America first! The rest is irrelevant.
Today, June 1, 2017 will be remembered as the day America rejected globalism.
America first! The rest is irrelevant.
Today, June 1, 2017 will be remembered as the day America rejected globalism.
>Today, June 1, 2017 will be remembered as the day America rejected globalism.
Texas first! The rest is irrelevant!
Someday, The Republic of Texas shall rise again, and it will be known as the day Texas rejected globalism.
t. National Globalist.
Coming for you globalist scum
I stand with my brother on this one.
>US rejects the globalism its created
Daily reminder that the USA is better than your country.
As far as I know, international trade is still going on with the US, so globalism is still a thing.
Rejecting the Paris accord is not going to prevent US companies from reducing CO2 output in order to sell their goods internationally.
You can't expect to defeat everyone on your own especially when you allow thousands of taco niggers into your state. We must unite!!
Never was this way.
Checked but we didn't invade the US just yet.
We'd trade it for your masculinity, but you're already short.
It was always the worst.
I'm so glad you retards are only getting more retarded. Close those borders already. Get all of your citizens within your borders too. The world can start making real progress without your meddling. Yeah WW2, thanks, that more than 50 yrs ago. You are not needed anymore. I'm sure you agree with what I'm saying.
I don't think you know what globalism is...
Invade all you want, just remember - pic related
this desu senpai
Global warming is real, and humans are causing it. The positives of stopping global warming is not worth its costs. Global warming does not affect all countries equally. In general, poor countries are affected far more negatively than rich countries, with some rich countries being affected positively (more land available for agriculture, new trade routes in the Arctic, etc). Poor countries are the countries least able the afford the cost of not using fossil fuel energy, and already rich countries should not pressure them otherwise.
Shut up taco nigger your country is shit, can't even go to a titty bar in TJ without the cops stoping me for money. Your country ain't shit without the US.
Clingy white boy, we don't want you anymore. Close your borders and go away. Let us worry about what to do when your gone.
I don't know how we will survive if the Italian Air Force leaves our country
Be men or die as men at least. Your life will never get better until you can stand on your own.
No soy gringo pendejo, soy de padres mexicanos. Mis padres y muchos mas ulleron de ese pais de mierde lleno de coruption a plena vista. Estados unidos es el pais mejor del mundo.
Your kind is way worse. Tell your American masters to stay out of our affairs, close your borders, stop trading with us, and leave us to our fate. Your country has nothing to offer us anymore.
user our revolution will be here soon.
But your folk keep coming to us?
The poor and stupid, we can't stop them. Close your borders. Think of a neighborhood, you can't keep people from being out on the street but you can keep them from going into your home by closing the door. We can't stop them from roaming freely on the border, they haven't done anything illegal at that point. It's up to you to keep them out. It's your country.
America was an original laboratory for globalism in its current form aka "american way of life".
It's the same old dog with different fleas.
We're working on that but the lefists want open boarders. If it were me, i would vet them, but Im no politician user.
Just remember to get your people from our country. You don't want us. We don't want your influence. I can't imagine any white jumping the border to be in Mexico unless they are a criminal so we really won't need as much border security as you do.
>the day America rejected globalism
umm that was nov 8 sweetie