Fear Russia

How does it feel knowing that half Europe is controlled by a world super power, that has gone communist in the past and controlled far more then just half of Europe, they could snap at any time and invade all of your sorry eurocuck union asses.

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Their economy is smaller than Italy's, and they can barely afford to operate it. Europe would win by itself even w/o the usa.

controlled? more like observing a collapsing empire throwing an autistic fit, trying to stay relevant by flexing it's military muscle. While the rest of Europe goes on with their lives. We're happy with their Oligarchs putting away all the nations wealth in our countries though, ty!


Russia hasn't been a threat since the Soviet state collapsed in the late 70s. They barely invaded Ukraine, and couldnt even invade Syria.

Russia nowadays, without nukes, can't invade the west, they can't even invade Ukraine

>they can't even invade Ukraine
entirely ofc

Haha nice try burger


You poor deluded bastard.

I dont care, Russia is a friend and I prefer them to the US.

>Soviet union collapsed in the late 70's
you mean late 80's and early 90's, I believe the soviet union collapsed in 1989 and communism in Russia was outlawed in 1991 don't quote me though.

I'd trash the current US/EU vassalage and ally with the USSR anytime!

The Western world lied, killed, scammed and bribed to maintain his leadership, and now that BCICS are shortening the distance, the only things that our rulers are able to come up with is doubling down on lies and killing. They made truth a relative value.

.t starlin

It wasn't outlawed, the second most powerful party is the Communist

Like I said, don't quote me, I didn't know that communism was still present in Russia.

I hate old people that still vote for the socialist parties because they remember the time when their dicks still worked and think they can bring it back

We have the US, our guard dog. So we're cool.

I won't be so sure, with trump in office and how the EU is, I think Russia and the US have a common enemy, which is the EU.

haven't seen it in a while
obango probably left it for dead when he didn't need to act anymore.

Every nation is moving their chess pieces as we speak...Till now is a lil bit hard to see what is or will be the end game of each.
I guess we will have to w8 for the next major happening.
Anyways if that is true, I know nothing will happen to Portugal, our geographic position is fucking God like.

Oh yeah we are stronk
We can fuck up ukraine or even poland


Majority of that country is a vast Tundra

kys alboroach

Kosovo is Serbia

Russia stronk!
Fear russia!
Germany only had an army of 1 million im 1942, EU has a population of 700 million.

Could any fellow adults tell me if this is a sensible or bullshit strategy?

>annex the Baltic states, Ukraine, Moldova, Romania and Bulgaria lightning fast
>throw a fuckton of chemical weapons on Poland to reach Warsaw
>install Polish puppet state
>bloodrush Berlin using chemical and electromagnetic weapons (Russian EMPs could black out the whole Rhine-Ruhr)
>install German puppet state
>take out Czechia, Slovakia, Hungary, Slovenia and Croatia, then invade the low countries, France and Italy simutaneously
>encourage nationalistic French troops to avoid bloodshed by taking Paris themselves, promise Wallonia and Catalonia
>if this is insufficient, continue to rush toward Paris
>all while using electromagnetic and chemical weapons on Padania to seize it
>establish Padanian puppet state
>invest all naval strength into annexing Greece
>annex Albania, then unleash intense air raids and chemical attacks on central and southern Italy
>once France and Italy are defeated, Iberia can be taken care of easily
>aid in rebuilding and cleaning up Europe, foster nationalism and pride
>call for armistice with the US and UK

Russia cant conquer chechnya.

Russia has more land vehicles than all of NATO and her allies.

Russia are set up for 2 things, to attack Europe through Ukraine or to defend Russia through Ukraine.

Thats why Russians and the West are so edgy over Ukraine.

But the West would never invade Russia, what would be the point?

Russia would be eventually be annihilated, only by teaming up with China would they stand a chance against US and NATO and even then, the USA in the pacific and NATO in Europe would be able to beat both Russia and China without much problem.

CIA is working with KSA to export wahabism to Tatars and caucasus muslims at the same time exports poppy and make heroin from Afghanistan to Russia to cause ODs / HIV epidemic (via needle sharing) and decrease ethnic Russians. Can't invade a nuclear power, just fuck it up from inside.

All sorts of bullshit. Throwing around chemical weapons and EMPs like that would probably provoke a nuclear response from NATO.

>they could snap at any time and invade all of your sorry eurocuck union asses.
already happened. It will happen again, now I hope they get so far as to destroy you sorry asses

Feels good, man. Christian used-kike salesman genocide when?

Russia will probably focus on expanding it's hold on the former Soviet Union in the next few years. As the post-Soviet leaders die off, they'll probably go on a conquering spree. Manipulated elections and limited troop deployments, like Crimea en-masse. Expect most of the former Soviet Union to be reunited by the mid 2030s under a looser "Eurasian Union" or something.

They'll also look to expand their foothold in the Middle East, forming greater ties with Iran, Iraq, and Syria, as well as undermining NATO wherever possible.


Black comrades wonderful but are they stronk like black bear they descend from

Russia is not a superpower.
It is funny how you Americans consider yourself redpilled and informed on current events and yet you seem to forget that the soviet union was dissolved in 1991 and that Russia's economy is dependent on Europe's.

russia needs to start by taking back belarussia and novorussia.

>what is the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership
>what isn't the TPP
Sit down, r/burger.

What does this even have to do with my post?

Did you look it up? How did you like those apples a couple of years ago?
Europe is replaceable with Asia as far as the Russian economy is concerned.

Russia is an local power that LARPS as an globally relevant place.
Fucking South Korea is more important in global scene than that huge shithole you call Russia.

Russia isn't even part of any of the initiatives you mentioned.
Russian gas exports intertwine their economy with most European state's and they aren't very likely to start allying themselves with the chinks that are trying to undermine their control of the Russian far east.

The same sort of shit was said about interwar Germany.

>after being assraped by several great powers
>lol stupid shit Germans can barely defeat Bavarian Jewish commies
>German military is castrated as fuck, how could they ever expect to take Austria?
>Germany conquering most of Europe and approaching Berlin? fucking impossible!

And unlike Nazi Germany, Russia has the biggest military in the world except for USA and their geographical/tactical leverage over Europe is far greater. NATO may significantly outweigh Russia on paper but on a map, Russia could reach Gibraltar in a month.

- Plus putting Jehovah's Witnesses to get more ethnic Russians dead fro not taking blood transfusions and not get conscripted by the army - Conscientious objector (but Putin already took care of it)
- Economic sanctions
- Western Degeneracy / SJW culture disseminated/exported from USA - destroy Russian culture and nationalism/patriotism and cause religious dissent between Muslim and non-Muslims
- Supporting Ukraine
- Probably supporting non-controlled oposition like Nalvany and giving info about corrupt Russian oligarchs / politicians and pass videos to trigger population - part of subvertion as CIA psyops
- Fund/support Syrian Free Army and other insurgents to prolong Russian armed forces in Syria and decay morals, money from Russian military complex and divert Russian govt budget to that from other areas.


*I mean Moscow.

>cobquering Europe
Why dont they say soviet union was conquering poland, finland, japanese islands, romania, and baltics?

Germany difnt annex anything to direct clay except for the lsnd that belonged to it everything else was post war FREEDOMED and government replaced with "democracy", with no direct rule from Germany to its allied states in vichy, croatia, romania, italy etc..

Germany never went to war to conquer but to reobtain its preversailles borders.

Furthermore, a war with the rest of SCO would force NATO to fight on more than two fronts. Imagine China invading Africa. That far overstretches American forces. India is allied with Russia and China now. That's 1.3 billion poo in loos with guns.

dude it's easyer to just delete your post and fix any errors you made, it's probably to late now, I know from personal experience believe me.

The Russia-China pipeline deals have already been signed.
For other goods, Russia might easily export through China, as they hoped to do through Vietnam in case of TPP.

What about the land russia conquered from poland?

Anerivanforced have never fought an army evuivilant to its own.

500k died in vietnam

>India is allied with (...) China

What matters until now is CSTO not the Shangai Pact.

Where is outrage at the soviet conquest and demands to return that land back to poland?

History books never mention soviet conquests hmmmm

SCO isn't a legitimate military pact but it does signify a geopolitical bloc. If one country in SCO doesn't defend another, it directly communicates that your geopolitical goals have been renounced.

Looking forward to it. I dream of seeing Vladimir Putin return to Germany a conquering hero.

By the way, firstly USA and allies and Russia nuke each other.

We're winning the most major war in the middle east without relevant allies so its not just larping.

not a problem any more.
EU and Russia have no choice to get along as we share aborder.

Also Russia maybe big that´s there thing but we got the numbers and the tech plus infrastructure.

Or from Russia stand point. Do they relay want 450 million euros who dont want to be taken over by force? They dont even have the army and numbers to control such a area.

Now, fuck off with your red scare, its not the 60 anymore.

no biggest military is china followed by EU, EU combined forces dwarf yours.

And we are not even trying and we are war warry or for you we dont want conflict.

Or even simpler, you may dont understand this concept as your a american. YOU DONT SHIT ON THE TABLE YOU EAT FROM.

Fuck you

What irks OP is that Russia's enormous resources guarantee higher growth than US and satellites.
Only way to disrupt the path is playing the world war card, which is impossible for you.
Decades of financial/political steroid abuse ends with shrinking tesicles.

Eu armed forces ? Is this a joke? Get your ass back in your go cart hans .