Well Sup Forums?

What are you going to be doing to save the environment since Drumpf won't?

Not be a littering POS its really not that hard...

Well first of all I don't eat over 4000 calories a day, which drastically reduces my impact through farming, agriculture, and transportation. Can Boogie say the same?

The humanity is doomed and i dont give a fuck.

1. Not eat myself to death. Science says it's bad.

I give absolutely no fucks. I live in Minnesota, there's plenty of water around here and it wouldn't hurt to raise the average temperature a degree or two. Shitskins are the ones who are getting fucked by global warming, which is fitting given their out of control birth rate is a very substantial factor in the whole equation.

Him not existing saves a few cows on a daily basis from going to the chopping block, do what it takes to save animals, when will he suicide?

Unit 731 was full of fucking "scientists", why the fuck would I take their word for anything without questioning it?

Not eating the food of two men would be a start.


Gonna buy a diesel truck and start rolling coal.

And once you've trashed their home where do you think they're going to go Rufus?

Reminder that this fat fuck is not qualified to give anyone "advice".

This fat bastards farts probably have more impact on global warming than all his followers combined.

I have a banana tree.
Also, i try to keep farts at a minimum.

Why don't you just eat all the climate deniers, Boogie2988?

Plot to overthrow the US government

Just do what scientist say, they are never wrong.

t. Galileo


Welp, there is a science that tells me that fat people are subhuman and are good for only 1 thing - soap. Into the oven you go, "i fucking love science and follow it every day"-guy

I love that they use the word "believe" in this context. It just sheds light on how much this is based on having faith that science has got everything figured out

I like this guy

you should start by stopping making your wife fat you fat cunt

I got solar panels.


>make changes to your life...


How about you eat less and donate half of the food you stockpile to a starving rapefugee child in Germany somewhere or something, you fat fuck :)

I burn tires, pour antifreeze into the Great Lakes, never cut up my six pack holders, took the catalytic converter off my car, drive when I can walk, don't recycle, buy new electronics every 6 months and throw the old ones in the regular trash, leave the water running a lot, bury batteries in the parks, and anything else I can think of.

I do this for Rachel, that fucking cheating hippy cunt.

I'll tell you. When the heat gets unbearable around these parts, which it sometimes allready is, those shitskins will be camping in your backyard real quick.

>Make chances to your life that help the planet :)..Excluding exercise or any mild physical activity that takes place outside my home.

Awww a little cheerleader app.

good for you.

Maybe she should start by not consuming so many burgers. Methane is far more damaging to the atmosphere than carbon.

hahahaah yea surely it was scientists recommending massive taxes and not (((FUCKING KIKES))) makes a lot of sense you fat retard

what about eating less? did anyone tell him that?


My neighborhood had two choices for garbage pickup. One is twice a week. The other is once a week with every other week getting a one can recycling pickup excluding glass. They insist everything be washed first and charge 2 dollars more than the other company.
Since everything gets buried at the landfill anyway, I figure they can go dig it up if they want to harvest reusable materials.


At least TRY to be from a relevant country before you talk down to actual nations.

Coming from the big ol fat fuck himself


I work as a consultant for the oil and gas industry

start buying environmentally friendly toothpaste

I will diligently laugh at all of the butthurt people. Other than that not a thing, since man made climate change is a hoax.

Boogies rancid asshole puts out more pollutants then a whole town of normal people.

I sit on my room jerking my cock and not bothering a single soul


'scientists' invented eugenics, chemical warfare, phrenology, alchemy

This. It's comedy gold going from Boogie "cook in a George Foreman grill just to drink out of the drip tray" 1488.

Haha. Nice. I could care less about the environment. I just want free power.

>Don't think, just do what other people tell you to do
I hope this fat fuck gets every form of cancer possible.

maybe you should listen to your scientific doctors instead of eating as much as three third-worlders daily

Take me down to Kokomo baby.

No scientist would just take another scientist's word without examining the data and the experimental method

I've been commuting to work on my bike for the last 26 years. About 25 mikes a day from may to November so everyone can fuck off. I also insulated the fuck out of my house.

Unit 731 research was valuable, though.

I'm going to start tossing all my garbage on my liberal neighbor's lawn every week now. Think globally, act locally!

Will he stop eating meat and cheese by the truck load?

This faggots fat ass releases more greenhouse gases than 100 coal plants

please take eugenics outta there

You know peer review is just a few people reading the paper and saying 'yeah it looks ok', right?

01100110 01110101 01100011 01101011 00100000 01101111 01100110 01100110 00100000 01101110 01101001 01100111 01100111 01100101 01110010

Based Portugal speaks truth

Implying climate change is real and proven beyond and reasonable doubt

Noy because 1000 say it is true that makes it true. It is a cult based on fear and guilt

Why not doing anything by yourself instead of relying on the government and at NO moment Trump said that he would do nothing to help the environment.

There's NO need to be part of the Paris Accords and give billions instead of investing them

Fuck the elite and their BS plan. The Paris Accords has 0 teeth against people violating the rule or not achieving the goals anyway. A stillborn project, good riddance

>'scientists' invented chemical warfare


Did you know that transhumanism was originally sympathetic to eugenics as a way to encourage us to challenge our limits through only selective breeding?

Then the posthumanist anarchist technophiles came along and ruined it.

>don't believe in sandnigger fairy tales, that's for loonies
>but if (((((scientists))))) said something you better abide by it 100%

i ain't even religious but the shilling is nauseous. developing countries will use coal. rich countries can try to reduce coal use. no tax will fix the issue.

why do they make it a faith issue?


If you believe in good health, then do what doctors tell you to do even if you should.
Make changes to your life that help you stop being a fatass

Cows fart methane which contributes significantly to global warming. Trump is saving the planet by eating those cows.


Him eating mayo out of the bottle, and then shitting and farting his pants is doing damage to the atmosphere.

First logical thing I've read all day.

>Look at all data
>Actively try to take their own hypothesis/speculations apart by endlessly experimenting
>Open to criticism
>At his/her heart, cares for the actual truth and not government bucks

>Experiment with an end result in mind
>Cherry pick data that supports their hypothesis/speculations
>Discards data that disproves their work
>Needs those Uncle Sam bucks given out (formerly) by Obongo.

I believe in global warming, but I'm apprehensive when it comes to fully backing it as a fact. When people disagree with it, seeing (((scientists))) all REEE at the person arguing, and citing that 98 outta 100 scientists agree, without presenting facts, I can't help but be suspicious. They seem to cite the fact that they all agree more than citing the data itself.

He doesn't have a carbon footprint, he has a carbon ass print.

I'm just going to let my 1/2 ton, v8 engine truck sit in my driveway idleing...and I'ma leave all my lights on...

And what will you do when you realize the climate swings are normal for the planet.
Aren't we a special little cream puff? So how much did those panels cost you? And how long will it take you to have that return anything before the panels give out?
I did gut my catalytic. The damn things are made to block up, and waste horse power.
Yeah the whole recycling thing is a scam. The only thing I like about it is that I get a higher price on the aluminum I take to the scrap yards, because areas that recycle drive the price up. I take in old motors, and car parts, which also pays more.

Yeah, and that's why scientific academia is a big pile of shit right now

Kingdom of the Netherlands bitch.

Well yes I too insulated the hell out of my house, but not for CC, but to save money on heating/cooling.

that I can agree with

With that logic, he shouldn't be fat because science says it's not healthy

>help the planet
>aka help all the coastal liberal cities and shitskin countries who will be the main casualities

AHAHA ill celebrate by littering more fat faggot. If the West can't have our own nations, nobody can. Die fuckers.

>Kingdom of the Netherlands bitch.
Like they said.

my transhumanism has very selective eugenics but then there are also gangbangs where everyone cums in one girl while high fiving so the beta males can go on thinking they MAY have produced offspring and thus wont drop out of society

I don't believe the science.

It's painting a disingenuous picture in which expectations are being seeded and confirmed through bias.

us Australo-Aryan peoples are suffering greatly, too. Please spare a thought.

>the world is going to end
>the solution is the americans paying an insane amount of money and nobody else doing anything
makes sense climatetards!

True, if they would have spent weeks vivisecting boogie in the name of science instead of innocents then I might have more trust in them.

My gook liberal roommates are too fucking lazy to recycle

>I did gut my catalytic
how do you get past your annual emissions test?

You forgot about Islam.

Don't have those in my state.

The amount of carbon and gasses he would release upon death would likely exceed that of 4 or 5 normal size men.

So much for the environment.

Thats a fair statement, for once.

We do not have them. I am not in Kali or some other commie place.

Scientists told me eugenics were worth pursuing in the early 20th century.

I shall endorse the culling of the mentally-disabled.

Personally? What I would like to do to help save the environment is inhale Taylor Swift's farts so they don't affect the atmosphere.

lucky son of a bitch.
on top of emission tests, we have to pay two taxes for our vehicles. since it counts as property we pay property tax for them separate from vehicle tax.
even if you have a car sitting in the garage and never use it, you still have to pay for it and take it for emissions every fucking year.
fuck connecticut. it's too expensive to live here as it is.

>Ivanka Trump wasn't not present for the announcement; aides said she was at home celebrating the Jewish holiday of Shavuot.

What is Shavuot and should I care?

And it is not as if Conneticunt needs them. Actually no place does full time. All of this emissions BS was foisted on all of us because of places like LA having smog. The thing is it has made air quality worse by making the gases heavier than air. These emissions blow west with the wind, and are reasons why places like the Grand Canyon have more hazy days. Now the supposed experts will not acknowledge that, but it is true. There never needed to be full time emission controls. Carbon Monoxide is lighter than air, and goes to the outer atmosphere where the suns rays destroy it. The only time some areas need emission controls is when there are inversion layers.
I am in SC and know about the tax you to death on putting tags on every year. I will be glad when I can move back to Az, and cheap plates.

In some ways I don't get the big hubbub about this global climate change. Nature is constantly striving towards equilibrium. If humans are fucking up the planet THAT much then the planet will make some change that reduces the human population, which will then theoretically unfuck the planet. And you know who would be most affected? Africa and southern asia, I shit you not

Would race mix/10