You "people" disgust me.
You're happy that a fat, corrupt, hypocritical, lying rapist made a retarded decision that will cause thousands of animal species to go extinct?
We're in the sixth mass extinction, Drumpf just made it worse.
Do you have any idea how many families in third world countries are going to starve because the increase in climate will make it impossible for them to grow crops?
Do you have any idea how many new diseases are going to be spread now?
But hurr durr we sure showed those liburals, amirite, centipedes? Lolololololol suck it jews. who cares about shitskins and sandniggers anyways?
I've lurked on this board for about a few days now, I understand how you lowlifes think. You're tinfoil hat wearing, overweight, depressed trolls. I can tell you want some sort of meaningful existence, and you assume that there's some sort of evil council of jews denying you a happy life.
You want a happy life? Go live with these "niggers" in Africa. Maybe you'll find that they're living a more fulfilling life than you are. Besides, I see all you "Christians" wanting to defeat the "Mudslimes," so why not just live your life as a missionary in Central Africa (Not using Christian as a deregatory term here. What I'm saying is that you're not true Christians). I'm sorry, but I can't recall that chapter in John where Jesus told his followers to gas the kikes (Roman Catholic myself) and kill the mudslimes.
But of course, I'm giving too much hope towards you degenerates.
Do you think you're funny? Because I am laughing so fucking hard right now. so. fucking. hard.
Do something with your life. Fight hunger. Fight Climate Change. But no. You want to be depressed in your basement shilling for Trump because his tweets make you laugh. Go to hell.