What arguments are there against vegetarians?
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They're cucks.
Man evolved eating meat and vegetables. We're omnivores.
Seems pretty low-energy to argue about what other people eat. Focus on jewish lizard-men.
>we have kanines for tearing meat
>good source of protein
>animals taste yummy
If something hasn't died for my dinner? Then it's not dinner
If they aren't skilled at cooking and well-studied on nutrition, they should not be a vegetarian. Also, something like 50% of "vegetarians" eat meat while drunk.
>we have kanines for tearing meat
Use a knife you fucking autist.
Meat is fucking delicious. Soy can never ever emulate it properly.
vegetarianism is a lot like castration. There are a lot of personal and social benefits to doing it, but personally I just want to keep my balls.
Such a childish response. It's like saying "but I want it!"" and stamping your foot when told something is off limits.
I don't eat seafood. It doesn't appeal to me.
Should I be throwing bitch fits at people who do?
Haven't renewed my licence
Stop hurting the plants.
None. Humans can eat whatever they want. We are the apex predator
Yes, in the mind, but I have the strength and intelligence of an adult, and I will make it mine through my own will, something a child couldn't hope to accomplish. How's that cuck?
They get 1/10th the protein they need and will always be inferior to omnivores since we evolved as omnivores. Note your pointy canine teeth. Those are only for meat.
>meat tastes better
>slightly easier nutrition attainment
those are about the only 2 reasons in favor of eating meat, and they are not that convincing.
Also, who's to say plants aren't aware just as animals are? I think it's a bias if perspective to just assume plants dont have the capacity to communicate, think, and feel.. they just do it on a much slower timescale and in ways that are completely alien to us. Plants cooperate across species lines against predators, corn plants emit a subsonic clicking noise which other corn plants grow towards, and trees can redistribute water and nutrients to other trees in the forest through a network of fungal strands.
Vegans and vegetarians think they aren't harming anything, but plants are alive too. Plants are more like us than most would care to admit.
there's no way to get enough protein for muh gainz
No, it's not that its 'easier nutrition', it's that you do not get sufficient protein to be healthy, and that protein comes with shitloads of phytoestrogen.
There is literally no logical response to this from vegetarians, they just brush it off and try to belittle it, but there is no viable counterargument.
Why it would be on our best interest to stop being omnivorous?
Plant do in fact objectively communicate with each other and sometime insects. Though without a nervous system, there's not thinking going on.
Without a nervous system AS WE KNOW IT
Remember, plants and animals would have split long before multicellularity, so any centralized consideration organ would have developed independently. I'd wager if it exists it would be in the portion of the root closest to the surface. There is some very rudimentary evidence to this effect.
You need very little protien to be healthy so thats a myth. And phytoestrogen has no effect in mammals are system just flushes it. Unlike the estrogen you get when eating meat which can cause weight gain and gyno. Im not a vegan. But half the shit in this thread is broscience
The difference is a nervous system you thick cunts.
It's not childish because no argument needs to be made. I eat meat because I like it and it's the easiest way to consume complete protein and other essential fats as well as minerals. Humans have been eating meat since our existence and are apex predators.
There are no real arguments against it. It's objectively better in every way.
You will need to find a way to get healthy cholesterol and fatty lipids. Or your brain will deteriorate into that of an elderly person with demensia. Also be ok with being a smug cunt that enjoys the whiff of your own farts
Smoke less weed
>You need very little protein to be healthy.
If you want to be a pathetic skinny fat numale I guess
>What arguments are there against vegetarians?
Plants are people too!
The logical response is nothing he said is supported by evidence or our current understanding of biology. We have no reason to believe plants think or feel anything. Saying they could means nothing its like saying maybe LSD actually connects our mind to the 4th dimension and we just dont understand it yet.
Maybe you should try using yours. Animals and plants had an evolutionary split prior to the rise of multicellularity.
There is no reason two vastly different roles for two vastly different organisms would necessitate the development of organs exactly the same. Plants do have a kind of nervous system, we just fail to recognize it as such because it is very different from ours. It's in the roots.
Even just a regular guy only needs a gram for every 2 lbs he weighs. Only ppl who need huge amounts of protien are athletes who wish to hold superfluous amounts of muscle. In which case steroids work better.
Relying on ignorance of an organism isnt equivalent to relying on evidence. We still have no proof that they feel or think snything.
There is actually quite a bit of evidence but is current dogma to think otherwise, and as such is career suicide to try and prove otherwise.
Here's some basic bitch stuff
Do some digging yourself, you might be surprised
Well no direct evidence that they think anything.. they definitely feel things, and you know jack shit about plants if you don't know that
See here for some basic shit
I am fine if you are a vegetarian but I am going to continue to eat meat.
Technically you are what you eat.
>Plants eat sun, earth and air
>Cows eat plants
>People eat cows
Cows are plants because that's what they eat. I am drunk because that's what I eat. OP is a faggot because he eats cock.
When i said feel i meant emotionally
Flawless logic as always, straya.
You guys smell; just stay away from me
Well to be fair that sort of 'feel' is really too subjective to nail down in a scientific sense.. most biologists don't believe anything but humans have emotions even though obviously they do. However this is changing, and there are studies about it now, for 300 years at least you would have been laughed at in a derisive manner for suggesting a chicken could be sad
How do you know it isn't the same for plants? Only history can tell.
Honesly chickens are so stupid they probably dont feel emetions. Iirc chickens are one of the least intelligent warm blooded species in the world only marginally more intelligent than a reptile. Whereas things lime chimps and dogs show obvious signs of emotional distress over loved ones
Not enough (fertile) land on the planet to feed you veggie munchers if everyone was living that way.
All your luxuries can be treated that way to, britbong.
Actually in recent years there have been some marginal studies about the emotional states of chickens.. I've been presented this as an argument for vegetarianism.. all I'm saying is if a fucking chicken can have feelings, there has to be something for a huge forest of thousands of trees networked together by miles of fungal strands..
Meat tastes good
whites are the apex predator.
But all cannibals are black or hispanic. Really makes you think.
vegs taste like shit and we ALL know it
stop lying to yourselves, it's embarrassing
Plants are living sentient beings!