>WHEN Sunday, June 4 from 2-5 PM (arrive early) >WHERE Portland, Oregon @ Schrunk Plaza >FACEBOOK PAGE & DISCORD SERVER pastebin.com/7JVTCSiL
This will be the biggest event since Berkeley, if not bigger. If you aren't there, not only will you be missing out on what could be the major rally of this summer, you will be letting down the principle of free speech. GET OUT THERE AND DO IT!
we need free-speech rally in the South where everyone actually enjoys free speech..except at black colleges.
Gavin Williams
I live in the south and I want to bash some libs, lets bring free speech to the south
Cooper Evans
it's not about bashing bashbro. it's about defending the right to speak your mind, so long as you aren't asking / inciting / begging others to murder somebody.
Ryder Stewart
Thank you for your service
Xavier Lee
I think free speech needs to be protected and I appreciate the rallies greatly. Bashing without being the aggressor is just a bonus
Aiden Hill
theres an event going on in houston on the 10th. so far 1.2k going 3.2k interested and 300+ antifa
Michael Nguyen
1.2k now? Holy shit!
I ought to start a Sup Forums events general that covers everything that's going on
Aaron Thompson
Holy shit, I live right by Houston
Carter Thompson
lol based slut pick one
Xavier Morris
Posting because important
Adrian Green
What is the point of taking such a photo?
Joseph Green
Watch out dude. You know the Antifa fucks will be extra violent after the stabbings in Portland. They will use that as justification for violence because in their eyes anyone who opposes them is a "white nationalist Nazi islamiphobe transphobic cis normative cog in the patriarchy" God speed and best of luck to you. I wish I could make it up to Portland and help my fellow Oregonians
Kayden Smith
for my enjoyment? can not argue that the female body is a work of art, when maintained ofcourse.
Nolan Rogers
>acceptable chant >praise kek
Pepe memes are funny but it needs to be left behind closed doors, that is more autistic than most of the other stuff
Matthew Gray
This is like Scientology and GG rolled into one. I hope Antifa hurts all of you horrifically.
Luke Taylor
you should go. hermann park at the sam houston statue at 10am. there are going to be a lot of people with guns but that's because the militias got involved. they are likely not even included in the rsvp list. nothing to worry about at all with those guys there. I'd talk to them about joining but I'm pretty sure I'm moving to MN soon. driving me absolutely up a wall.
Nathaniel Cooper
Nicholas Campbell
because antifa doesn't want to give people time to organize. three weeks notice on the houston thing, I've created multiple threads and the FB group was created by a local militia guy the day that antifa texas let it slip. dunno about the oregon thing, hadn't even heard about it til today..
Logan James
so that the anti-fa terrorist don't have a lot of time to plan attacks on normal decent people who just want to hangout together in public
Gabriel Wood
Okay, well that's understandable No wonder you have it on discord. I'll bet AntiFa has spies on here
Carson Reyes
u wut m8? they have their own threads on here you nitwit
Gavin Hughes
of course Denmark would be the only person to bring up homosexuality in a conversation about people meeting up...
Kevin Butler
antifa has mods or janitors or whatever you want to call them on here lol. they're still gonna get BTFO
Austin Davis
It doesn't matter though really. Antifa consists of limp wristed skinny/ skinnyfat cucks and obese feminists that adore anarchism. none of them have even the slightest clue how to fight and they do not understand how much they belittle their own cause when they chimp out in raged after loosing a verbal fight.
Dylan Martinez
Aaron Long
Elijah Ortiz
Free speech rallies are gay to be honest.. they need to be implicitly pro white
Tyler Reyes
Jayden Martin
How about no
Bentley Edwards
I want to go but had plans already, and I don't want to get stabbed for standing around
There's a March Against Sharia in Seattle on the 10th.
Dylan Bailey
^ this. people like us have fucking jobs. antifags have time and preparation because they get neetbucks and sit on their ass all day.
Aaron Lee
Why do you cucks do this shit in peaceful Oregon. I have been to my relative's place in Corvallis, OR 5 times and it is literally heaven. Do this kind of shit in California
Luke Cooper
>thinking that retardedly shouting "praise kek" is anything short of extreme autism
Evan Gonzalez
Do it in Olympia
Matthew Peterson
Do what shit, have rallies? Or the protests/riots that are probably going to happen
Samuel Smith
yeh that. Maybe it's just an australian way of thinking but unless the cunts are building a mosque in your own backyard then theres no need for these autismo rallies. They really accomplish nothing. Atleast don't do it in a laidback and nice place like oregon. From my own personal experience most of the people I have met in places like Albany, Eugene, Corvallis, Salem etc just like minding their own business and have a "live and let live principle"
Jacob Diaz
georgia user here, how do i find out about local militias
Thomas Russell
Indeed. Had I known about it last month. I couldve gotten PTO and taken a flight out there.
James Gonzalez
Not Georgia, I have no clue. You should look into joining the Proud Boys or Fraternal Order of Alt-Knights - they can both be reached on Facebook. For true militias, look into the Oathkeepers or Three Percenters. I have no idea how you could contact them though.
Easton Sanders
Reminder that masses of kikes will also be having their #MarchForTruth bitchfest Saturday morning. I'm crashing the Vegas one with Seth Rich signs, recommend you try the same at your nearest one (they're all over the country).
Jace King
Good call. Thanks for the heads up.
Owen Howard
Portland is a different story
Dominic Fisher
I'm going to watch, as usual.
Adrian Torres
>"praise kek" >"normies" >"reee" >acceptable no.
Hunter Green
Portland is completely different, so many blue haired liblards in Portland.
Kayden Butler
"Normies" and "Reeee" are UNACCEPTABLE. That's what it says.
Christopher Johnson
Hey try not to murder any innocent people by stabbing them in the neck you fucking social retarded faggot. Remember just because you are a huge faggot it's not ok to stab your faggotness into other people's throats
Eli Gutierrez
shame it can't be like the rest of oregon. Nothing better than fishing for spring chinook at umpqua river or spending a whole day hiking across the trails that take you deep into forests and mountains during winter.
James Jackson
Still though, "Praise Kek" isn't funny anymore. nu-Sup Forums makes real Sup Forums look retarded. and being a grown adult and screaming "praise kek!" is fucking disgusting.
Carter Price
Gabriel Robinson
Will Portland police keep it peaceful like in Boston? I live in Washington and kind of want to drive down there but it seems like a waste of time if I can't crack commie skulls.
Noah Russell
bumping this.
Luis White
He was actually a Bernie Sanders supporter. But hey fuck it if it re enforces your story.
Jayden Ramirez
I live in Portland and will be attending as an observer. These commies and antifas (not really different) are on edge. I'll try to post a periscope Sunday. Hopefully my shit phone keeps up.
Justin Foster
Traffic on I-5 sucks I'll just watch from home in salem
Isaiah Turner
One thing that would make America great again would be women not being sluts.
Jacob Morris
Good info. Anyone who isn't retarded should follow these rules. Anyone who has a problem with these rules isn't going to leave their basement anyway.
Josiah Wright
>Will Portland police keep it peaceful like in Boston? Good question. Portland's mayor definitely has it in for the rally people. Whether that translates into a stand-down order remains to be seen. He also might order the rally shut down altogether and order the cops to arrest everyone. He is throwing a complete commie bitchfit.
Jayden Collins
>These commies and antifas (not really different) are on edge
Which side is expected to have larger numbers? I know stickman will be there which will probably draw a big crowd but Portland is known for it's commies.
Nolan Bell
Our guys have more numbers on Facebook, last I checked. However, Portland is liberal home turf.
Cooper Howard
Portland is literally San-Fran for poor, it's one of the most neo-marxist tumblersexual infested cities in US
Jaxon Perry
Back in 2011 the Occupy protestors had a literal tent city built in the same parks that are being used for this rally. They utterly destroyed the place.
It'd be really good for PR if the rally organizers got people to clean up afterwards, just to draw a distinction between the left and the right and how they treat public spaces.
Ayden Cruz
Right wingers will end up out numbering. However antifa have been bringing weapons, an aluminum bat was at one of the last rallies. A couple of the videographers carry and I'm sure a free more do as well. The bullshit with Mike Strictland might get threaded in. All rock be will most likely just be a shouting match.
Andrew Howard
Right-Wing Cleanup Squads? I like it.
Whatever happens, we must make sure not to strike first. Should things get violent, it will be a purely defensive battle.
Luke Martinez
>can't greentext
Hello newfriend
Angel Adams
Oregon is the most racist state ever.
James Nelson
>Should things get violent, it will be a purely defensive battle.
The terrain seems good for defensive action. Lots of trees, hedges, and fences.
Landon Murphy
Checked. Also, do we have an overhead map of the area?
Zachary Martin
bumping this point. excellent thing to do.
Jace Stewart
>Whatever happens, we must make sure not to strike first.
Cuck mentality.
Jaxson Flores
I started a free speech rally general thread. See this pastebin for all upcoming Southern California events. More events from other areas are welcome. pastebin.com/P8CXTW3K
Easton Butler
Antifa in Portland are thirsty for blood. Goad them if you want, they'll definitely try to attack us. We can then righteously strike back in self-defense.
Striking first accomplishes nothing. Less than nothing - it will get some of us shipped off to jail and ruin our already tarnished image.
It's far, far better to wait for them to hit us, then totally wreck them, rather than hit them first and get portrayed as violent aggressors.
We'll still be portrayed as violent aggressors in the mainstream. We have to be absolutely peaceful, we should try to avoid violence even in self-defense.
It's real easy to make any violence look like we struck the first blow, and the media will do it.
Daniel Campbell
>Presler announced that the cancellation of the June 10 rally is, "due to Mayor Wheeler's inflammatory comments and what we feel is an incitement of violence, he has shamefully endangered every scheduled participant."
And yet the autists will convince themselves they are winning by staying at home on the PC.
The Trudeau method.
William Morris
Portland's still a nice place, the people are just delusional. I probably need to go and do more around here
William Clark
Nah, bullshit. That's way too far.
It's our right to fight back if attacked. It would be tremendously demoralizing to our side if we were forbidden to fight back and could only run away.
Nicholas Lee
PDX here. Looking forward to following Stickman into battle.
Carson Sullivan
Obviously the way that a lot of people are gonna see this rally is bullshit. I'm not saying we should run away when confronted with violence, just that we shouldn't egg people on.
We have to appeal to the fence-sitters.
Evan Powell
His Facebook says he voted for Trump.
Aaron Hernandez
That's why you have people speak in manner that appeals to the common man. Not everyone is a he man or stick man in terms of patriotism but if the appeal is good then people will join. The best way to do this is to show how ugly the left is when it comes to these things.
Jackson Hall
Someone ought to go wearing a shirt from that Burrito place.
Carson Gonzalez
No it doesn't you fucking idiot.
Austin Bailey
Don't be a pussy and go.
Gabriel Gutierrez
I'm betting the kkk is gonna be out there in force. Probably not in robes but I'd be surprised if they pass up going to this thing