Say something nice about the country above you

Say something nice about the country above you.

You have nice burgers



You did important stuff a long time ago.

You're better than Brazil

Nice burgers

you tried making le pen president

real country

Leopold II.

You helped us become independent.

world police

Canada is the country above me. I really can't think of anything nice to say about them.

You exist

You gave us Bande Dessine

We ended the climate change hoax and the whole world will benefit for generations from it.

Makes everyone else feel better about their countries

Nandos tastes good


Best Euro Empire

British quisine is not the miserable thing everyone thinks it is.

Only 53 percent white

Still has our flag

even your niggers are smart enough to hot wire rusted and abandoned trash cars

Every time someone makes fun of my country for the Vietnam war I look at your country and feel better.

invented muh Freedom and also porn and grunge

>Here to make your lives hard

Also good musicals

yeah lads im struggling here...

Saab were goat cars

Beretta is a fine manufacturer of firearms. So damn sexy

invented royal orgies featuring trannies and gays.

meat balls

I like the pope



best women in the world


I like Starcraft and you guys are gods at it.

Minecraft sooths my autism

>muh empire

You have me.