Should I invest in crypto currency and if yes which one?

What if a financial crisis hits us and currency basically becomes a joke?
Are there great crypto currencies to mine and invest in? I thought about bitcoin but are there some even better options right now?

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Yes you certainly should and go to /biz/

Invest in a useful trade/skill that people need or want.

Step 1 - sell everything you have and get yourself into as much debt as possible
Step 2 - put it all into "bitbeans"
Step 3 - wait 10 years
Step 4 - sell the bitbeans. They might have gone up by 1 million percent.


why dogecoin ofc! :^)

That shit is going to the moon. Just remember to HODL and you can download your Lamborghini come the financial crash.

Dump every penny of your savings into ethereum like I did.

My only regret is that I didn't get in sooner.

What i'm about to say is totally irrelevant to the post at hand but if you had a referendum to be under British rule again, how would you vote?

Why are you asking questions like that britbro?

Shouldn't you be out accosting pakis?

Ethereum m8

Seriously invest in ETH and Golem

Nope. Invest in bullets and guns. If shit really hits the fan they will be a lot more useful than bitcoin
>This happened half an hour ago

>What if a financial crisis hits us and currency basically becomes a joke?
Then you want money, not your inaccessible 1010s.

When the next night of broken glass happens make sure to spare that pakis shop.

Crypto hype is pretty much over and will crash soon.

Live like Varg.

crypto is shaping up to be the new gold, put 5-10% of your investments in them
BTC is a bit pricey but you should get a least a couple in case of a moonshot,main problem with them is how slow they process and the fact that they are basically pegged to the yuan at this point cause the chinks hide their shekels in bitcoins ETH is still reasonable id get into that as much as you are comfortable with
again use crypto as a hedge and diversification skew , dont put all you got in them unless you're a madman

>AR15 pistol with brace
>not a butt stock
>not belt fed

Doesn't seem like liberty to me

>dont put all you got in them unless you're a madman

>white people shaking their heads when a brown person literally warns them of the danger

we are so fucking done

>Americans go to jail if they shoulder a pistol AR
>Land of the free

etc fuckery makes me think there's some funny business surrounding eth

what a fucking disaster.

sats increasingly nervous man for the umpteenth time.

>this degenerate society won't crash


Buy your way into Ethereum before it flips values with Bitcoin.
Even at $200+ an Ether, we're only into the first year of fully-functioning ETH, along with several Big Banks backing the blockchain.

Let me use this opportunity to say that /biz/ has gone to utter shit since cryptocurrencies exploded a few months ago. My three most frequented boards used to be Sup Forums, Sup Forums and /biz/ - now it's just the first two.

What happened to /biz/?

I never went there but am considering stopping by since I have thousands invested in crypto. What should I be aware of?

Basic gestalt pls.

Your fucked either way

Used to be full of topics other than cryptocurrency shilling, now that's all it consists of.

Wait until btc retraces back to around 1k usd and then buy. Should be relatively soon. Or buy eth when it retraces back to 100 or so.
