TFW can't criticize Trump without being called a shill

>TFW can't criticize Trump without being called a shill

I'm a centrist leaning towards libertarian, not some leftist idiot, but I don't support Trump

He has been a terrible president. His immigration ban got shut down, he has alienated the United States during the G7 stuff, Trumpcare is even worse than Obamacare, and the idiot pulled us out of the Paris accords

I don't care if you believe in climate change or not (But if you don't you're an idiot), our economy is going to be fucked because of our idiot president.

Explain how I'm wrong without calling me a shill. I dare you.


What about the tax cuts you moron? He's going to give everyone great tax cuts and take away programs that benefit lazy poor takers. He's so based.

>I'm a centrist

Hello ShariaBlue!

Ignore this post, fellow 'pedes! Instead donate your money (and memes) to AIPAC today to show the MSM who's boss!

I'm far right and I know that feel. Trump has proven himself a kike slave. He does what (((they))) want.

Now call me a shill retards, pay no attention to the fact that shills don't use the word "kike"

>leaning libertarian
>cares about G7 & the Paris accord


the bad outweighs the good
This desu, Trump is a Russian and Jewish cock sucker


>leaning libertarian
>wants to be taxed for carbon





How's he a terrible president? His Immigration ban being shut down does not mean he's a bad POTUS, I don't know what happened at G7? fill me in? How's Trumpcare worse? I'm pissed he didn't abolish that socialist idea at all. The Paris thing wanted trillions of dollars for the possibility of changing the temperature by 2 10th's of a degree by 2100 does that sound like a good deal?

Stating opinions without facts or evidence is probably why people call you a shill.

Trump has absolutely sucked so far. The ones calling you a shill are r/t_d redditshits

>Leaning towards Libertarian
>I'm upset that Trump began to pull us out of an organization led but unelected bureaucrats who's authority reigns supreme over the Constitution of which the United States is footing the bill once again to the tune of 3 billion dollars, 1 billion already given over.
Fuck off.

>I'm a centrist leaning towards libertarian

Still an idiot.

Fuck Hillary,
Fuck Bernie,
Fuck You Snowflake

If you care about what people think then you were never a trump supporter.

Fuck Trump too. He's barely even a neocon.

1. You're retarded. 2. You give real centrists a bad name because you've come onto a public forum and started speaking out of your ass. 3. Stop being retarded and consider suicide.

In order...
>muh immigration ban
Got shut down because of activist judges. How is this Trump's fault?

>muh G7
The United States isn't alienated. The world relies on them for trade.

>muh paris commie treaty
The US opted out of the OPTIONAL terms of the accord. Do you not pay any attention when you read the news? US is still in the accord, just not the (((optional))) multiculti parts.

Please remember that this board is for politics and political discussions. If you have nothing to contribute, please report back to Shareblue you filthy shill.

If you aren't a shill, then you haven't been paying attention. 95% of what Trump has done is good for all American citizens, and none of them would have been approved by the globalist Jewish elites. Look at his executive orders, look at Gorsuch, look at the jobs created, look at how he's been a strong leader demanding respect for himself and we the American people, and doing what's best for the American people even with the whole world pressuring him to do otherwise. Bombing Syria doesn't make him a kike shill when almost everything else he's done is literally the complete opposite of what a kike slave would do. And he's also shoved the Overton window hard in the direction of nationalism, opening the door for an even more nationalistic President in 2024.

If you truly lean libertarian you should appreciate a push for America and other nations to stand independently and he never tried to ban immigration, and Trumpcare and Obamacare would both be worse then letting the market handle it, you know if you are really libertarian leaning at all that is.

>He has been a terrible president
>proceed to list no examples of things he did wrong
You are a fucking shill. And even if you're not paid you're still shill for willingly carrying their mind virus.
Are you really fucking coming here and posting about how Trump is going to wreck the economy by backing out of a deal that would attach yet another leach to the American people's pocket, and slow or shut down a significant portion of our industry?
If you're actually this retarded, I promise you will save the planet from an 8th of a degree change if you just go ahead and neck yourself so we don't have to smell your farts.

The Muslim ban was supposed to be struck down you low info noob.

Bannon implemented it as a shock and awe tactic. Do you really think someone who largely masterminded the election victory and had been planning it for two decades would accidentally make a sloppy roll-out. He wanted the mass protests and outrage and around the clock media coverage. If it somehow passed well then great, if it got struck down it would show the bias against Trump and the absurdity of the left, it was a win win situation.

You don't understand the dark arts. Hopefully I've demonstrated how ignorant you are on that topic, and I can say you are equally ignorant on the climate deal. Trump is not pulling out because he wants to destroy the planet. A dealmaker who is famous for walking away from the table walks away and you people act shocked? He is trying to get a better deal and who can blame him, the US has been taken advantage of for a long time.