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Brown bricks.
read the comics posted in the link my spic friend
he made them in 2004
better times. mike is ourguy. Bootsy is a sjw jew
why? Get this cuckery off of my board, Gino
I refuse to believe Mike Matei, from cinemassacre, made these comics.
Nigger nigger vagina fish vagina nigger?
No way.
If he did, he's going to be banned from working on Cinemassacre forever by James' SJW wife.
i have watched mike and james for years..... politics have nothing to do with anything
happy to see that Mike is /ourguy/.
Doesnt he fuck traps too?
Welp. I really thought this was some sort of fakery.
But Mike is on record as having made an animated short called 'Kung Fu Bandito' in 2007. So evidently he did draw a Bandito character years ago.
So maybe this is legit.
In which case, if this gets out, Mike is 100% ruined. PewDiePie bounced back because the media overreached. Making fun of nazis and self-parodying AS a nazi is not the same thing as making mexican bashing comics where you throw around the word nigger and other epithets.
James Rolfe has said nigger in the past as well, He'll be fine. This is Cinemassacre after all, They've made much more fucked up shit then the Angry Video Game Nerd.
>linking to r*ddit's version of r*ddit
I mean this as seriously as possible, end your own life.
In Minecrap
Looks like a smear attempt. No proof it's him.
Mike is a background figure to everyone but pretty hardcore AVGN fans, no one knows or cares enough about him to have much of a reaction to this.
Also AVGN himself weathered the storm of the female Ghostbusters thing so this certainly won't do anything to their brand.
>anzu will never hold you hostage and rape you
feels bad man
This is the same guy who admitted his cock was 12 inches. Plus it's the same art style that is well known.
Femdom faggots really are garbage, Man up you pussies. Only betacucks make women treat them like shit.
Did you offer her enough money?
Just give her food and games
moiney crafta
>implying getting raped by anzu would be "getting treated like shit"
I am too scared to talk to her, let alone buy her stuff
how is one man so based?
That's definitely Mike's dialog. You can tell because it sounds like a 9 year old saying his first curse words.
What the fuck does his cock have to do with it? And where exactly did he admit it? Not counting ironic bullshit.
Also even if the style was similar, which I don't see at all, it doesn't prove shit.
That ugly faggot is an autistic retard.
In before
>Yeah, just like Sup Forums
Source on that? I would imagine the shitstorm from that would be never ending since they live in Massachusetts.
So this is where the meme comes from, he admitted it. Hmm
I love politically incorrect humor but this is fucking terrible. It's almost as bad as his review of Elmo In Grouchland. James should dump this dumb hack.
i doubt that this is real, have you seen the title cards from the early AVGN videos? The comics artstyle is shit, but the art on the title cards a much shittier.
Maybe a false flag from someone who wants him off the channel?
Because if so they have my full support.
This, I have no doubt this shit was written by Mike. It's eerily similar to some of his videos.
>false flag
That's what I'm thinking also..
Oh shit, I haven't seen the full video in its original form in years. Thanks, user. I'm shocked Mike hasn't taken it down yet.
I love how that line will haunt Mike until the day he dies.
its actually fucking worse than his minecraft review.
Oh gives a flying fuck!?
The fact that this stupid shit is actually bothering him makes it 10 times funnier. Learn to laugh about yourself before going public with anyhting. You need a thick skin.
It's the worst thing Mike has ever made. It's worse than Melvin Brother of the Joker and Demo Reel combined.
Not gonna lie, former AVGN fan here. This is fucking hilarious watching Mike crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the Battletoads.
this. he's like that one kid in school who used to get riled up over such small shit.
bwraughne bhreigcks
in moighnecrwap
He's married? Jesus
He married her so you don't have to
Press F to pay respects to Doug
>Doug and Dough
>shit is actually bothering him
confirmed, no doubt this was him
Press H to not get your cock sucked by this nasty slut
He's a cringelord too
Dude his hot big tittied gf brings other chicks into their bedroom.
I hardly call that cuckery.
He's the angriest spic you ever heard
He's the angry bandito nerd
He's the chink, spook and cracker nerd
He's the angry
video game
I fuck this whale so you don't have to
sorry friend. Misread that.
God damn, I just gained respect for Mike. Those comics are his best work. Fucking hilarious. Not even offensive desu
Mike, go away.
how can that be possible when James is suck a cuck?
James is not a cuck,his wife is obviously a SJW though.
>god damn piss face nigger cunt dick fart
>Wow! This blowjob machine is really gettin' my rocks off!
No joke he tries to get it DMCA'd.
Lel, I am definitely not Mike, I just fucking loved these comics. He should do more of them
James is a limp wristed faggot that married a SJW coal burner
Mike is a big dicked alpha that fucks girls in the ass (because they have no vaginas)
how do you know she is?
It was a different time.
When the Elmo video and Inspector Gadget video got mocked he took them down and tried his hardest to wipe out all traces of them. He has taken down countless reuploads. Hell, he still takes down reuploads. He desperately wants both of those videos to be forgotten.
>>It was a different time.
>It was a goddam nigger Pete, never relax around blacks!
can we meme Mike Matei into some sort of Alt-Right icon?
I think Moineycraeftah was worse.
How did Sam Rami get away with that?
James hasn't really been shown to care about modern politics much if at all. Come to think of it, all James cares about is old movies and old video games. He's an odd fellow and I doubt he even uses the internet much if at all, so I doubt he has anything to do with Mike's stuff outside of when they were working together in college.
>Mike becomes an alt-right icon
>James' wife has a shitfit and forces James to dump Mike from cinemassacre
I really like this idea.
>big adventure
She wrote a blog post where she was bitching about the lack of non-caucasian people in Cinemassacre,not even kidding.
someone pls wheres the proofs that james' wife is an SJW
linx papa juan?
Why is there a Nixon portrait on the wall?
also vinny seemed so uncomfortable here
Now this is high quality ART. Not the degenerate jewish kind. wtf I love Mike now.
He posted a picture of his dick on twitter. The funny thing is he immediately deleted it and he'll instaban your ass if you mention it.
It was a different time mang
can you link the video that the Nixon portrait is in?
Search Mrs.Nerd speaks on google
it's in loads, I just find it odd that it's there among everything else on the wall
Thats because Vinny is a libtard jew nintoddler from Jew York. All his fans are tumblrinas as well.
That is disgustingly pathetic
Unfunny garbage that is crude for the sake of being crude.
The only people who'd find these funny are edgy faglords and the only people they'd piss off are sanctimonious SJW's
>The second thing that has become apparent recently is the lack of diversity on Cinemassacre. In its beginnings it was James and only James, so diversity wasn’t an issue, but now as the site expands to include new shows like OverAnalyzers, Mike’s Glitches, guest actors on Board James or AVGN and fun little videos like the TMNT Pizza Party its all too clear that this site is a caucasion sausage fest. While I can’t help to add any ethnic diversity, I can bring a female perspective to things that I think all 10 of the female viewers will appreciate.
cucks gonna cuck
Because Ryan looks like he's about to eat him, assuming this "vinny" is the man in the middle.
What's the story behind this? All I know is Bootsy got fired.