Regarding the "terrorist attack" >Police suspect it's just a lone gunman with no motive of terrorism. Could just be a dumb cunt who lost a huge sum of money in a bet
>AFP CLAIMS 90% OF MARAWI UNDER CONTROL >DEATH TOLL AT 145 >95 terrorists reported killed(press P to piss on grave), 31 soldiers and police killed, and 19 civilians killed all by jihadists themselves >friendly fire incident have killed 10-11 AFP soldiers(it happens to everyone ;_;) >leaked photos of 'captured APCs' could have been connected to this friendly fire incident due to the structural damage around them >intelligence reveals there could be as much as 500 jihadists in the city, which sounds far more plausible than just "30-40" earlier rumored >AFP takes control of strategically crucial Mapandi and Bayabao bridges >Abus Sayyaf leader and ISIS member Isnilon Hapilon is believed to still be in the city, marking this the end of his reign(free helicopter rides imminent) >Maute apparently planned the siege of Marawi long ago to take place under Ramadan in order to be recognized by ISIS, which is why they seemed so well prepared for it >dozens of trapped civilians has been rescued over the days >40 foreigners are believed to have joined the Maute Group >among slain jihadists are Arabs, and Indian, a Turk, a Pakistani and a Chechen
> Search for "Philippines", "Mindanao" or "Marawi" to get some insight of the recent activity from groups who pledged their alliance to ISIS.
Xavier Ward
More Info: Talks about the Mapandi bridge which is a crucial tactical asset to fight Maute as it connects the entire AFP controlled part with the center of the city where the remaining hideouts of Maute allegedly lays. It's hard to take it because snipers are positioned around it, and there could also be an IED rigged to it. Maute has also 'beheaded' a statue of National Hero Jose P. Rizal Maute propaganda video of kidnapped priest forced to tell Duterte to comply with Maute demands or there may be consequences for the rest of the hostages >“Mr. President, we are in the midst of war,” Fr. Teresito “Chito” Suganob said in a video that has been circulating on Facebook. “We are asking for your help. Please give us what your enemies are asking for. They are not asking for anything, just withdraw your forces away from Lanao del Sur and Marawi City. Stop the air strikes, stop the air attacks, stop the cannons.” >“We do not ask for anything. We just ask you to leave this place peacefully,” Suganob said, standing in front of some destroyed buildings. Gunfire could also be heard while he was talking. >“Do not use violence, your enemies are ready to die for their religion,” he said. >"We want to live another day, we want to live another month," Suganob said, standing in front of debris and partially burned buildings. Directing his remarks to Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte, he said, "We want to live few years and in your generosity, Mr. President, in your heart, we know you can make something (happen)." >"Along with us are about 200 carpenters, household helpers, children and youth, and ordinary Christian settlers," he said. The presence of that number of hostages could not be independently confirmed.
Brody Brooks
FROM RECENT DUTERTE SPEECH: >Duterte slams the muslims and communists for shitting up his country on the Navy's anniversary >Describes muslims as the authoritarian religion it is >No more peace talks to the commies, have fun you UPfags >BTFOs the press for being witch hunting bastards like the US (((MSM))) >Slams Chelsea Clinton for being a hypocrite
8 Maute members surrender, provide ‘valuable’ intel — AFP
>The Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) on Wednesday announced that eight members of the Maute terrorist group have surrendered and provided important information to the military.
>“From the unit of General Parcon, there were eight members hold up in Marawi who surrendered to his forces,” AFP Spokesperson Brig. Gen. Restituto Padilla Jr. said during a Palace briefing.
>“And these individuals have been talked to and debriefed and have provided very, very valuable intelligence,” he said.
Freed inmates joined Maute in Marawi City battle, AFP says
>A week-long assault by Maute group terrorists in Marawi City is being fueled with stolen weapons and ammunition and fighters broken out of jails, the military said on Wednesday, as troops battled militants resisting ground and air attacks. >The pro-Islamic State Maute group has proven to be a fierce enemy, clinging on to the heart of Marawi City through days of air strikes on what the military called known rebel targets, defying expectations of a swift end to their occupation. >The military deployed for the first time SF-260 close air support planes to back attack helicopters and ground troops looking to box rebels into a downtown area. >The army said the rebels hold about a tenth of the city. >The hardline Maute had kept up the fight with rifles and ammunition stolen from a police station, a prison, and an armored police vehicle, and were using them to hold off the troops, said military spokesman Restituto Padilla. >The militants had freed jailed comrades to join the battle and opted to engage in urban warfare because the city had stocks of arms and ample supplies of food. >"Yes indeed, there was planning involved," Padilla said. >President Rodrigo Duterte is alarmed by the strength of the Maute and intelligence reports suggesting it has teamed up with other extremist groups and has recruited foreign fighters.
>Dozens of foreign jihadis have fought side-by-side with Islamic State sympathizers against security forces in the southern Philippines over the past week, evidence that the restive region is fast becoming an Asian hub for the ultra-radical group. >A Philippines intelligence source said that of the 400-500 marauding fighters who overran Marawi City on the island of Mindanao last Tuesday, as many as 40 had recently come from overseas, including from countries in the Middle East. >The source said they included Indonesians, Malaysians, at least one Pakistani, a Saudi, a Chechen, a Yemeni, an Indian, a Moroccan and one man with a Turkish passport. >"IS is shrinking in Iraq and Syria, and decentralizing in parts of Asia and the Middle East," said Rohan Gunaratna, a security expert at Singapore's S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies. >"One of the areas where it is expanding is Southeast Asia and the Philippines is the centre of gravity."
Not much news today other than the friendly fire incident and the peace corridor
Noah Young
Nathan Howard
Nemmen nå koser vi oss ikke sant? Du kan ikke bumpe de forste 15 minuttene.
Camden Bailey
stikk'a jævla polakk
Cooper Scott
why is this not over yet?
William Gutierrez
Forpulte jævla ostlending, gå og sug litt mer balle.
Lincoln Powell
Det er jo et kompliment, ulikt hvor enn i kupulerland du bor
Jayden Walker
90% was announced under control by the government yesterday, excluding some outskirts in the south.
It's ogre soon
Liam Diaz
Wow, you're so hyped that I'll give you a few updates:
BREAKING: Philippine national police chief says robbery may have been a motive in casino attack; terror links doubtful. >
Nei, det er ikke det. At du ser på det slik innebærer at du er en av de nye landsmenn og mest sannsynlig filipinsk. Du får ikke lov til det, vær norsk eller stikk over grensen til sverige
Eli Green
Thanks for the update Poland-user
You shouldn't trust any of the Amaq claims. They say that Maute has killed over 150 AFP fighters or so, which is far too bloated, and that they took an APC on day one by just firing at it with small arms
Når en bondejævel gjör narr av meg, så bare tenker jeg over at jeg kommer til å ha en deilig jobb på et kontor og tjener 600-700.000 i året, mens du må putte armen opp i rævva på ei ku hver dag til 200.000
Christopher Jones
At du tror hele resten av norge er bonder sier jævlig mye om hvorfor ostlandet er hatet. Og å se ned på bonder, jævla idiotisk. Faens like greit at dere holder dere vekke, gjor oss bare godt.
Aiden Rogers
>being this mad
Jason Wright
Umulig å like dere ostlendinger, er faen ikke lenge igjen til det er svenske tilstander i staden.
Anthony Lewis
Alle byer har svenske tilstander, men i det minste tjener jeg 3 ganger så mye som deg, fattige bondejævel
John Jenkins
>the robber used ISIS name for attention whoring
Eli Harris
>kommer til å ha en jobb hah! lille stusselige riskoker, du tjener ikke halvparten engang der du jobber i onkelen din sin kioks.
Adrian James
Or, it might have been a case of thisánsebes >The situation was made worse when officers, in an attempt to restore order, shouted "Halt! Halt!" which was misheard by soldiers with no knowledge of German as "Allah! Allah!"
Kevin Long
Når man har master innen IT blir man nesten dratt ut av huset av arbeidsgivere, mens du må skuffe kubæsj 15 timer om dagen
Sebastian Hall
Du drommer. Å gud hvor du drommer. Du er muligens i dine sister dager på master om ikke du leverte nylig. Du vil bruke sommeren til å feste i godt humor fordi nå har du fremtiden forran deg. >får deg jobb, 410k >blir erstatter av indere innen du får 415k
Du lever på andres ord, de lyger.
Landon Morales
hva enn du sier, bondegutt
Bentley Young
Du gir meg glede. Skal tenke på deg fremover å le når jeg ser får meg hvor du faktisk er.
Thomas Collins
du viser at det mest komplekse du kan gjore er å skuffe bæsj og dra i jura på ei ku, så vesle bondegutt vet ikke hvordan storbyen fungerer
Blake Lopez
(((They))) are coming back at dutes. How much more would the Madman keep on winning, bois?
Henry Perry
>people post my shitty OC
I am honored
Wyatt James
Hvem faen vil vel ikke være bonde?
Mason Morales
folk med IQ på over 90
Julian Sullivan
last bump before I sleep Hope Flips have woken up now to take over the thread
Carson Sanchez
>a Chechen Those fuckers are all over the place.
Adam Baker
>suspects in casino attack more than one contrary to initial reports
Nathaniel Taylor
>mexican looking individuals
Samuel Diaz
Evan Scott
As someone who graduated from UP, I am deeply ashamed of the new generation of students.
I visited UP Diliman recently and the place was chuck full of middle class coños. Don't get me wrong. UP has always been left leaning but this kind of western SJW culture is newer. I'm afraid it's very pervasive in the colleges nowadays. At least in places with middle and upper class kids.
Evan Collins
P & S
Josiah Brown
It is, and it's everywhere. It's a disease.
Oliver Jackson
RW's security is pretty high, likely an inside job. Worker said it happened on the 2nd floor where the high rollers are at > Dela Rosa, in battle fatigues and clutching a firearm, described the shooter as a “6-footer na parang foreign-looking, puti na medyo may bigote (a 6-footer who is foreign-looking, white with a moustache).”