Antifa wants to stop saying "fuck white people"

Although some niggers disagree

fuck white people who link to leddit

>Fuck white people telling white people not to tell white people to tell white people fuck white people
LMAO @ the screencap

Has anyone really been far as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

>Seriously, please tell me where someone who doesn't go to a liberal arts college and doesn't spend hours on the internet is even going to understand what is meant by this sentence when we "the left" use words like oppression and privilege and radical and systemic and identity etc etc so much different than the laymen's terms. For all intensive purposes its an entirely different language. If you don't grasp that, get out of your bubble and spend some time in appalachia or the southeast and try talking like that . We talk fucking ridiculous and say shit like "fuck white people" and "fuck straight people" assuming everyone has the understanding like you said and then get pissed off when people get alienated.

They are realizing their faults, this isn't good for us. The left alienating whites helps us. I mean it's cool that some of them aren't complete idiots but they are still mostly communists.

>intensive purposes

it's a doggy dog world comrade.

Most racists are right wing. If they attempt to get white people on their side we can break shit along racial divides and it will be these same faggots who end up coopted.
They're not in a good position at all.

Study thy enemy
Yeah they're catching on. Mix of anarchists and commies though.

>I am brown. Fuck white people telling white people not to tell white people to tell white people fuck white people.

>white people
>posting on Sup Forums

Pick one

>linking to leddit
>options contain something channers would greentext

Reconciliation attempts are the Left's emerging strategy. Avoid all negotiation and dialogue with Leftists.

Look at the reactions

They're stringing this guy up like they strung up that biology prof at evergreen

They don't even recognise themselves as "leftists" apparently "liberals" and "leftists" aren't hardcore enough for them because they won't join them in smacking people in the head with bike locks who disagree with them.
>even liberals catch a bullet

Yeah it worries me that the left is trying to moderate its tone again
I am not as worried though because the left is relying on a few old white professors and Jews as the moderators and their brown mob and cuck allies won't let themselves be moderated
Have to keep using the deep cover trolls though

>and their brown mob and cuck allies won't let themselves be moderated

This is the one thing I think they won't be able to overcome. They have radicalized their black base and the blacks despise them so going back won't be support by the militant wing of the left.

The silver lining is for every leftists shaking hands and smiling with the normies there will always be a black or white cuck there to scream insults and threats at them.

Remember how triumphant they were in 2016
Now they want dialogue and reconciliation
They still work towards an enslavement of whites

Yes but look how that black violence at least mass political violence can be turned off
No BLM riots for awhile
The key is the white cucks, professors and media
I like Peterson but he also plays his role in moderation that benefits the commies
Same with this Jew evergreen prof
They only care because the right is strong now


That is the stick part
They also offer the carrot to the cuckservatives to come in from the cold and sit at the kiddy table leftists leave for them

>doggy dog world
Nobody took the bait, the shills are learning. Send halp

they realize theyre being labeled as racists

dont let them hide their hate

>leftiest start sliding towards center and more reasonable positions
>niggers still dindu nuffin kill witey
>get redpilled in process
>start sliding towards right

>read the replies
They'll never listen to reason, the Antifa horse has the bit in it's teeth and is running at a full gallop. Even if by some miracle they united under a relatively moderate structure, there's too many extremists that would continue to escalte into violence.

And beyond that, the Leftist stack literally works on the slippery slope ideology. If we "compromise" on one issue, it opens the door to more "compromising" until we're back to our current state or worse.

Who cares, I hope they hate me as much as I hate them. At least their rage will give us a little sport in the upcoming race war/genocide against them. I still hate white liberals more than niggers, but I know they will be the first to fall on their own swords when SHTF.