Fascists, nationalists and anti-Islam groups are dividing Europe. Instead of working together and accepting difference, they want to divide our societies.
Hell, their ideology, nationalism, is basically "segregation" on an earthly-scale. "This random land area is for this group and that is for that group"
>used to be liberal They got retarded and started giving black people/trannies special treatment
>used to be conservative Racist nutcases who believe Jews are conspiring against them
I'm ready to leave Sup Forums and politics altogether.
Hudson Russell
Of course. What's wrong with division?
Jason Campbell
Marxist ideologies have killed more people than fascism. Communism is a joke and so is antifa
Thomas Williams
That's exactly the point mongol rapebaby. Would you really want to live together with commies, jews and faggots?
Jose Taylor
>128053806 >Hell, their ideology, nationalism, is basically "segregation" on an earthly-scale. "This random land area is for this group and that is for that group"
You mean how humanity worked for all of history?
Jace Sullivan
I wouldn't call it special treatment. You have to think about it in historical terms. We are only creating the equal playground.
Alexander Perez
>What's wrong with division?
Lincoln Miller
>I'm ready to leave Sup Forums and politics altogether. Whatever lol. Have fun with thought crimes in Canada. We have freedoms, and our president is showing the world that we don't need them as bad as they need us. You will see this play out over the next year.
Brandon Campbell
>Would you really want to live together with commies, jews and faggots? Why would i care about their sexual preference or religion? This is what i'm talking about
Jonathan Clark
Are you going to answer or not?
Inclusivity and unity are Leftist concepts, I don't consider them expedient or morally valuable.
Thomas Morales
I'm libertarian. How am I divisive?
Thomas Edwards
>"praise diversity n shiiiet"
>gets mad when people want to keep their culture and their people
Can you see where you're wrong?
Caleb Green
Well - yes. You can take a look at all the conflict that has resulted from that tribalism.
Julian Stewart
Antifa is fighting for your freedom, you're the joke
Anthony Ward
You can't have diversity if everyone is the same shade of poo
Justin Brooks
>Why would i care about their sexual preference or religion? So if a religion says that another group of people should die would you let them come inside that group of people?
Isaac Cook
That's the thing though. Your fine with "accepting difference" and we are not. So what your saying is it's your way or no way so I'd say your causing more division amongst people fuck off.
Leo Rivera
Unity creates cohesion. Divisiveness is conflict.
Asher Cruz
Antifa doesn't know what they're fighting for. It's literally a bunch of 19-24 year old white trust fund babies who have authority issues.
They got their equality and now want to self segregate. Your entire idea of open borders is doomed to fail because most nigger and arab cultures cannot be seperated from tribalism.
Humanity isn't going to magically abandon tribalism just because some spoiled lefty cuckolds preach the benefits of diversity from their protective bubble world.
Mason Lee
Fighting for freedom by shutting down college campuses and infringing on free speech because you can't debate? You anarcho communist fucks want a violent revolution that will kill anyone who resists collectivism. That's not freedom. These things always end badly because communism doesn't work. Stop chasing an idealist pipe dream
Blake Rivera
No it doesn't. Unity necessitates cohesion, it doesn't create it.
Logan Myers
Yeah, because fascists have so much political power. Pretty sure the leaders of the most powerful european leaders are leftist or left center that are pro-immigration.
Dominic Gray
>Trucks of Islamic peace mashing kids >Nailbombs of Islamic peace blasting kids >Bullets of Islamic peace killing people
Fucking nationalists.
Asher Sullivan
>Their flag is a picture of a flag
Jaxson Richardson
whatever fuck off to your ancestral homeland
or enjoy helping to win the guinness world record for simultaneous rope swing.
Juan Wood
what did they mean by this
Asher Foster
look both ways kid before u get hit by a car do u want your nigger dad to beat u as u watch you mom get raped
Blake Jenkins
>I'm ready to leave Sup Forums and politics altogether. yes please, also consider killing yourself, you are too retarded for this world
Jacob Reed
Jackson Davis
>people on the right will yell about communism not working and also tell everyone China is coming to eat their lunch.
Michael Nelson
>slavery was started by america and only america ever had salves
go kill yourself you idiots
Xavier Ortiz
it was the other way around, the government forced neighborhoods and schools to take in black people and give them free shit
Cooper Ortiz
>terrorism kills a couple thousand >more likely to be killed by a toddler with daddys gun
Hunter Carter
This thread is retarded. The end goal of all division is homogeneity. Division does not occur when everything is the same.
Jose Taylor
Great job on continuing a Nazi propaganda movement that started in the 1930's, ANTIFAggots.
Anthony Peterson
>You have to think about it in historical terms No we don't. They are free to live and work in our countries, without discrimination. We owe nothing
Joseph Bennett
Forced unity isn't unity. The modern right is a result of that.
Eli Thompson
>Makes a divisive thread title >"The RIGHT is the divisive one"
Fucking retard
Xavier Lee
The communists where a very real threat in 1920s Germany. Hitler didn't create them, he just exploited their idiocy.