Just to be clear, I actually will benefit from the oceans rising. My town may become a beach town...

Just to be clear, I actually will benefit from the oceans rising. My town may become a beach town. Anyone else see a positive with climate change?

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People think the water is going to rise instantly, rather than taking hundreds of thousands of years to rise a foot.

>Anyone else see a positive with climate change?

I'm having problems seeing any negatives.

>rich assholes with beachfront property btfo
>Florida and Commiefornia btfo
>Mideast and Africa btfo
>Europe btfo when all the Muslims and Africans pour north and demand asylum
>Might actually get above freezing once in a while during winter where I live

Wrong. Firestorms will sweep across the planet in 10 years, incinerating babies as they sleep in their cribs. Hurricanes will bring tidal waves 6,000,000 feet tall which will inundate the entire planet. After all of this the Earth will then freeze over completely.

I own a solar panel installation business

YKK is the most beautiful thing I've ever read, put Yokohama underwater please

I better not hear them bitch about me watering my yard..

You just like to spew bullshit huh?


6.5 ft in 100 years at least

If we're lucky Baltimore and Philly will be underwater.

even if it was quick enough to happen in a lifetime, people would adjust. Is there a real negative. All i hear is "climate change is bad". "bad" because why?

what are dams for 500?

More plants.

>(((National Geographic))))
fuck off

There are no benefits to made up crises

This is fine.

>Africans BTFO
>South Americans and Asians BTFO
>California and coastal retards BTFO
What's there not to love?

Yes because I live in the freezing north and I want it to be warmer. Plus Vancouver will disappear.

Did you read the same thing you linked?

>The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change says we can expect the oceans to rise between 11 and 38 inches (28 to 98 centimeters) by 2100

Do you plan to live another 500 years?

If not, then you won't get to see any of the oceans rising enough to do more than take a few feet off the coastline anywhere in the nation.

>why do liberals have no idea how long things actually take to occur?

Mummy will let me have two scoops of ice cream

Florida has been underwater for years, at least it's supposed to be by now.

Chicago, new York and Miami too. Hell maybe the hell hole of California too

Hopefully we get two harvests per year where I live

Because with increased CO2 crops grow faster and use less water. Fucking idiot. People will be able to feed themselves when they weren't able to before. Dumbass. Also the atmosphere will be able to hold more fresh water so new rain forest regions will appear. What don't you get about this? It's all so terrible.

>Anyone else see a positive with climate change

Lots of dead brown people. Whites will adapt.

Look at the bright side at least all the city people libtards and non whites will drown.

im going to start a small boating business

the best par of this means the storm surges will be higher. hopefully the global government will collapse and I can start shooting degenutres who produce niether food or goverment or protection nor science

>Anyone else see a positive with climate change?

Niggers can't swim.

>what are flood defences

>niggerville filled with libtards and faggots gets washed away
>I wish cars ran on coal and CFCs

I'm down with this.

captcha FLIM FLAM

who wants to go the beach when it's 120 F out?

more food, more obesity, more flatulent methane...oh god, it is a virtuous cycle!!

No, just means they'll move farther inland and pollute conservative towns, eumbass

Africa is on a pretty high altitude.
West Africa will get fucked though.

Russia must welcome it. Cause if it gets warmer there, they'll get potentially millions of square miles new farmland.

That's still nothing.

Look, my house will be waterfront property in like 500 years. I literally don't care. Weather DOES WHAT IT WANTS and if humans could control it, guess what, we could hold off hurricanes and nobody would ever fucking die from a tornado.

Fuck off with liberal god complex shit. We are a small cog in a huge machine. We don't run things. Liberals just have this delusion that we do. The best thing you can do is to be good to the people and animals in your immediate orbit. Set a decent example. Take care of the land around you. Pick up garbage, water plants. Shoot litterers. There ya go.

Warming of the planet is good for life. The Eocene epoch is an example of when the earth was 6 degrees celsius warmer. The most new species evolved. Horses evolved and so did early primates. Early primates only could have evolved in a high oxygen climate because the the brain's need for high oxygen levels. The high oxygen levels were created because forest existed from pole to pole. There was also high CO2. As we know CO2 is a plants natural fertilizer. Not only that a plant's pores can close with higher CO2 meaning less evaporation and less need for water. A greenhouse optimum CO2 level is 1500 ppm, we have a long way to go. We are now at 400 ppm. We are still 3 degrees below the average temperature for the last 65 million years because we were entering an ice age. Ice ages are the cause for some of the worst mass extinctions. Frozen earth is bad for life. The earth is naturally cooling. The primordial heat escapes every day. We lose heat faster than we gain it. The earth's rotation is slowing, the moon moves father out. The moon's tidal and gravitation forces lessen which means less heat generated from gravitational forces. Warmth is good. Canada had another record crop yield due to longer growing seasons. I could post more but you get the drift.

>the prairies become some of the most fertile famr land in the world now that winter is shorter and warmer
>the territories become inhabitable by people who aren't crazy
>Vancouver wiped off the map
yeah I don't see a downside

no, we'd be lucky if it flash flood and drowned everyone.

Yes. This is what people keep missing. Look at the environment the dinosaurs lived in. Perfect for life yet high CO2 levels.

Liberals live by the coasts, how bad it can be to see them drown again?

>Warming of the planet is good for life.
That's officially the stupidest thing I've ever read on Sup Forums. Thanks for the laugh, potato.

This. Increased CO2 will mean that there will be positive reinforcement for the C3 gene, a more efficient CO2 processing for plants. Plants with this gene will overrun biomes with primarily C3, and plants with it will begin to dominate the land whereever there is enough rainfall. The ghettos will become forests.

Not if we build a wall haha

>something backed up by evidence is stupider than flat earthing and random psychotic rants
you don't spend much time on Sup Forums huh

why do you think libshits are screaming so hard? kek

and I am in Commiefornia, so what? I literally researched all this quite a while ago--what will actually happen here in northern CA, I'll tell you:

In 100 years, a seawall will be built across the Golden Gate. (Yes, haha, a wall. Irony.) The Marin cliffs are huge, they'll be fine. A lot of shipping and so forth will be done along the outer cliffs instead of inside the bay itself, which will be cleaner and more temperate with even more sailing and recreation and no shark scares ever. For vessels wishing to come and go, I'm sure there will be some kind of sluice gate or similar. But the marine industry in general will benefit from far more activity along the coast and outside the Golden Gate seawall.

A lot of the NorCal coast is high bluffs, so even in 500 years things will still be okay in many to most areas. You'll be happy to know that Los Angeles will suffer far more and undergo a lot more change, but then again LA is rich as fuck so they will work out massive seawalls of their own, no doubt. Meanwhile up here, the ocean will probably be more accessible, and there will be some beaches where none existed before.

Within the bay the water level will no doubt go up as well but the developments will be slow and not extreme as the huge coastal bluffs and Golden Gate seawall will prevent most problems.

Fact is, humans have always risen to challenges, especially those in Western countries. I am sure that once our debt is paid off, global financial burdens are equalized so everyone carries their fair share, and our economy is booming more than ever we will do what has to be done to protect the ozone layer. You know about skin cancer rates, right? That's the worst problem by far, and no libshits are talking about THAT because none of them want to give up their A/C, etc.

>Anyone else see a positive with climate change?
Cooling or warming?

Exactly. Some smart humans are beginning this themselves with greenscaping and going into ghetto areas and planting trees, veggie gardens and flowers everywhere. Those are people of all political persuasions, led in many cases by survivalist conservatives and smart old school hippies who get it about the ecology and never opted for gas-guzzling SUVs.

I don't know about you guys, but I ALWAYS listen to what top climate scientists say. Especially when they head NASA's climate division.They never steer me clear or attempt to stir up fear

Bad because rich politicians don't want to work, and bankers don't want to spend any of their hoarded cash doing what must be done. And of course all the rich fucks with beachfront houses are whining lol.

How can you larp as a smart person and not realise that the insane rate of change is one of the biggest issues. It's not gradual enough for most species to effectively adapt to the climate change, which will and already is leading to insane ecological imbalances that affect just about everything

>be closer to the ocean
>go on vacation occasionally to swim through the ruins of jew york city

Sounds badass

We will probably lose the Keys, which is sad because they're beautiful. But other good things will take their place. Everything dies. Everything changes. Deal with it.

Atheist libshits have a lot of issues coping with this sort of thinking.

They are already doing that. You're doing nothing to stop them, so I doubt you ever will.

>Anyone else see a positive with climate change?

Turd world countries starve to death and shitty island states like the Maldives end up under water, also Bangladesh ends up under water.

Yeah, after 2005--the Katrina year--they were full of doom and gloom about how subsequent hurricane seasons were going to get worse and worse and EVEN WORSE ....

Never happened.

Probably a good time to start reposting images from the Women's March senpai.

Lol, people watch too many movies. Where does all this water magically come from? You know what happens when the ice caps melt? Ice age, there has been plenty in the past few thousand years. Water actually recedes.

The real question is, will the sea be as irradiated, filthy and full of indigestible human garbage as they are now? Climate change BS never addresses any of that, of course.

Sounds like an incredible science fiction movie, go on, get going and write it and make it!

> MFW 1410 feet when all the ice on earth would only cover 280

This is the most beautiful picture I have seen in years. Thank you for sharing this.

>The real question is, will the sea be as irradiated, filthy and full of indigestible human garbage as they are now?

Oh absolutely, but now it will cover some shitty countries and low-lying cities and absorb all of that garbage as well.

Yeah that map is retarded.

Tourists will pay a lot to,see Atlantis

If you believe climate change isnt real you're a retard

If you believe it's completely anthropogenic and going to end the world because the US and EUROPE didn't give money to the jews then you loose

We are currently experiencing the longest streak in US history without having a major hurricane make landfall. I remember vividly all the shit they were saying in 2005 and the year or two after. They literally couldn't have been more wrong if they tried.

Also the number of tornadoes we had in the US was at a record low last year. I don't know what extreme weather these faggots think we are currently experiencing but I ain't seeing it.

>massive capital loss from rising sea level in other parts of my country where most of the country's population live don't have any effect on me economically

How retarded do you have to be to think this?

Effects of doomsday-scenario global warming:
>shitskins get BTFO
>Canada, Siberia, and Antarctica become verdant paradises for the white man to build new civilization



>shitty coastal towns full of degenerates will drown
Nah, SF can fucking sink.

>Anyone else see a positive with climate change?
Pittsburgh gets lot of cloudy days and the surrounding area would have a longer growing area. Water is so plentiful here that the country would be kill long before we had a long drought. Last drought I remember when we were ordered to conserve water back in like 1995.

Who are you, Lex fucking Luthor?


>not even the same landmass photo

You honestly don't believe that human beings can effect the weather at all? You think if we set off all of the nukes in the world, that would have zero effect on the weather?

>tfw live at 8,000ft
Literally not my problem

The absolute WORST predictions are that the sea level is going to rise 1 inch per decade. To rise the 216 feet once all the glaciers are melted will take over 2200 years. And that's IF the warming continues that long since there is nothing man made about climate change.


What does "empowerment of women" have to do with stopping the climate changes???

I need an answer please, because I'm not smart enough to connect this.

fug. I knew I had that hurricane data somewhere. Doesn't seem to extreme to me.

I'm counting on this to happen.
don't let me down prophet man

And I live in Michigan, which is about 400 ft above sea level with vast amounts of fresh water for crops and drinking. Yeah, I don't see a problem.

I drive a truck that gets 10mpg in hopes of drowning 90% of the liberals. I spend more on gas; this is how dedicated I am.

Why does nobody see that this isn't a problem even if the libs are right?

Nuclear Winter will restore the ice caps.

Yes. Milder winters and longer summers here in Leaf-Land.

Greenland is also in the equation, not only the ice caps, and Greenland is melting.

Yeah, I can envision palm tree on lake Michigan. It will be great we can be the new Miami when it is gone. Frankly considering who and what lives in the coastal enclaves I could give a fuck less if they are flooded. Unfortunately it will be a slow flood and they will be able to get away from it.

That's 3 feet by 2100.
>3 feet, 2 inches
>36 inches = 3 feet
>Not that big of a deal
So parts of NOLA and Venice go under 100 years from now.
I bet something worse, not climate or environment realated happens before then.
We need to have our means of production on all cylinders.

Only better if we could make the people that live there stay.

>Anyone else see a positive with climate change?
If we get warming you will get a longer growing season in the north and a wider range of potential crops.


Desert in Eastern Oregon may actually turn to the next bread basket.

Pretty excited to see Portland overtaken by a tidal wave tbqh

Those fucks have been shilling this for a decade or more now on everything. Fuck they had an article about Vikings and somehow tied it to global warming. They did the same with one on dreams. Not to mention all of the fuckery about trans bullshit this year.

Why are there still beach front houses that were built in the 1800s? Fucking retard

Lulz. They are explicitly saying that in the event of global catastrophe, society will again be dependent on virile men.

God bless it.

It will destroy all the leftist coastal cities.

>11 inches by 2100
That's barley anything. By then I'm pretty sure climate change will be gone though since the increasing amount of technological development we're seeing nowadays will result in some ground breaking discoveries which could lead to climate change/global warming to end. Especially within 100 years. That is, if we haven't killed ourselves or the Earth gets hit by a large object from space.

Oh, and National Geographic is the type of news source edgy misanthropes and retarded animal lovers flee off to when they're losing an argument to try to prove a point.

greenland has gained a record amount of ice so far this year.

How will Poland do, user?