he is retarded
Robert Kelly
>Genocide is the only option for germans. Why don't you go ahead with an example and dispose of yourself? Der Ofen wurde 10 Grad heißer.
>this guy is a moron, he later said that if he gets deported he will come back again and then kill germans....
HAHAHAH and those degenerates were fighting the police for their precious foreign pet. HAHAHAHAHA. Fucking despicable
Carter Ortiz
>Why don't you go ahead with an example and dispose of yourself? >wew lad, maybe you should just go ahead and be the first one then, we'll all be sure not to mourn. What would that achieve? One dead german
Nothing. I would do it instantly if I were the last one. If there were a button labeled "Kill all Germans" I would press it in a heartbeat knowing full well I would die too. I would rather work my whole life to make sure to do as much damage to future Germans. How can you browse Sup Forums and not hate Germans? Genuine question here As for me
Our language sounds horrible. Our food is disgusting. Our history is shameful and our culture is a joke.
Connor Williams
We are law-abiding but we don't really have herd mentality. At least not more than anybody else.
Carter Young
Yeah, I got called a Nazi by some German girl when I was arguing with her why shooting those subhumans at the border is a right thing to do... they are really brainwashed as fuck
Blake Kelly
instigated by left Antifa fag terrorists who love muslim shitskins
Ethan Robinson
What the FUCK happened
Brody Collins
He also told me it is ok to have pride in your soccer team, but not your nation. Made me sad for him.
Nolan Price
Can someone fix Niemcy please, I live 10 minutes from the border, wouldnt want that airborne autism to spread over here.
Hudson White
>why wasn't the police nice to us when we blocked their car >no one is illegal
I fucking hate these rats so much Just gas hang them already
Nolan Mitchell
Jamal, my freunde, you gotta start somewhere, and you would be a great place to start.
Juan Morales
>I would rather work my whole life to make sure to do as much damage to future Germans. Well you have to start somewhere and if you are so enlightenend please go ahead. We will surely follow such gifted leaders like you.
Thomas Flores
We are working on fixing it That is why we are replacing us.
A few decades and Europe will be saved. Your grandchildren will not even know what germans are.
Andrew Cruz
Yeah I cleaned out a room in my house for a refugee family and already applied for one.
Also I helped in a nearby refugee center
I work on German guilt online.
What more can I do?
Hunter Stewart
Is this how the fourth reich starts?
Aaron Cooper
Germany deserves whatever it gets.
Nicholas Thomas
I already told you, kys
Jack Turner
We are deporting how many? Maybe 100 afghan criminals per year? Might as well let them stay. Like it makes any fucking difference. That number needs to be at least 10 000.
Jose Peterson
I rather work my entire life and spend it all on the death of future Germans.
David Campbell
>guys its okay there's a millimeter sized hole in this bucket to drain the bad water while we're putting it directly under a sewage outflow pipe
Logan Jenkins
>I rather work my entire life and spend it all on the death of future Germans. Please tell us of your ways on how to achieve this :^)
Dominic Gutierrez
yes Germans suck but Arabs, Turks and Negroes are even more disgusting subhumans
Eli Lopez
>we are deporting Every single refugee from 2014 until today should get deported then we have a good start.
Landon Robinson
Every single non-German I get into germany will shape German's future for generations to come.
Remember the turks coming in the 60s? Well now turks are a permanent part of Germany. No Germans are the bottom of the barrel. Literally everything is a step up from us Ask the rest of europe.
Thomas Howard
All their good men were killed and the next generation were communist bastard Russian rape babbies.
Thomas Thompson
this is guy btw, his name is Asef N.
looks like a Tajik Afghan to me
Robert Gomez
>Germany right now
Bentley Garcia
Deport the race traitors too. Let them revel in their xenophobia.
Grayson Brooks
my hometown mentioned in international news, neat!
Carter Robinson
- 2012 he illegally enters Germany - applies as asylum seeker - doesn't get asylum - demanded 8 times to make his passport so that he can be sent back - ignores this - suddenly he wants to have a residence permit - brings a copy of his passport/ or the passport itself, which he has had since 2007 (I don't know exactly, I've read about both versions) - that's a crime, he should be gtfo'd for this - shit hits the fan
Josiah Moore
He has to go back.
Dylan Turner
haha yea 20 years old
he is looking older than me and i am 34
Elijah Turner
This. Also, it's xenophilia
William Watson
If you deport your enemies, they win.
Cameron Hall
classic leaf
Jacob Bailey
you forgot: >if you deport me, i'll come back and kill you
Luke Diaz
It's not actually a stretch of the imagination to say that a cuckolded German husband would fight off the police to ensure his wife's bull doesn't get deported.
Luis Rivera
What's your opinion on Jews?
Jack Lewis
Don't care´about them. Not high enough birthrates to replace us.
Cameron Adams
Siema polbro. Can moden terror in the democratic occupied areas of the middle east be a ..trigger for mass refugees and... trigger for indefinately denying the returning of the fugees since its obvilously isnt safe. Ergo black ops are behind the jihadish?
Jonathan Gray
No, but the pets they're importing by the millions do.
Thomas Wright
In the sense that he might redpill a few germans, yes
Christian Ross
I don't know how long it will go on. People are so cucked it's unbelievable. Seing a countrly like the Us go from 90% White to 53% means that it can happen to Germany, too before people rise up. Sad!
Nathaniel Bell
Why are Germany and Sweden so fucked lads?
I don't see why there's not at least protests or people voting for anti-immigrant parties. In a Democratic system even people too weak or afraid to resort to violence and action have a way to make a change, so why aren't they making the fucking change?
Gavin Anderson
What were they chanting?
>don't take him away, my girlfriend he must lay
Robert Sullivan
I just want Germans dead. I really don't care about how. Slow replacement is the most realistic way to achieve it.
Jaxon Barnes
they literally blew up a car bomb to stop riots on campus
Thomas Edwards
we all know who that is
Jose Adams
Then why don't you start with yourself?
Michael Perez
>not my wife's son he must raise
Kevin Ward
Wyatt Reyes
Because I can do more damage if I work against future Germans for all my life.
I want ALL of us dead. Not some. Not a few. Not a good amount ALL OF US
That is not something you achieve over night. Give me a better option than supporting refugees with everything I got and I will chose it.
Christopher Nelson
They're beta millenial college kids. They'll never get married or have kids.
Adrian Smith
>Afghanistan demonstrates what happens when you have lots of Muslims around
>stop getting rid of Muslims
GGclose, Germany.
Charles Phillips
Are you even German? Or are you born to immigrant family and just having a hard time finding your identity and accepting that REAL German people are better than you. Shameful if you are ethnic German.
Ethan Walker
Dominic Perry
>Shameful if you are ethnic German. Yeah I am an ethnic German
John Kelly
If you give all your stuff to the refugees and then shoot yourself, it'll make more room for the refugees and help clean out the Germans faster.
You've already done three things to help kill your own country. Take the last, most important step.
Evan Lee
Yeah, it's only free speach if it's not against our government, politics or against libshit.
Michael Howard
Adrian Adams
Are you one of these stupid cunts that feel so guilty about the Holohoax that you want all görmans gone? kys fag.
Jordan Davis
>If you give all your stuff to the refugees and then shoot yourself, But I can work and make more money to give them more I don't need much to live
A small room with a computer is enough. I am ready to work my entire life until I die and give all the money to refugees.
Thomas Watson
Why do you not take pride in your country? (Not the government) and take a stand? Why do you cuck yourself out like that?
Nolan Nelson
Nazis, Holocaust, EU, merkel. Take your pick
I hate us for the entirety of our history Everything is shameful.
Christopher Lee
How many leftist cunts actually reside in Germany? I thought there were actual right wing groups that roamed in their thousands destroying shit like this? You are lost, Germany.
Henry Cruz
Taking into account the time of your postings you are an unenmployed loser with a cuck fetish shitting up this board.
Please kill yourself
Eli Butler
Ask her were your war reparations were Thats fucking sad. even I have some pride in my country I know no matter what happens Canada will save it self.
Sebastian Clark
Nice larp. >give me all your shekels and I'll fly to Germany..impregnate at least 50 women and then shoot you.
Joseph Wilson
>Why do you not take pride in your country? What is there to be proud of. Everything about us sucks Our language sounds horrible. Our food is disgusting. Our history is shameful. Our culture is a joke
The world would be so much better without Germans and with this refugee crisis we have a decent shot at removing the worst cancer of this plaenet.