Curious amerilard here

Curious amerilard here

Have any of you Eurobros considered going to the U.S?

Free speech, property rights and Guns galore for you. Not saying it would be easy both financially and emotionally to leave home but ya know.

no, thanks

Swiss have a better gun culture and a closer by

>be american
>get shot

No I have never considered it, Sweden has the most freedom in the world, even though deluded Americans will think otherwise. And stop calling us Euros, we hate most other countries on this forsaken continent. Just as you hate Mexico on the American continent.


Germany is far from being as bad as the US, so no chance.

Need money to go, dont have money.
Will be raped by muslims. Need sugarmomma or rich murican friend

Yeah gotta love those ammo limits per year

I'd love to but it's hard to do legally, therefore I'm heading there and planning on overstaying my visa.


>this is how a euro cuck thinks

>free guns from the state if you can't afford them for protection
>vs america full of niggers with guns

Hard choice you are right.
You have never been to switzerland otherwise you would know they are better than you.

>vs america full of niggers with guns
I haven't seen a real live nigger in over a year.

There's Euros and then there's Americans.

Anything else is subhuman garbage.

>Be European
>Be average guy going to college for free with a shitty part time job
>See refugees, get pissed
>Go to America, land of the free and opportunity, where you can make it
>Become citizen, very optimistic
>Get injured
>Thousands of dollars in debt
>Go to school
>Tens of thousands of dollars in debt
>"Oh shit, no more free shit? What the fuck have I done?"
>Walk by niggers
>Get stabbed and robbed
>Look funny at cops
>Get shot to death
>Tfw coming to the US was a mistake

Unless you live in poor as fuck Eastern Europe, there's no reason to come over to the US from Scandinavia/Northwestern Europe.

>cant carry
>state gives you a gun. No freedom to choose what you want, let alone build it the way you want.
>have to have it locked up with miles of red tape.

Yeah your really selling me on Switzerland.

Sure, many times. I even been there for a year or so. The thing is, America is not my home and I'm not sure I'd ever feel at home there. As shitty as Serbia can be at times, this is where my roots are.

>No freedom to choose what you want, let alone build it the way you want
No you can buy any you want
But if you can't afford one you get one from the state

Are you retarded.

I am not trying to sell you on switzerland by the way. You guys would ruin it with your nigger culture.

Lucky. Where are you?

>free college
>pay $15 for a cup of coffee and $20 for a pack of smokes.

Do you know how taxes work?

This pretty much.

Chocolate faces are primarily in the coastal states which I might add is a horrible representation of America.

PA, north of Williamsport

Still cant go out in the middle of nowhere and practice shooting drills and tactics.

That is not good gun culture to me
That is what I mean with Nigger culture

I bet you hold the gun sideways.

>Paying a bit more for your items is worse than ending college with 30,000$ debt

Listen, America has the debt slave mentality where you guys don't mind being the slaves of kikes until your 40's (when you finally pay off all your debts). It's much better to live in our countries and to at least have access to education without fear of being debt slaves for the rest of our lives, at the cost of paying more in taxes.

>15 for coffee cup
no, even with shitty CAD there's none of that

>20 for pack of smokes
the good marks yeah.

Dude your free speech is a trap. You can get sued for saying anything with the help of a Jewish lawyer And lose your job. The worst thing that can happen here is that you get branded a racist.

>You can get sued for saying anything with the help of a Jewish lawyer And lose your job.

Leave it to Muhammed to equate practicing with your gun to Nigger culture.

You probably think strippers like you.

it's very difficult unless you're highly skilled or get a yank waifu

>lets just randomly shoot our guns like niggers and disturb the peace while listening to gangster rap
>its america

I really don't care what you think Tyrone.

literally pic related

Nah, never. It's a shithole that knows no compassion or social safety-nets.

He's right though. Having guns around means that even niggers could have them.

I would never see the light of sun again knowing that there are armed niggers outside. That shit would only work in white countries like Switzerland. In nigger-infested US it doesn't work, and hence the overwhelming gun violence.

heuhue this

>Have any of you Eurobros considered going to the U.S?
Russia is Europe, right?

t. moved here 2 years ago

He's like those farmers in Africa that begs white people to come back after having kicked them out.

You act as if access to education is scarce in America.

There's scholarships that are merit based. There's lottery scholarships that are paid for by people who are dumb enough to play the lottery. Many many options here; we dont need the gubment gimmies like most of you effeminate manchildren up north.

>55% tax
>alcohol monopoly
>cant own arms
>brainwashed in kindergarden
>shit public service
>no order of law

>free abortions
And no, sweden doesnt hate anyone, its the otherway around you fucking neckbeard

I will move to the US in Jan 2019.
Why do you wonder though?

Forget about the upcoming solar flare - 'free speech!'

Then move back to where you came from.

>Come to US
>Wooo merit-based scholarships!
>They are limited
>They are only handed out to shitskins

Yeah, no thanks. You'd have to be retarded to move from a white first world country to a shithole like the US. The only Europeans that would really do it are eastern Europeans as I mentioned above and Mediterraneans.

I'm just saying, it's much safer and stable in our countries, if you want a good education in the US and fail to get a good job, you're fucked.

where do you buy your coffee? pack of smokes, biggest is 8€ atm 30 cigs

I know Americans won't accept this but it's still better to live here.

The nigs you have to worry about getting em, get them illegally much like the sandniggers get em in your countries.

Any person, no matter what color they are, that gets them legally has to have a non violent record. Therefore they are trustworthy.

Getting shot and die while my family gets sued by not paying a multi thousand dollar bill? Perhaps getting insulted by hicks wearing red hats? Or just ignored by some girl because I dont look dark enough so she thinks my peen is not up to her level?

Nah it sucks.

Na mate I'd rather stay where people at least *kinda* care about each other

>like the sandniggers get em in your countries.

Eh no. Nigger gun violence in the US is very common and goes on everyday, in our country the sandniggers smuggle weapons and rarely use them. There are what, less than 200 dead from terrorist attacks in Europe per year? Meanwhile there are thousands killed by niggers with gun in the US.

I would never be around niggers knowing they are armed. Fuck your gun culture, it's still easier to acquire weapons illegally in the US knowing they're around in walmarts than in Europe when they're scarce.

You know that immigrating LEGALLY, even if, say, you have 300k $ to spend, is next to impossible?
You either dump a million dollars or marry for the green card.

And no, not everyone wants to start off illegally


watcha sayin' honkey?

you think i don't know about you killing my kind in italy? shooting our boat people? die.

Niggers are 13% of the population. Make him a mystery meat brown Squatemalan and at least it would make sense.

European here from Scotland, fucking loving it. Fuck Europe I'm not looking back to that shithole of kebabs with guns and bombs, feral libs, and niggers from all over the world.

Rednecks are the least of your worries in the states

Now get ready to be robbed by a nigger

Yeah Americans nigger are much better

You don't have to be large in numbers to fuck things up :)

You got a lot of niggers too. Went to Quebec and saw a fuck ton. A girl I know is dating blacks there and showed their guns off. Canada is being colonized, fuck off leaf

Try it, leafy faggot.

Oh no, you can't because you have even shittier gun laws than us.

>Be canadian
>get arrested for not recognizing. Pronoun ZER

But most of that shit happens in places where almost no white people live. The vast majority of the people niggers kill are other niggers.

We're just giving them space to destroy :)

>shit public service
you have no right to complain about that. If only we had your public services.

Well considering that our country and yours are borderline ruined neither is a good place to go.

Why the fuck would anyone move to that nigger infested shithole?
I don't want to be killed over a pair of shoes.
I don't want my kids to be slaughtered by some fucking nerd who freely got his hands on a AK.
I don't want my bloodline erased because of my retarded grand, grand, grand children racemixing.
I want to own my land and home.

There is literally nothing America has to offer.

btw I am a web designer, all my clients are from abroad and with the low standard in Croatia I make more money then the fucking President

>my town, read and weep fatass

NO, but thanks. I hate 3RD WORLD SHITHOLES, op

Plus you are all mudshits so who gives a fuck about your shithole of a sandnigger country!

No, i won't give up on Sweden.

>no money

What are you? White?

Fucking croatia is so god damn beatiful
I lost my virginity to a cute croatian girl on Krk.
I have no idea how to pronounce it. All your islands read like apps were you removed all the vowels. But they are god damn beatiful

Actually yes, as an absolute last resort if Germany decides to go down without a wink of resistance.
I'd love to live in rural america. Preferrably Idaho or Montana. Gorgeous landscapes.

somebody has to hold the front

What is social security, SNAP, section 8, WIC, Medicare, Medicaid, etc.

My fiancee is American. We plan on living in Maryland in 2019. She's unable to sponsor me because she still has to graduate this year.

I would never recommend a foreigner to move to shitmerica. "Free speech" is bullshit, your property can be seized if shit hits the fan, the only positive thing about America is that you are (still) allowed to arm yourself.

Nope, life in rural Norway is comfy as fuck
>Police is an urban myth
>No immigrants (except a weird Dutch guy)
>Cheap property
Feels good

>go into town
>get mugged by melanin enriched native swede
>talk to police
>describe mugger as brown
>arrested for hate crime

>Streetviewed it. Pic showed up.