Fuck the troops

Why do people "support the troops"?

Fuck 'em. They're a bunch of fucking losers. The military is full of beaners these days anyway. Beaners and white trash.

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I wonder how Kids are suppose to use this toy


Operation get behind the darkies.

I support the troops, but why should we support people who fight around the world in wars that don't benefit our country? If we had wars to establish new Empires, then I would fully support them.

Spoken like a true Brit, but the US wouldn't allow that

>t. hippie

"the troops" are generally the least evolved members of our society enticed by the permission to act like an ape with expensive weaponry and demand respect from everyone being lead around by world banks to kill unarmed shitskins in straw huts for a comfortable pay

but yes, "support the troops, civvie, you don't know what they've been through!"

You play with the normal ones then go "ARGH I SAW SOME BAD THINGS. CAN'T HANDLE IT ANYMORE" and play with that one in the end.

Could be you're too much of a pussy to enlist.


I support your anti-militarism OP

here's your (you)

That is due to just the hell they go through when a real war comes. I have respect for all soldiers. Do I support their efforts, depends on what they are doing.

Shut up leaf no one asked (you)

I see you are a fellow american, and I can see you value the freedom to spew your opinion at anyone and everyone no matter how retarted it sounds.
As a member of our armed forces, I will fight tooth and nail for your freedom to do so, no thanks or validation needed.
That's why I joined. That's why I serve. To preserve the legacy of those who fought be for me to give you that fucking right.

Enjoy that freedom, and pray to whatever fucking gods you may or may not have that there will all ways be men and women to fight for that freedom, because without it you might as well be another cuck-loving, slack-jawed, sloberknobing son of a bitch commie faggot.

I fight for your freedom to be all of that too, since I'm sure you are by your post.

Take your >you
And get the fuck out.

Patriotism is dead, it's used to rally troops to die for pointless banker wars. The first country to recognize us was Morocco. The Middle East was fine until Israel showed up and started getting us involved in wars against dune coons. Just let the stupid fucks kill each other while we sell them weapons, no point in actually getting involved.

blow it out your ass jarhead, truth hurts

>enticed by the permission to act like an ape with expensive weaponry

>implying everyone in the Armed Forces actually uses weaponry on a regular basis

Nigga u dumb

The troops are the reason you're allowed to browse to this Indonesian knitting convention and post your retarded dogshit and not have some foreign government restrict what you can say or send specialists to make sure you never type again.

>Fuck my immune system!!! It is not like I will eve--- COUGH COUGH *GARBLGAG* COUGH AAARGGG ded
>t. last words of very sick user :(

pls spport trobs dont be lik user who died

Hahahha op you're a complete loser. I'm willing to bet you're a 350 lb atheist with nothing going for him except touching a girls ass once 5 years ago and jerking off to it as your main source of reference if a sexual experience kill yourself

Suicide, rape by superiors, or DU poisoning are too good for these ghetto refugees masquerading as soldiers.

Don't benefit your country? I know your a Brit but look at the USA if they didn't jump into wars in the middle east and force the patrol dollar they would be fucked. Wars are not for only gaining land.

>That's why I joined. That's why I serve.

Truly? Do you ever have doubts and feel that you are being perhaps naively idealistic? Also, has your time in the military convinced you that our goals are noble ones you expected?

Not asking to be a prick. Your speech of sorts made me genuinely curious.

But it does benefit your nation or, empire. If you want Imperialism. The absolute opposite of what America was intended to be.
Then how do some have PTSD when they've never heard a gunshot outside of basic training?

What for? I mean you think you are contributing anything to humankind by this, only the fact that you will eventually reduce a bit human population ?

War is a serious for serious honest people that serious really care for defending what they believe.

We have so much technology and possibility to ascend even more as species yet we are not evolving as collective and we put in danger our own kind .

If you isolate yourself from the rest of the world around as a individual with no affiliation to any group and you will see how danger humans will pose to you.

Proof of that, you are here in the internet for a reason specially in this specific board , because you fear for your own life and want to expose many things.

This is just not appealing to peace , it's appealing to a higher state of human condition and mind , were we are not affected by what we call human flaws .

I mean is so hard to even tell, because each one of us is different mind , maybe you were wired biological to be ready for any war on any timeline .

I mean you could actually feel alive in war and at your peak of happiness

Its very hard for me to describe pleasure and happiness , because what is shocking for me might not be shocking for you at all .

For me this is quest for my own existence , and I've learned so much that I feel that I'm outsider in the sense that I would not want willing to participate in a emotional wrap of religion, politics, money, gossip, conspiracy, backstabbing, the enemy of my enemy is my friend , political intrigue , ideology destruction and so on .

What link is there between your "service" and my freedom of speech?

Doesn't my freedom of speech come from... the Constitution?

Yea but America is already involved to the neck and you have to face it, rebranded ideology's have emerged and modernized .
It affects your nation and you know that, all your military is on standby for middle east and North Korea , you have too much political intrigue with other nations such as China and Russia.
This is all leading for not ending well

Beaners dying for israel. Things are getting curiouser and couriouser

military swears an oath to defend the Constitution

The sole reason Sup Forums has so much vitriol reserved for the military is because it represents a masculine paradigm that they struggle to match. In their head army = BBCs.
Inb4 some guy without a college degree starts raving about the IMF.

OP, in all his shitty memes, is actually pretty true. I'm in the military now and he's pretty much right, and everyone in here are a bunch of losers.

You shouldn't even give them the time of day, fuck ((((veterans)))) for trying to be entitled cunts for free stuff because they got paid shitty government checks for working a quarter of the time.

Honest question.
How powerful do you think the US would be without having the largest and most capable military in the world?

I don't need to agree with the intention of my government to be against the men that fight for their country. If you're a true nationalist, you support the people who volunteer to fight under your flag

I'm also not a massive nu male faggot who is against guys that fight in brutal combat because "muh government agenda." Don't care, soldiers are soldiers and every one of them I've ever met is worth more than some anti America liberal

>Fuck 'em. They're a bunch of fucking losers. The military is full of beaners these days anyway. Beaners and white trash.

still done more than you ever will in life. also its more niggers than spics. so im guessing your black. fuck off nigger kike.

I liked the military. Good times

Fuck you POG that was a real long and real gay ass post

Op is a faggot but not entirely incorrect. There are bad people in the military jutsr like everywhere else. Ask a soldier they'll tell ya


Found the nigger

>Why do people "support the troops"?
Nations that don't support their military don't last very long.

>still done more than you ever will in life.