We will be Mars

WTF is that supposed to mean?

Other urls found in this thread:


He means Venus. He's fucking retarded, and so is everyone who takes him seriously.

Hey look, it's the man who eats too many nothing burgers vomiting on social media again.

>leads a crusade against the one woman who would've saved the world
>I've made a terrible mistake voting for this orange conman
your average right wing retard

fuck this fat fuck when has he been relevant honestly.

says the fat guy with a yacht

Lol what a cuck.


When Sup Forums went full retard and trusted him about Seth Rich.

>we will be mars

Fuck man, is our Iron core really going to cool to the point that convection no longer powers a magnetic field capable of repulsing solar and cosmic wind, causing our atmosphere to slowly blow away from our planet which will eventually lead to a global ice age that will never be recovered from save for an Alien species terraforming our planet some time in the future when we're all dead?

I thought the planet was getting hotter, in this scenario we get colder.


Thanks for sharing your liberal delusions

Kim ate too many mars bars.

It means "pay no attention to me."

>WTF is that supposed to mean?

If he had said Venus that would have made sense.

The magnetic field has nothing to do with our atmosphere. Gravity and the pressure from heavier air on top will keep it glued to the surface. Learn some science you dumb cunt.

What the other guy said is true. The lack of magnetic field caused mars to lose much of its atmosphere.

Solar wind–induced ejection of Martian atmospheric atoms has been detected by Mars-orbiting probes, indicating solar wind has stripped the Martian atmosphere

A lot of people have gotten this whole ordeal wrong.
Trump is not necessarily against human climate change. He is against this particular agreement because doesn't benefit the USA.

I don't know if climate change is real or not, but does it matter? yes tax money wasted.. but its a symptom of disease, more important things why should we care so much?

Life on the bottom of the ocean is 100% more feasible than Mars/Venus.

Just embrace your cozy deep sea home centered around a bitching geothermal power plant capping the world's largest undersea volcanic vent. Fuck, I can already smell the tubeworm steaks frying up on the grill. Mmm.

Fascinating does this imply that Venus Jupiter (and other gas giants) have a molten rotating core and plate tectonics that produce a magnetic field?

>leaf education

Every 60 million years, our forespecies alternates between seeding Mars and Earth and 'nuking' the previous. We caught up faster this time because some felt bad and gave us "fire" and guidance.

Mars is the way it is today because of the runaway greenhouse effect

Isnt mars like really cold?

solar winds blow the fucking atmosphere off the planet without a magnetic field, idiot

That's Venus, not Mars. Mars' atmosphere is extremely thin.

>Roman god of war
>We will be Mars

World War III imminent

fat german faggot desperately trying to get attention

In a few years people will be living on Titan

Molten isn't the proper word, but in a word, yes.

Plate tectonics is not the same as having a convecting core and the two aren't tied together.

The gas giants have a mix of metallic elements and metallic hydrogen/helium at their cores. At high pressure/temperature, it is theorized that metallic hydrogen would be liquid and thus, able to convect.

The gas giant moons are also capable of supporting an atmosphere through heating of their cores by a process called tidal friction.

Venus doesn't have a strong magnetic field, its core is likely cold or not different enough in temperature from its surroundings. Venus holds onto its atmosphere because its ionosphere interacts with the solar wind in such a way that it creates an external magnetic field - this field is much weaker than Earths and does a good job protecting Venus from day to day solar wind but is not as good otherwise.

Back to fucking dogs, boy.

And the dumbest post of the day goes to...

Still waiting on the seth rich proof...
>Oh wait was the proof that seth was panda?
Pic related, when he "hangs" himself in prison

No, he means Mars, last year or the year before that NASA held a press conference stating what the reason for the ozone layer around Mars got so weak.
It's literally what's happening to Earth atm. Fucking faggots.

>our forespecies

Sauce needed.

Oh shit, you're right

>> global warming
>> Mars -120 degrees Fahrenheit
>> not having shit on Seth Rich

Eat a dick kim.faggot

Still waiting for that Seth Rich evidence.



to be fair, didn't his mansion have solar panels?

all those fucking polluters on mars must have ruined it

pic related: Kim tries forging an email but forgets to include the time zone and uses the wrong email address for the MPAA dude.

This attention-whoring, LARPing fat fuck is going to kill the Seth Rich story when he tries forging the evidence of contact with someone named Panda.

Wait what ever happened to the big seth rich reveal he promised? Did he deliver?

Climate Change is real and it's coming from those G-dless Asians in particular the Chinese and the Japanese. Both in their own continent and in Africa. Thanks (((Capitalism))) consume until there is nothing left.


So fucking sick of nu-Sup Forums riding this guy's jock, blissfully unaware of his history of forgeries and hyped-up non-deliveries.

>doesn't know that mars is the way it is after having it's magnosphere being ripped off long ago

wasn't he sarcastic?

He's trying to make fun of Elon Musk. Somebody who is, while wrong about the Paris Agreement, exponentially smarter than Kim Dotcom.

Autistic rage at someone smarter than him.



We mad max now

How the hell can we lose the magnetic global field? Retard.

What a glorious day to die.

it means dotcom's meatsock is elon's cumditch

Are you absolutely retarded?

Global warming is NOT about the ozone layer.

Ozone layer was about aerosols reaction with Ozone and destroying the layer. This stop with the use of other substances in things like hair spray.

Global warming is about CO2 build up in the atmosphere which makes the planet "supposedly" hotter

Everyone fails to mention that water vapor is much a more potent green house gas.

There is no proof that c02 has any affect on the climate beyond a simple correlation which doesn't even line up properly.

This fat faggot is controlled opposition