>cucked yourself out of your own empire, all that remains are some tiny ass islands only south american shithole countries want, and a chunk of snow at the end of the earth >let in shitloads of immigrants that have turned your cities into unrecognisable third-world embassies >your one politician who spoke out against immigration and the EU was sacked and ostracised, meanwhile Americans elected a literal bigot who lost a racism lawsuit (who campaigned on deporting Mexicans) to the presidency >delude yourselves into thinking that symbolically leaving the European Common Market will give you back your sovereignty instead of just accelerating your decline into irrelevance in the modern globalized world >your PM is literally saying the reason for Brexit is to make Britain more global
The UK is a fucking joke, Brits should just do like your decent punk musicians did and kill yourselves already
Nathan Torres
Couldn't link in time before archive lads. Forgive me!
At least /ourbrexiter/ David Davies is doing well
Benjamin Smith
Why couldn't Dave Davis be up for PM
Thomas Perry
How QT tonight?
Ethan Cruz
Not gonna lie, former Corbyn voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Corbyn crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy unlock the Black, Asian and Ethnic Minority people.
Cameron Garcia
So, next Tory leader: >Amber Rudd >David Davis >Boris Johnson
take your pick, which one will it be?
Joshua Edwards
Joshua Hill
cos he's a cunt
Leo Bennett
Genuinely don't know if this Indian guy is being ironic to prove some liberal point or if he's actually shitting on foreigners.
Brody Cook
My dog is German My coffee is Colombian My IT is Indian My car is English My food is Italian My TV is Japanese My diamonds are South African My licorice is Australian My computer is Chinese My wine is French And I am an American.
Why can't Brits just accept that multiculaturalism and globalisation benefits everyone in the entire world, including third world countries?
22 dead Brits is nothing compared to the carnage you guys caused in the Crusades.
Julian Flores
best in a long time. High quality panel and good audience questions.
William Harris
Bentley Thomas
Why does it always take an Indian or a Nigger to say that Immigration is destroying the country and putting the white race at risk.
Why are white people to scared to stand up and say this on TV debates
Alexander Fisher
Brayden Cruz
Susanne Evans is such a fucking cucklet
Gavin Cooper
John Johnson
Because whites get vanned by thought police for being raycis
Luis Sanders
fucking amazing paki in the audience hahahahahahaha
Hudson Cruz
Jack Parker
You are the 400 Paedos dont hide they FOLLOW YOU NOW as *MONSTERS !
Cooper Phillips
that paki melted my brain for a few seconds, once i understood and the more i listened the more i laughed amazing.
Blake Cruz
Dominic Peacock for PM
Daniel Lopez
>that paki on qt
Jesus Christ...
Brandon Lee
I can't get over that audience member kek what a fucking lad. I was expecting him to rage with the direct opposite point.
Hudson Thomas
Dude was based
Josiah Morris
>booing the one good paki in the country
Fuck politicians desu
Oliver Walker
Chairmay Mum out, this pakio in
Adrian Morris
as an ex-muslim paki theres actually a lot of people like him
we moved to get away from all the pakis and the ones that come here these days are actually from the shitty rude villages which is why he's sick of it
Easton Collins
>bazza shouting again
fucking hell
Cooper Harris
Logan Rogers
Someone Youtube that Paki moment.
Jeremiah Hill
>yfw even the pakis hate the pakis in the UK.
Samuel Reed
>less than a week to go
Christopher Johnson
Because we risk literal legal threats and potential jailtime/loss of livelihood by saying it on the telly. If you're brown at least people will initially listen to what you're saying and think for a few seconds before screeching.
Adrian Walker
Look lad it's nothing personal, but I need a wee out the end of my willy and i've chosen you as my toilet
*massages willy to get the last drops out
It could have been anyone but I chose you
Now dry yourself off, you're soaked with wee
Hunter Perry
>Robertson sucking off minorities Aaaand mute
Luke Hill
Wyatt Hall
I really wish that Angus Robertson would just neck himself tbqh
Nicholas Taylor
I like u willyposter
Blake Campbell
That redpilled Asian was swearing under his breath!
Christian Gonzalez
Any yet the crusaders butchered orders of magnitudes more people than the muslims you are always crying about.
David Lopez
Boris hasn't been forward-facing enough to win a leadership election imo. If leadership changes before brexit or if brexit doesn't go well then I'd say Rudd, otherwise Davis has a chance
Michael Jenkins
Kek, foiled again, if it wasn't for you meddling kids i'd have gotten away with it
Isaac Sanchez
Audience needs to heckle Gardiner a bit so he spergs out
Levi Bennett
Barry BTFO
Jaxon Scott
Leftypol needs to fuck off desu
Connor Powell
reddit in turmoil over brown man wanting less brown people
Christian Gutierrez
pics pls
Isaiah Perry
Carson Martin
>money doesn't appear out of thin air
Blake Brown
no of the meltdown on reddit ofc im watching qt
Noah Diaz
>English, South Africans, Australians, Americans >multicultural Literally all the same civilisation m8.
Adam Clark
Amber is pro immigrant and literally sucks cury dick fresh off the indian boats
Boris is a fucking brain dead moron who can`t think before he speaks.
Davis..........best of a shitty bunch.
Kevin Davis
Someone screencap the Based Paki Lad
Kevin Flores
I don't use Reddit so I can't help you there m8
Sebastian Collins
we can enjoy the fruits of other cultures without being mixed together.
What is international trade?
Alexander Brown
Rudd may very well lose her seat in the election.
Nicholas Brown
Make England English again.
Ryan Myers
>Akala and a TOWIE star on This Week
I don't understand lads.
Lucas Green
>"Get out of my country you paki bastards"
What did he mean by this?
Gavin Brooks
what does that even mean?
Tyler Mitchell
Juan Flores
Davis would be great but he's too old
Leo Anderson
I've never actually watched Neils show after QT, Any good?
Joseph Sullivan
He's sick of the abuse of student visas for undeducated village idiots from pakistan coming over and then being allowed to stay
which is why he's talking about BOGUS SCHOOLS and TESTS
Chase Brown
Labour's going to win boys - and I can't wait, BASED Corbyn is the only person that can save this country from becoming a tory tax haven that shills for the Saudis under a weak, wobbly leader who will be easily beaten by the EU in any coming debates.
Charles Nelson
>Why are white people to scared to stand up and say this on TV debates They aren't scared, they are so docile that they don't see the problem.
Justin Edwards
tripfags need to fuck off desu
Nathaniel Johnson
Are you the rude village poster?
Colton Hernandez
Sebastian Smith
Its pretty uncomfy
Easton Harris
>"Don't jump England! You've got so much to live for!" >BOOOOOO
Lucas Nelson
He doesn't want his cheapskate friends coming over
Ryan Lopez
>on reddit
Fuck outta here cunt
Aaron Garcia
No, he is a xenophobic racist who has been brainwashed by nazi propaganda.
Jordan Cook
>there's a left wing bias on Sup Forums
Liam Young
Dylan Howard
Why do they plague brit/pol/? don't see anywhere else on Sup Forums with them
Adrian Lopez
Half are. The rest can lose their jobs/friends/freedom for expressing their true opinions.
Cooper Williams
le fourteen eighty e - asian
Juan Moore
>Gove shilling for Macron
This is a 'conservative' in modern Britain
Landon Rivera
is portillo not on tonight?
Mason Evans
Akala just needs a wee taste of Chairmay Mum's naughty, then he'll come round
Parker Parker
Do you think this guy wrote this script?
Parker Gutierrez
They plague generals.
Jayden Gray
Fuck off pedo sympathiser.
Gabriel Powell
Who is this corbyn shill? Why are we getting political advice from a man with dreadlocks?
Chase Kelly
Someone tell me when he's off the TV
Bentley White
>Akala - 33 - voting for the first time
I was a Labour Ultra when I turned 18
Jace Hughes
forced diversity I'm sure
Eli Wilson
>there's a left wing bias on Sup Forums uh-huh. gb2 leftypol
Angel Flores
This atrocious "hip-hop" soundtrack to that segment.