Brit/pol/: Maintain Tory Majority edition

>Current seat predictions:: CON 362 (+32) LAB 206 (-26)

>Mass brawl in KFC sets off edgy police

>Thousands make fake claims they were at Manchester bomb concert to scrounge free tickets

>Corbyn: 'No deal' in hung parliament

>Farage accused of being pivot of global revolution

>Sturgeon "in denial" that indyref2 caused poll drop

>Wikileaks: Corbyn surge like that of Trump / Sanders

>Election Leaders debate 2017

>BBC Question Time 01/06/17

Other urls found in this thread:










Yeah, and then they will tax the shit out of their £80k+ salaries, costing them even more than they saved on commuting.



>BASED Boom boom Buller.







What's the median wage bud?

I noticed you seeming totally out of your depth and mentioning unrelated subjects, yeah.

If you think rightly so deserves life in the gulag reply to this post with golemn get ye gone.

>Current seat predictions:: CON 362 (+32) LAB 206 (-26)
The fuck was all that bullshit about it being a hung parliment? Just a bullshit poll?

>Thu 18 May: Seven-way ITV leaders' debate in Salford without Theresa May or Jeremy Corbyn
>Sun 21 May: Scottish leaders debate
>Mon 22 May: Theresa May interviewed by BBC's Andrew Neil
>Fri 26 May: Jeremy Corbyn interviewed by BBC's Andrew Neil
>Fri 26 May: Nicola Sturgeon interviewed by BBC's Andrew Neil
>Mon 29 May: Victria Derbyshire - The Big Debate
>Mon 29 May: Paul Nuttall interviewed by BBC's Andrew Neil
>Mon 29 May: Jeremy Corbyn and Theresa May interviewed by Channel 4's Jeremy Paxman in front of live studio audience
>Wed 31 May: Seven-way BBC debate between key figures from each party, without May
>Thu 1 June: Tim Farron interviewed by BBC's Andrew Neil
>Fri 2 June: Theresa May and Jeremy Corbyn BBC Question Time special
>Sun 4 June: Question Time with Nicola Sturgeon and Tim Farron
>Sun 4 June: Election Questions to Plaid Cymru leader Leanne Wood and UKIP leader Paul Nuttall on BBC
>Tue 6 June: BBC Newsbeat youth debate
>Fri 9 June: Additional Question Time

Golemn get ye gone

I hope to God SNP loses seats so they can stfu about independence and someone actually tries running Scotland for a change.


Mumsy May on Snapchat

Fucking hell wish I hadn't read that before bed

>moray going blue
God I hope so. Angus McSweatybollocks drives me up the fucking wall.


And Corbyn

>BASED Scotsman since Fergie.
>The STATE of the media propaganda against Corbyn and ignoring May.

Murdoch, Barclay, and Rothermere getting itchy bum syndrome.

What was this guy's deal? Someone said a lot of the empire Indians are mad that we let in all the low castes and nigs


England must be the most depressed country in the world

I know. 4x the data.

£40k, but any of them that are worth a fuck will be making more than £80k.

Does journalistic integrity exist at all in the UK



A man spending his time posting lezzers on a rightwing board must be pretty depressed desu.

>le day job meme
devolution is a joke and even if it wasn't this election has no bearing on it.
people who jack off to how badly the SNP are doing ignore how shit the labour-administered scottish executive were.

scotland was basically always a mistake

YouGov is fake and gay.

It's owned by Nadhim Zahawi, a Iraqi Tory MP and some failed Tory MP attemptee.

They know the system is shit but they do fuck all to adjust it because they're just a propaganda machine.

somebody say depression?

I do love it when a black or asian person comes out with this rhetoric because it just fucking stuns people
top tier entertainment

>Haha. The Brits were too frightened of the might of the IRA
this is a top tier joke tbf
in fact your whole argument is
>The British couldn't handle the incredibly effective Guerilla tactics employed by the IRA
killing fellow potatoniggers, oh boy that sure showed us
>so resorted to attacking women and children
implicating the IRA didn't do that as their main strategy

I am fuckin laffin right now m8 thank you

No but they didn't address it and Gove knew the lad had a BASED point so simply went on a Corbyn rant ignoring Akala's main point about equivalence.

Criticise Corbyn all you want; But don't then ignore our intelligence services and geo-political ties to jihadist groups and the states that support them.

It's not even in the top ten for suicides, maybe not even the top 20


Was it him or just one of his pals who signed the kekworthy EDM saying they welcomed an asteroid wiping out all life on the planet?

cum in mum

That's pretty much it.

A lot of our early migrants are massively against more immigration.

They generally have pretty comfy lives and don't want that ruining by Muzzies coming here and raping their daughters and taking their jobs.

i'd have thought the natonal would have supported her policy desu

No, and not just in the fact that they're biased.
This is the reason Piers Morgan fucked off to the US by the way, because he is so hated here.

I'm going to miss these posts when may gets her new Internet trough...

>Check who swung the Brexit vote.
>BASED Ethnics.

This is what a female nonce looks like

sorry its so late

This guy, telling it like it is.

He left his muslim shithole of a country for britain only to see britain turn ino a muslim shithole because of terrible immigration policies.

And yet his appearance was met with derision and detestment from the politicians on QT.

Fuck this country, when you're being told by an immigrant that you fucked up by turning your country into that immigrants home country there is only one way to interpret that.

Protip, its not "open borders" "citizen of the world.


Depression? Doesn't exist.

No but a lot of the time they are upfront about who they want you to vote for, so that's something at least.

Don't think 10 year old me would complain


10 year old you wouldn't be able to get it up mate.

This one though was them testing some new method.


Saffie's near me, community walks etc

Wish they'd do something about the cause rather than the problem


I distinctly remember wanking at that age

>tfw exactly one week from now we'll be in full hype mode as the results trickle in
Can't wait, lads.

Should we depopulate the UK?

I don't believe this nation can healthily sustain more than 30 million people. Bring it down to that.

>any train journey a working person takes resembles a holocaust train, and you pay 12k a year for the privilege
>try to draw attention to this fact
Epic deanos will hang alongside the mummy posters, bootlickers, and toffs

I should have added as well:
t. Diagnosed depressive

>End of the Line old man.
>I will own your soul to fund my coke-babes on me island.

Don't know why you're talking, you've got no testosterone at all you big girl.

I'm pretty sure I was wanking by the age of five at the latest.


Is this really going to happen?

If Nuttall wins Boston I will cum with happiness

You'd be surprised how much empty land there is in Scotland, people should just move to the Highlands

>Yes, yes do you remember Uncle Ted's yacht and our sly-winking usury.

>wanting to be apart of that mess

>coping this hard
When will they learn?

>t. Never once had a job that your daddy didn't get you
How can you be this much of a moron.

probably not

uniform swing is a meme. to get that kind of result you basically need the maximum swing to the tories and the maximum swing away from the SNP to coincide. if you bugger it about so that more realistically, say, the SNP lose 9% of the vote but it goes 3% to other parties and 6% to the tories, you might find they hang on by 1-2%.

So you have also cum with sadness?
>What's the difference?


The absolute STATE of Labour voters

This has it all lads

>Muh Bernie surge
>Muh surprise result
>Muh shy labour voters

Will we get a rolling sticky? If so I kinda want a seperate thread so the stupid yanks do endlessly post memes and get excited anytime someone gets digits.

Why do Labour voters think this is bad but expect the state to employ them

>server ate pic related


>Complaining about a situation you have control over
You could literally do anything you want to better your life, you don't want to commute then change jobs. You could be anything you want to be. You want to be a farmer you can, you want to own your own business and not be a slave you can.

What you lack is a spine to make a choice to better your life. Go and do anything, you can pick any occupation you can think of.

Otherwise fuck off you moaning shit.

What a total mess we're in

This. Sikhs are scared of Muslims, fucking terrified in fact. They've seen what they're like when they're the majority and they see it happening here and they're desparate for it to stop. We could do with a lot more of these based ethnics coming out of the woodwork desu.

I'm far from a civic but people like him are great for the cause.

Well it was a fucking terrible method

>median for 2 adults is 23k
well that's disturbing, i always thought it was 23k per person.


you should just tell people to play the lottery desu.
>dude take a risk and if you fail it's your own fault lmao

>being "rich"
>spending all your dads money on (((designer))) garbage and posting it on (((social media)))

The undeserving rich are fucking moronic. They have money but don't know how to spend it.