Why aren't blacks kings anymore?
Why aren't blacks kings anymore?
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They became Kangz instead.
This picture makes me sad for some reason
>be dindu nuffin
>no dad
>no culture and no achievements worthy of note
>craving for a place to belong to
>hate da wite man for pure jealousy of having a place to belong to
>brainwashed by media to think you are not responsible for your actions
>convince your self of having a culture out of sheer desperation
>ironically trying to steal someone elses culture, living up to true dindu spirit of stealing.
>race to stupid to break free from mental enslavement
>tfw when slavery never ended, the collars just changed.
Digits witnessed.
>ironically trying to steal someone elses culture, living up to true dindu spirit of stealing.
>to stupid
blacks were literally fine almost a generation after slavery
they had the lowest rate of poverty prior to the civil rights revolution
I'm not saying they shouldn't be able to vote btw
they are marrying less than they were in the early 20th century (everyone is but for the sake of this let's ignore that and focus on black people rn)
there's the "uncle tom" bullshit which reinforces the idea of the "true black identity" which just happens to focus on indigence, aggression, not respecting authority, etc
white liberals (backed by jews) have convinced them that anyone who criticizes this is a racist
blacks really did get shafted in the last 100 years, it's not "wi pi-po's" fault but we're not making it any better by blindly hating them
it's the jews trying to pit the american people against themselves so we don't focus on the bigger problems
im not saying you should let your daughter get blacked, im just saying there's more important shit at hand here
Because the magical forces of white privilege saps their super powers like kryptonite affects Superman.
>washingtonpost com/news/speaking-of-science/wp/2017/05/30/dna-from-ancient-egyptian-mummies-reveals-their-ancestry/?utm_term=.d3b8a856af9aecause
--> archive.is
>washingtonpost com/news/speaking-of-science/wp/2017/05/30/dna-from-ancient-egyptian-mummies-reveals-their-ancestry/?utm_term=.d3b8a856af9a
--> archive.is
>encouraging bots
What the fuck....do they seriously think they have any right to claim Egyptian heritage? do they not...you know, look up ancient Egyptians? they aren't the same....niggers were still slaves under Egyptians....DID THEY EVEN FUCKING LOOK AT WHAT AN EGYPTIAN LOOKS LIKE.
holy fucking shit you swedecuck, oh wow
Niggers that came to the Americas were never kings. The kings remained in Africa and sold prisoners of war to the Portuguese and then to other Europeans. They enslaved themselves
samefagging with BBB's shrine for maximum Shadilay and Keks, praise be, BRETHEREN!
They were actually West Africans and Kongolese.
Wow, it's been awhile since I've seen a real swede post.
>talkin' about the man
Roland the Headless Thompson Gunnar
"In their paper, the researchers acknowledged that “all our genetic data were obtained from a single site in Middle Egypt and may not be representative for all of ancient Egypt.” In the south of Egypt, the authors wrote, sub-Saharan influences may have been stronger."
I'm pretty their assertion is the southern part of Egypt was black, so how does this study refute them?
this picture makes me sad for some reason
>be goyim
>no money
>no culture and achievements worthy of note
>craving for our own ethnostate
>hate da jooz for pure jealousy
>brainwashed by Sup Forums to think they are responsible for everything
>convince yourself of having a culture out of sheer desperation
>ironically trying to steal someone else's religion to become christcucks
>race too stupid to break free from mental enslavement
>tfw the shoah never ended, the regime just changed
> That picture
Just lmfao! I don't think I've lol'd this hard in a long time. Was that thread about them linking Egyptian DNA to Turks/Europeans archived yesterday?
w u z
Is that a fucking diesel train in the bottom right? Jesus the slaves were freed when trains were still steam powered.
>muh modern slavery
Get a job/
Do you think they realize that there were commoners/peasants in every civilization?
They were held to the white man's standard, jackass. They were trying to be white people. Big mistake.
You deserve the get, you nailed it.
Because of white people and stuff.
>Why aren't blacks kangz anymore?
Jews see an Doctor, an Engineer, a Philosopher, a Rocket Scientist, a Physicist & a Lawyer.
Damn that is some good art. If it wasn't full of white guilt propaganda I would buy it.
this was 16-17th dynasty
If only they could escape to Africa, and be kangz and seeit.
Wez Rabbi and seeit.
Because that would make us slave owners.
We bigger than that.