>BUT WHO THE FUCK IS ROBERT?? ROBERT is the hero Chiraq needs but doesn't deserve; His nemesis is MALE BLACK, a notorious thief, murderer, and general rapscallion. By night they battle for the fate of the city. >the march toward the inevitable backlog
James Sullivan
>male black punched her in the face on the back seat
Ayden Torres
>son hit her in the head with basketball and made homophobic comments towards those youths
Top kek
>you little nigger faggots
Gabriel Wright
> two females got out of a moving vehicle screaming for help
Joseph Mitchell
A two year old locked in a bathroom is task for the fire department? Day shift indeed!
Grayson Hernandez
I bet it's a nigs. They call emergency services for everything and anything. A locksmith never crossed their mind because why call one when da fireman can do it for free and or they don't know locksmiths exist.
John Morales
We will never know.....
I guess it's not a bad use of resources. A kid locked in a room with water sources, sharp things, and medications is not ideal after all.
It's just pretty day shift.
James Powell
I wonder how old the kid is?
>in before 17 year old baby boy Mike Brown
Jack Scott
Glad to see you, Adams.
Andrew Barnes
Just keeping guard against male blacks and kids locked in bathrooms.
Noah Cooper
Anyone has bingo cards? I'm going to have a long night.
Zachary Morgan
Lot of kids being locked inside things tonight
Jacob Young
here ya go.
>3 shot earlier near Division & Hamlin
Connor Perez
another one
Kayden Torres
These threads began around June 2016. One year anniversary soon.
Landon Morales
When was it this year that no one was shot in Chicago in a 24 hour period.
Noah Sanchez
Thank you.
Jose Ortiz
one more
Aiden Evans
Oh, an Assault!
Dominic Sullivan
lol, I can't remember
Jack Cruz
Thanks for the Adam edition Robert. >bunch of yelling and hollering in the background
Evan Wood
Lol fucking Trannies
Henry Nguyen
>6-8 transgender males are in the store refusing to check their backpacks
Isaiah Jenkins
Xavier Lee
Was there anymore interference last night after 1am est? I remember it being funny as hell earlier in the night.
Michael Bennett
>some shithead throwing up gang signs
Brody Brown
Just a future shots fired
Jacob Evans
There was some weird shit going. Sounded like aliens.
Liam Reyes
Quads never lie
Colton Stewart
evening Roberts
Thomas Peterson
checked and keked
Kevin Jones
>3 y/o daughter got her head stuck in the gates.
Jonathan James
Check out that '38 Lincoln parked in the lot at W. Division and Hamlin. I think it's a '38 model
Alexander Williams
that whole lot is full of classics
Joshua Robinson
Evening, gentlemen.
But soft! What niggardry through yonder window breaks? 'Tis Chicago, and Robert is the sun!
Jack Parker
>30.000$ worth of music equipment is gone Wew, lad. I wonder who can do such a vile thing.
Eli Peterson
NBA playoff finals tonight, will there be more or less crime?
Jonathan Davis
It is. Some of them look in pretty rough shape though
Cooper Powell
Oliver Thomas
>Is Chicago in the finals? >If yes, then yes >If no, then yes
Grayson Nelson
She'll get along great with the niglet stuck in the bathroom.
Josiah Ramirez
There was a disturbance with 6-8 trannies earlier.
Angel Davis
but lebron james is the king of black people, they all just bandwagon the best team
Isaac Long
I can imagine them chimping over bets on the game.
Jackson James
Doesn't matter. Black people are black people, but other black people do not give a fuck and kill those black people.
Aaron Thomas
That's frightening.
Lincoln Gonzalez
>head stuck in a grate wait, what?
James Campbell
>spoke to animal control >ETA 40 minutes
Joshua Adams
them sheboons hollering in the background >shots fired and running in the alley
Juan Gray
>animal control
Connor Bennett
is... is that happening inside a dunkin donuts?
Sebastian Diaz
This is the shit I fear running into when I go into the city and will have to mag dump my CC into the thing when it goes after someone in my family.
Julian Carter
No idea. It freaks me out every time I watch it, though. And by "it", I mean that thing jumping around. That's just fucked up.
Jayden Smith
Jack Cooper
send a full Harold's chicken truck to keep them happy while they watch the game
John Young
Bumping. We're sliding down close to the bottom. Bumpity bump, fellas.
Jose Richardson
Blake Edwards
Bumping for Robert
Carter Davis
The sheer amount of garbage being spammed on Sup Forums is astounding. This is close to Sup Forums harbor levels of cancer, the only thing holding it back is the captcha.
Jeremiah Wilson
Isaac Myers
G'evening Roberts...
Carter Price
holy fuck you're right. It was quiet for the last hour and then the catalog turned into... this
Asher Murphy
No lie. It's insane.
Joseph Murphy
The /cpd/ threads are the only ones I visit on the trashcan of a board...everything is just stupid shit.
Hudson Allen
>Units, please watch your keeee~ys
Julian Powell
Benjamin Howard
Seriously if someone makes a thread with some scantily clad non sequitur woman they should be permabanned from the board along with >We'll Sup Forums? >I thought X couldn't wor..... >any and all race mixing threads
Give me 10 real Sup Forumslacks and I could have the board on lock down in a day.
Luis Diaz
*this trashcan Made a typo...whoops.
Jose Martinez
Hi /mlpol/ (I honestly love the horsefuckers that visited these threads and decided to stay. We are all brothers united in comfy)
Gabriel Brooks
>So ur with ur dispatch and shes bein sassy wen the keys opens. U anser it n the vioce is “Man black laying on the ground, masturbating” U tell ur girl n she say “But it's Adam hours”. THEN WHO WAS ROBERT?
David Lopez
>threatening to shoot his baby mama in the face >black male
Andrew Brown
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you Male Black? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Police Academy, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on the Bloods, Crips, Latin Kings, and I have over 300 confirmed arrests. I am trained in urban warfare and I’m the top detective in the entire Chicago Police Department. You are nothing to me but just another criminal. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before in this city, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, Male Black. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of Roberts across the state of Illinois and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the Chicago Police Department and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of Illinois, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, Male Black.
Nicholas Ross
Please do it. Stem the tide of the dark hordes.
Ayden Ramirez
>jumper cables needed
Tyler Evans
>It's another carjacking episode night
what's with all the car jackings tonight? Did all the gangs get their monthly newsletter saying the first thursday of the month is carjacking night?
Dylan Jenkins
What's up Roberts? Hope everyone is as /comfy/ as I am. How goes Robert's hunt for Male Black?
Grayson Clark
Aww Shiiieeettt >sounded like a rifle
Sebastian Rivera
Trannies, kid stuck in bathroom, kid stuck in gate/grate, obligatory gang signs being flashed, male black threatening to kill baby mama
Jack Morales
>La Raza gang bangers 10-4 in black pickup truck
Carter Brooks
They have to go back.
Benjamin Phillips
Wew 10 gunshots!
Lincoln Richardson
>auto shots fired Here we go.
Ayden Sanchez
SHOTS FIRED!!! 187!!!
James Campbell
>10 shots fired Real Robert Hours start in an hour, I got a good feeling tonight boys.
Jason Martinez
Awwww man... I just tuned in and from reading the comments it looks like I missed some good Male Black antics
Colton Howard
I love when they describe the suspect... It's always just Male Black dressed like a nigger.... Does it even narrow it down lmao
Landon Lewis
>offender took the one year old child
Adrian Powell
We're looking for a nigger.....dressed like a nigger that is committing acts of niggerdom.
Colton Long
Where did you find that gif of Michael Brown?
Joshua Morales
Worry not, man. The night is still young. We're not even into Real Robert Hours yet.
Sebastian Torres
getting sassy
>in custody by the main entrance at Mt. Sinai
Ryan Garcia
The hospitals are just tertiary chimp zones. It's amazing how they destroy everything they touch.
David Evans
Good evening fellow Roberts, clocking in for some June 1st Comfiness - it is gibs day yes? Niqqas gonna be buying up all the PCP in town
Logan Bailey
>it is gibs day yes?
I didn't even think of that. I think gibs day is the first monday of the month. They might coon extra hard since they are all completely broke.