How long until degeneracy is completely normalized?
How long until degeneracy is completely normalized?
Why do you hate love?
Why do you hate freedom?
Go figure
okay guys
were concentration camps that bad of an idea?
This is what social justice looks like.
>people flock to Portland Oregon to yiff in public
>Soon the majority of furs are contained there
>Seal off the city from the united States and use them for chemical and disease testing
I see no fucking problem here
this is true feminism
Dont seal me in with these fuckers
>How long until degeneracy is completely normalized
It already is. When we don't beat degenerates on the street and condemn them to mental institutions for their crimes against decency, we have already made it normal.
lol, tough shit bruh
we must sacrifice you for the good of the many
Not going to happen, degenerates can not survive in reality for very long.
butt can we yiff
[citation not needed]
fake as shit. tell me furries don't want it though.
Is this really real? If it is somebody its deliberately trying to stir civil unrest.
>defecate, mate
i'm just gonna assume these will be happening simultaneously.
Negative 50 years
Lol I think the city council is fucking batshit insane with their leftist Ideology they think everyone is oppressed.
There have been no furries EVER who wanted to shit at the dog park or specifically have sex at the dog park.
Legalizing furry sex at dog parks is a bad idea, furries are known to rape dogs.
You guys are so fucking gullible.
>only in america
Only straight sex performed by a cis gendered white man can be rape.
Hi Shareblu
Thanks for the (((snopes))) link
Let's lock up the jews anyway just to be safe.
this is very unhealthy for dogs
Give me a reliable source for the information in OP's picture.
Break out the poo in loo memes.
>using a parody news site for "real news" debate as if it was factual
>living in Portland
You deserve this.
fake af
quit sliding threads shariablue
Is USA great again yet?
This used to be a white supremacist city, you know.
Sup Forums is fucking dead, back in 2013 and previously people would actually check if an article existed before discussing it
fuck off nerd
nope. we're nuking you fuckers. portland is the shitheap of the entire west.
but then we have to feed them
I hope it will be legal soon. People should be allowed to do what they want unless it hurts others. You fascists aren't going to get away with controlling everyone.
Sorry user, you have to break a few eggs to make a omelet. God speed to oblivion.
The menace with it is that retards do not understand what they are doing wrong and how it will hurt others. This is why degeneracy is bad - mentally ill are unable to grasp reality.
You chose to live there. You deserve it.
This Sunday it ends here...
What do portland laws say about stray dogs?
You're kidding, right?
shitting in public is a health hazard, fucking in public is bad because muh children
Why would you put in gender equality and migrant issues with your climate change? That'll only give people more things to disagree with it.
This is satire.
Hurry, slaughter the yiffers, it's your only hope.
>also user, call animal control on their asses, that news story needs to break so we can all have a good laugh.
They need one of us in the wreckage brother
Is burgerland even real?!?!
Come on man that's absolutely ridiculous...
Reeducation camps for appropriating furry culture.
>Portugal asks if Burgerland is real
>TFW you recently heard a nignog say Portugal is the capital of Spain.
In some ways, regrettably.
I like your country my burger brain friend, but a part of it it's completely fucked up...
Who tha fuck pushes this type of things...I mean how they even have a face to go in front of the senate or whatever and defend pic related...Is unbelievable.
Sacrifices have to be made, sorry user.
Enjoy your furry aids, Portlandbro
You guys need a civil war asap
Nah, the destruction of women's sports is one of the good side-effects of trannymania.
I'm from the future and this degeneracy has only just begun. Just wait until beastiality in public is seen as brave and artful.
holy fuck you guys are so amazingly retarded. literally thinking the image in the OP is real. you guys are seriously so low IQ and low awareness. no sake of irony or parody. delete this fucking website it's nothing but mental midget faggots now.
Sorry fag.
I pity anybody bought a nice condo downtown.
Fake news. Kys OP.
oh my god dude are you seriously this fucking retarded? Holy FUCK this website is full of literal fucking retards now. look at your own link faggot.
It takes one google search to smell out this bait bullshit.
none of you Sup Forums fags are Aryan enough for this board if you didn't use google.
So when fake stories like this get posted and people reply with sympathies for Nazis and liberals being too blame it is done in jest right?
>furries and drag queens are now praised as perfect citizens
>people tell them they are so brave for going in public and acting as disgusting as possible
what went wrong?
Fake news
I fucking hate my city
this thread is straight up proof of how fucked we are. such an outrageous article, clearly a parody, insane title, posted to a satire news site. and comment after comment of "omg this is insane!!" "i cant believe this is real"
lol lif you think that's real
>mating in dog parks
this, u live in portland
sorry faggot
No way
Has much of this stuff happened in the past year?
We will send help, our troops will rescue you by horse with bows and arrows.
A year, maybe even two ago, I might not have given this a second thought.
Today I wouldn't be surprised, especially becuase of
Holy shit fuck everyone who was a cunt about how "fake" it is
All you need to do is close your eyes
No more suffering of everyday life soon
Consensual sex is not part of Canine culture, so it stands to reason that Canine identified Furries should not be held accountable for what we recognize as rape, but they do not. When will the sexual oppression of Furries end, Portland?!
Snopes denies that Irish were slaves
literally fake news
It already is
"Mass Suicide in California After Fitbit Cult Fails to Collectively Reach 1 Trillion Steps"
"Police: Infowars' Alex Jones Abducted from Texas Starbucks by Shapeshifting Reptilians"
"China Agrees to Fund Planned Parenthood in Exchange for Tissue Donations"
> what went wrong?
A lot went wrong. But the birth of the EQ concept was one of the milestones.
Yes they were. Would you want to be sent to a camp by a far left gov't?
Seems not that long ago the right was afraid of being put in FEMA camps. I always said it was classic projection because it's exactly what many of them want to do to the left.
Stop being so concerned about what others do and fix your own shit.
Sorry senpai there will always be collateral damage when these things happen I suggest you get a rifle and start digging in.
If things get bleak put a round into your skull to save yourself the horror of being dragged into a furpile and having your rectum forcefully shredded by an extra large tucker the equine.
Godspeed my dude.