Make Our Planet Great Again

Make Our Planet Great Again

>Macron is /ourguy/

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>yess good goys take climate migrants to save zee planet

He got one solid handshake on Emperor Trump and now he thinks he can start pushing around the US and Russia. This guy is gonna end up with 9 suicide wounds to his rectum.

/ourguy/ is officially for shills now



He belongs in a bakery

It's the Redistribute America's Wealth Agreement. Of course these eurofags are going to denounce it.

Make France France again

>international pol hates on us for being the good goy capital
>literally the only mostly white country to not sign the gay commie eco crap
who's the good goy now eurotards?

macron is good


And fuck that rag. 1st amendment baby!

kill those mudslimes

Is this an option?

Have you ever heard the adage "make sure your own house is in order before you comment on someone else's"?

Of course you haven't, Europeans have no concept of single family houses or private ownership of property, hence why your countries with thousands of years of growth and history have been laughably eclipsed in every metric by a country with less than a quarter of your development time
Why should we care at all about your opinions? Does the lion care about the opinion of the gazelle?

Yea this really shows a lot. We need an American only board I guess.

Macron is the modern example of manlet overcompensation. Shook hands for almost a minute and still wouldn't let go after Trump stopped shaking.

Married to a pedophile

Did macron manage to make globalism cool?

>hey europe, you've been quiet over there, what do you think of this?

>oh, on second thought, why don't you keep your bullshit to yourself europe. fuck off and get off our lawn.

An American only board would lack the people bashing us with siding with Israel over Iran, bashing our military, bashing anyone praising anyone other than a white american. It would be interesting to see where that goes. You can be sure it's mostly Euros trying to discourage us from unifying as a country and telling them to fuck off.

There is a new lion in the savanna.

>it's irreversible
>but gib monies anyway

I think the globalists one upped trump with Macron dude is smooth


Make Paris French again.

This. It's cringy as fuck when some beta cuck tries to act alpha.


He's in panic mode, none of the foreign old partner follow his shit, and is fren government of literallywhos is already under scandals.
He keeps going outside of the country to avoid to work.

Plenty of Americans hate both sides. I think it would be pretty fair

Good Boy.

Pittsburgh, not Paris

Sort out France from muslims first, cuckboy.

>Make France France again
You're racist!

>*bing bing* *yahooo* *Il n'y a pas de culture Francaise!*

Wouldn't bringing migrants into your country and supplying them with resources to have 9+ children each be counter intuitive to moving away from man made climate change?

Ajahah macaroni wants to be tough guy , i want out of europe ffs

*lion cub

I hate Macron so much

This guy is gonna learn a hard lesson or two over the next while...

i had no idea your country existed

Altough climate change is real imo, theres nothing we in the west can do. Its fucking up to china to do anything with their coal mining. They said they would only stop when there's no coal left in the regions they're mining in.

Eat shit, french bastard.

>(((our))) planet
Nigga, keep yourself contained to the cheese eating serfs you already have.

>make our planet great again
>says the globalist granny fucker

I call for freedom fries! Let's do this boys!

This little piggy went oui oui oui all the way home.

>smartass against both USA and Russia
What could POSSIBLY go wrong

Are the Muslims going to take them over soon or what? I'd rather hear some Muslim president scream Allah Ackbar and America must be neutered than listen to another word of this horse shit.
Anything is better than these mother fuckers.

All French posters should be banished from Sup Forums until they reclaim their country from invaders and EU Globalist shills that only care about "MUH DIVERSITY".

Frenchy, if you really want to affect climate change, you'll need to have control of your country again in order to make up silly rules about it instead of getting killed by Jihadis and ISIS.

>Macron is /ourguy/
Sure. The guy directly created by (((them))) has the best interest of mankind at hearth.

>beating a man 30 years older than your in a handshake war is hard

rarest flag I've ever seen, and I've seen some rare ass flags

proxy or no, I'm happy


>There is a new turd in the punch bowl

His mommy is smooth, too

Do you people take these dumbass clowns seriously?
shame on you

there is not one woman in that pic I would fuck, and I have fucked wildabeasts

>giving a shit about whatever that leftist necrophile says

Just a few weeks into his presidency, and I have a hard time deciding whether Macron or Trudeau is the bigger cuck. This is getting really pathetic.

>the bigger cuck

American people ?

I visibly winced when I heard him say that. I don't think it came off as epic as he thought it would.

>not wanting a shitty deal makes us the cucks
Vas courir les remparts, ma salope.

>earth was great when there were no people
>let's allow for uncontrolled population growth in Africa, India, and China to make the world great again
really makes you think

>Die Mumie wenig cuck

This, really. The easiest way to fix the possible problem is population control, not racemixing and white genocide

They are all just mad because their bank just pulled out. They have no way to pay for this deal anymore.

Shut up goy. You're not racist are you?

>you morons trust a rothschild banker
I know trump isn't that great but jesus.

That handshake might have cost him the Paris Agreement. Let that sink in. Cause and effect faggot.

Exactly this.

>the place where they hold public art cuck galleries and little numale white boys can hold a blonde bombshell nude in his lap while a nigger fucks her
>who's president is a woman's bitch

What happens to people when they try to stump the Trump?


Fuck off, race traitor


>make the planet great again
>pay chinks and poos to do not a damn thing differently because the UN will never enforce anything ever

Macaroni can go choke on frog dick. Any developed nation that signed into this with Article 9 as written is literally just shitting away money. You wanna impact climate change? Reign in the chinks. Like holy fuck why does nobody talk about those soulless rice niggers whenever pollution comes up in relation to climate change? Its always the fault of the west and nobody else.

Our carbon emissions have been going down for years, and are still projected to go down over the next decade, even without us being part of the Paris Accord. The year prior to this feel-good sham of an accord, the countries tried to get actual commitments with enforcement procedures in Lima; it failed because no one was willing to do it. For the Paris Accord every country that signed chose its own goals, which were approved without any modification or argument. China and India have essentially no obligations until 2030, which is when they are estimated to have reached their peak industrialization. India is supposed to build 370 coal plants leading up to that date.

This entire Accord was a sham, a political show where Euro trash leaders could pat each other on the back and pretend like they were actually protecting their people, while they are unable to protect them from terrorism. Obama set goals for the U.S. that were way more ambitious than other countries, which means all we would be subject to is complaining about how we aren't meeting our stringent goals, while other countries with joke goals would be praised for meeting their easy expectations.

Also, even if the Accord was honored, the difference in temperature that's expected is negligible compared to the anticipated temperature gain that would result regardless.

There was a message in his video, guys. He basically told American green industries that they will be welcome in France. He is taking American jobs away because Trump likes coal.

Trump just handed away a huge American industry.

>Macron's wife

She looks like she should be selling poison arrows to the chosen undead ffs

it was before TRUMP. You know, Trump, the coal lover.

The guy has no clue.

my booiiiiiiiii

Not just this but they needed America to fill the piggy bank for this scheme.

>makes thread
>doesn't address arguments
>resorts to memes
>is a namefag
>is french
>is probably jerking off a refugee at this very moment

It's rare but he is just a shitposting leaf on vacation.

Heck of a job France....

>muh planet

They can never stay on subject. can they?

you fucking have internet what do you think??

Make Our Planet Halal Again

It's Macron's turn to get stumped


Shall we spam him with pictures of nazi germany saying we agree?

That Game of Life spinner is clever indeed.

Trump is great