Sup Forums blown the fuck out

All of Sup Forums debunked.

>Hitler did do wrong. 6+ million Jews murdered in Holocaust.

>Jews don't do blood sacrifices.

>The Protocols are a hoax.

>The Jews didn't kill Jesus, the Romans did.

>They aren't plotting to control the world, lmao.

>They aren't guilty of usury.

>They aren't racist.

>They don't really control the media.

You can't defend this. Lemme guess, Wikipedia is controlled by Jews, too? Lololololololol.

Other urls found in this thread:

Oh I almost forgot.

>Accusations of Jews controlling the world financial system

LOL. You people have a wild imagination.

b-but muh (((parentheses)))

Lemme guess, Pizzagate is (((DA JOOS))) also? Lmao, desu.

Its time to give up the "white master race" meme. The prime reason is that it is simply not true. We have been bested by the Jews at every turn. They are smarter, more coordinated, have insane amounts of money, and control large parts of the government and media. So what does being "white" get us? Every other race hates us and cucks are throwing everything we strived for under the truck of peace to prove they aren't like "those other white people".
Its time to pass the torch. Let the Jews deal with the struggles of being the master race. Don't abandon your people but settle for second best.

Anyone can write whatever they want on wikipedia. Not to mention, even if wikipedia isn't controlled by Jews (which is highly doubtful) it clearly has a liberal bias and tends to censor articles that don't tow the liberal line while leaving others alone.

>"although Jews do hold many prominent positions in the U.S. media industry, they 'do not make a high priority of Jewish concerns'"
haha yeah right

>Jews invented Political Correctness


Protocols ARE a hoax. ZOG is real, Jews do control the MSM



>the romans killed Jesus

Who the fuck even claims this?

The (((historians)))

Jews stoned people to death, they weren't into the whole crucifixion thing.

Cucked American "Christians". Or they will say "we killed Jesus". They will never admit Jews killed Jesus.

Also, the article talks about the holo-hoax conspiracy but does nothing to refute it.

Actually anything jewish related is edit protected on wikipedia unless you have like 500 edits and a year long account.

Which bothers me greatly since there's a lot of typos in the jewish cuisine article that I can't edit.

why are MUSLIMS more redpilled than RIGHTISTS when it comes to ZIONISTS?

Unsubtle jew redpill thread?

if you want evidence of wikipedia's horrendous bias, just look at their articles on gamergate

J. J. (((Goldberg))), Editorial Director of the newspaper The Forward, in 1997 published a study of this myth regarding the United States,[71] concluding that, although Jews do hold many prominent positions in the U.S. media industry, they "(((do not make a high priority of Jewish concerns)))"

Found the apologetic rabbi
Can't watch it on the phone, thanks anyways

Pffffft fucking kill yourself I can see your hooknose from here sage

t. jew with a beach house but never once created anything of value being scared his children will get beaten to death, they will :o)

I will drop this here.

Im not an anti semite im a counter semite try not to be so short sighted sweetie

((((((((((((WIKIPEDIA )))))))) how weird it doesn t talk about the MOSSAD AGENTS arrested by FBI during 9/11 , they dinduu nuffing just filming the twin towers casually with high spec cameras

first drink some bleach and then shove a baseball bat in your ass so you can die disgraced you fucking SHILL . kys . noone in pol will ever fall for your bullshit. tell the man who put you there that you fucking suck at this
.quoting wikipedia as your only source ? are you fucking retarded? again, kys
we need some mods to close this cancerous thread.
prepare for the oven fuckers

shit trolljob m8 3/10 gorillion

Literally kill yourself, worthless kike shit.

ITT: OP was a fucking moron

Right, so is this the game where we compare statements to reality and see if the statement is the opposite of the truth?

Lol you are an idiot. Well done.

The Jews got Jesus killed, the Romans didn't give a shit about Jesus until the Jews made up stupid shit and bribed the Romans to kill him. The jews in turn DID kill Jesus.

Interesting how Churchill here is depicted as a jewish controlled octopus, especially when you look at the US Governments badge for one of its more recent NRO missions into space. Know what I mean?

They are Satan. Destroyer of nations.

>downgrade a few million


t. Someone who has never thrown a punch successfully and must fantasize about beating children to death.

HAHAHA. OP here. So many conspiracy theorists here....

You may be right, but it doesn't matter. We already won. Africans and Muslims are merging with your DNA and your culture and you can't stop it. HAHAHAHAHAHA. Your women are oblivious and controlled by us. HAHAHAHA. We're smarter and more organized. You are dumb losers.

>Jews stoned people to death, they weren't into the whole crucifixion thing.
They asked for him to be "chosen" haha. And then the Roman offical Pilot said, "fuck that, he's just a crazy fool, I don't want to kill him". And his Roman wife was like, "don't kill this retard, he's going to be a famous retard because he's a cult leader". And Pilot was like, "are you cool with Cesar?".
And Jesus was like, "I'm fucking Cesar (king of kings)".

And Jewsus's fellow Jews were like, "Seee ,seee, see I told you! We need to murder him! We demand it because we are allowed to by Roman law!""

And Pilot was all, "fuck it, stupid kikes, I wash my hand of this"

And then the Jews were all like, "we didn't do nuffin, blame Rome!"

Which is what happens all the fucking time in all countries that house the Jews or Christian

>They are Satan. Destroyer of nations.
Satan hates Jews

Jews used the meme to destroy our last defense against their Jewish myths and promote Christianity amongst the weak of mind like you

>Africans and Muslims are merging with your DNA and your culture and you can't stop it. HAHAHAHAHAHA. Your women are oblivious and controlled by us. HAHAHAHA. We're smarter and more organized. You are dumb losers.




Check your facts mate the math from all of the camps to create 6000000 deaths doesn't add up. It's still over 3 but it's exaggerated.

Some Jewish sects do and they still cut off the tips of little baby dicks and suck the blood away which I would call the blood sacrifice of the tip of their sucks since it's a religious ceremony.

For controlling the world just look at Bolsheviks and George Soros.

Israel basically shut down all borders hard because they started getting African migrants which they promptly removed, plenty of video evidence on jewtube.

They actually do control the media, almost every movie, censorship board and news outlet that isn't rupert Murdoch's is owned by Jews.

I don't believe that most Jews are even aware of this stuff but it's all true in its own respect

That's all conspiracy theories and fake news. Show me a source from a reputable news outlet like WaPo or NYT and I'll take you seriously.


>Jews don't do blood sacrifices.

About that...

Uh, that's a religious ceremony dude, not a blood sac.

that word you used is outdated

I can't believe this guy used reputable and WaPo in the same sentence

MFW 800+ years of anti Jew feeling in a variety of countries and cultures is "just a meme, we didn't bring it on ourselves honest".

>Jews don't do blood sacrifices.
They are bloting children, extremist ones

Poor kiddo, this started the Pogroms. Have a photographic evidence. The evidences are consistent since they started with bloting of children. They are also into organ harvesting a s fuck

I'm a heathen so I smell them, we blot too, but not fucking kids! We blot animals, paint the god figures on the stables(altar) and feast on the flesh.

ITT OP gets BTFO, repetitively.
Sometimes I love this board.

And how often is a blood sacrifice NOT a religious ceremony?

They consider this bloting too, you are entire correct, disgusting shit. Also seems like some sort of weird protection from getting bloted.

fuhrer finger, fuhrer finger, where are you?

Well played cut user but just incase you were serious...

Theres a start you can jewgle the rest yourself

Remember to archive. Thank you.
>washingtonpost com/world/middle_east/toughening-its-stance-toward-migrants-israel-pushes-africans-to-leave/2015/05/14/e1637bce-f350-11e4-bca5-21b51bbdf93e_story.html

Wasn't Jesus supposed to die though? Wasn't that the whole point? Shouldn't you be thankful for it?

As someone who thinks the Bible is Jewish mythology you seem pretty fucking stupid bitching about a death back then that according to you was supposed to happen anyway because Jesus was God.

His name was Nikolai and he lived in Kiev.
There are lit thousands of court documents, the bloting was also the reason for them always getting expelled.

>The Jews didn't kill Jesus, the Romans did.

Luke 23:4
Then Pilate said to the chief priests and the crowds, “I find no guilt in this man.”

>lots of Jews died to disease and starvation, better say they were gassed because all of the pictures of corpses don't have bullet holes
>Jews definitely at least DID blood sacrifices, this was well-documented in European history
>Protocols can neither be confirmed nor denied by any unbiased scholar
>Jews demanded the death of Jesus and the Romans allowed it, even after saying Barabas would walk free
>everybody wants to rule the world, Jews have a lot of positions of economic, media, and political power
>they are guilty of usury, even giving someone a loan with interest is usury
>they are racist, look at Israel's immigration laws
Not that racism is a bad thing
>they are over-represented in the media, movies, music production, and journalism
They're like 5% of the population... yet all those Jewish names you find in the credits, production, acting, writing, and reporting.
And yes, Wikipedia is an open wiki so it can easily be subverted by a group committed enough.

>this started the Pogroms

Not true at all. The first Pogrom was by Greeks who were made about Sephardic Jews helping the Ottomans on the Berber coast so they went and killed a bunch of poor Ashkenazi Jews in Russia who didn't even know any Sephardic Jews.

Wikipedia is owned and funded by the jews

>"Jews didn't kill Jesus"

According to the Talmudic laws they didn't. Talmud states it is
> Legal to tie a man to a chair until he starves to death. Because he isn't killed by a Jew, but by the ropes that tie him and starvation.

Thats why we misunderstand each other. Jew law is satanic and corrupt and counter-intuitive. While western law is just common sense you see

It's called counter-semitism actually.

>On March 12, 1911 (under the old Russian calendar), the 13-year-old Ukrainian boy Andrei Yushchinsky disappeared on his way to school. Eight days later his mutilated body was discovered in a cave near the Zaitsev brick factory. Beilis was arrested on July 21, 1911, after a lamplighter testified that the boy had been kidnapped by a Jew. A report submitted to the Tsar by the judiciary regarded Beilis as the murderer of Yushchinsky.[citation needed]

Is there any actual evidence he did it? I'm dead serious. All I hear are accusations by people. How does a dead photo prove who did it? Does a dead photo of a Jew prove a Nazi did it?

I meant the last one, given picture attached should make that obvious.

anyone got a link for that 3h movie about this, every single court case from the visi goths till modern times?

They're still the shittiest of folks in conglomerate.




Andrei, now I'm confused, what I had first too, I need to watch that movie again.

That was in 1913 though? Pogroms had already happened for hundreds of years. I don't believe most of the Holocaust details but the Pogroms were pretty fucked up and were usually over stupid shit like MUHH HOST DESECRATION

They really haven't changed at all...

they did nothing wrong, they should have hung all kikes. Bloting them is not a worthy sacrifice, it angers the Gods.

>It's better to not blot, than to blot to much, or if you don't know how into, which they clearly don't these satanists
>It's better not to pray, than to pray to much, or if you don't know how into

t. Heathen

Missed your question, yes, there was a trial and they were convicted. There is a movie on kiketube about this, I don't have the link on this computer, would want to spin it once more, it's a lot to remember.

Ben has made his stance on morons like OP very clear.

Here's the most important part about wiki pages fagnon. Click the talk tab to get all the juicy behind the articles.

It's another one of these days Sup Forums. The shilling storm will be over tomorrow, don't worry.