

Post a redpill/conspiracy you DON'T believe in
Post a redpill/conspiracy you DO believe in

>Interdimensional Reptilian Overlords
>The PGA is an elaborate cockfighting scheme for various public and private MindControl/MKUltra programs.

Other urls found in this thread:

Reptilians are fake.
Pizzagate is real.

The cult of Saturn is the real enemy, jews are just a shield.

"Politics" is just a theatre to keep slaves entertained and docile while they build what their masters want

dont do anything goyim , let your politicians handle these big boy things :)


Seth Rich was murdered by order from someone who works for the DNC.

Sandy Hook
Voter fraud in the USA

>pizza gate
>Seth rich
>Hillary is a criminal
>earth is flat
>Sandy Hook was fake
>Israel did 9/11
>Jews control the media

Don't - Flat earth

Do - Holocaust is fake

Very real conspiracy MSM doesn't believe in, SHARED BY THE PRESIDENT


>Fluoridated water is designed to make the population docile
>The world is run by an elite group of Jews

pizzagate, illuminatey, nwo, project mockingbird, mkultra, ayylmaos, fluoride tap water, hollow earth, john titor, 9/11 inside job, kubrick killed, seth rich killed by dnc

moon landing faked

Sandy Hook was faked.

Real: Hitler fled to Argentina after WW2

Fake: Chemtrails, Fluoride in water

pizzagate, illuminati, nwo, mockingbirnd, mkultra, 9/11, kubrick and seth are all real.

fuck off shill.

Trump is a Zionist pawn that will be impeached in 3 months

>Post a redpill/conspiracy you DON'T believe in
>Post a redpill/conspiracy you DO believe in
National Socialists escaped to space and made their base on Venus

Climate Change Skepticism
The POTUS is just a puppet, as soon as he walks into that office they hook him up with the strings.

half convinced. user found one guy who was supposedly an agent and also posing as a father of a fallen child (w/comparative pix with distinctive chin/dimple) was interesting but i need more.

Talking about this?

The CIA and the American government at large is desperately trying to de-arm its citizens. They cannot cattle prod you they way they'd like to because they're afraid of civil war.

>Post a redpill/conspiracy you DON'T believe in
Group of elite Jews. Not that they aren't playing a huge part, but it's presented as this NWO, singular plan involving all Jews in power positions instead of being the byproduct of a greedy peoples shortsightedly trying to milk all the cash they can out of the system. The Jews are clever, but they are shit at long term planning.

>Post a redpill/conspiracy you DO believe in

Pizzagate is clearly something.

Holocaust happened (that shit was happening all around the world), but it's not what it's portrayed as now.

dont:flat earth
do: Aetra certa or ffft
wish: rome still exists secretly meme

The Earth is flat
The Earth is round

The PGA as in the PGA tour? Interesting...

>Flat earth

>Agenda 21/ 2030 Agenda

>Post a redpill/conspiracy you DON'T believe in
Saudis did 9/11

>Post a redpill/conspiracy you DO believe in
Jews did 9/11

>The Jews are clever, but they are shit at long term planning.
They're pretty much the oldest people of the modern world. They've outlasted their contemporaries for pretty much all throughout recorded history. NWO didn't start out as some sort of universal idea, if was thought up by the Talmudist Jews... It is their plan. There are non-Jews in power positions right now, true, but it's their plan and the whole thing is their brainchild. If you're a big kid on the block and you are friendly with them, then yes, you are invited to have a slice of the cake too.

I'm just going to go with what I know:

Liberals are literally subliminally brainwashed.

Well, bother polarizations are, but it's even more apparent with them (because they're trying to speed up the process).

It's Pavlovian mechanism meets Twitter virtue signaler.

Don't believe the moon landing was faked.
Don't believe 9/11 was the Jews (though they were ready to benefit from ANY terrorist attack, even they weren't expecting the mother load.)
Don't believe Extraterrestrials even remotely give a shit about us or our planet.

Do believe the Holocaust was exaggerated, not completely faked but definitely exaggerated.
Do believe that Pizzagate, Spirit Cooking, Bohemian Grove and similar horrific shit happens, but probably not to the extent that theories claim.
Do believe Seth Rich was assassinated for leaking DNC info.

>Schrodinger's Cat is dead
>Schrodinger's Cat is dead

We'll just have to wait and see on this one.

>They're pretty much the oldest people of the modern world.
Bullshit. There are many old civilizations. Indus valley, China, sumerians, etc...

Saudi's did 9/11 is not a conspiracy theory
The majority of the operatives were identified as Saudi

That have remained as a consistent tribe, no. The Jews are unparalleled in this regard.