When did you realize only monarchy makes sense?
When did you realize only monarchy makes sense?
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How to point out a clueless political radicalist:
They say that their system is the only one that "makes sense"
Monarchy is the true red-pill. Look how many of these expulsions were ordered by Monarchs/Emperors:
>heh... I'm so moderate no system makes sense and I'm constantly confused
>When did you realize only monarchy makes sense?
Today. I realize that I am the only one who can rule the world.
You seriously think there's one perfect system that solves everything? Kill yourself.
did I ever say that? no
So you agree that it makes sense to take aspects of various systems and combine them. Good.
So why do you post a thread about a single system saying it's the only system that makes sense?
>So you agree that it makes sense to take aspects of various systems and combine them. Good.
No, I don't.
That is babby's first concept of politics though. I thought that in fucking high school
What about monarchy makes sense? The degenerate nepotism or eventual incest?
>degenerate nepotism
top kek
like we have now but on a worse scale?
I think I might be there right now.
Once you get into Edward Bernays, Freud, psychoanalytics, and how pervasive secret societies and aristocratic factions are now, you realize how badly we NEED monarchy and centralized authority.
A president or a senator is the equivalent of the Christmas help. They play by everyone else's rules and get nothing done.
i think white males should be an aristocracy over everyone else on the planet
the blacks and mexicans and arabs and chinese people and all unmarried white men should be our SLAVES
They also officially allowed them in countless times, allowed then to intermarry, practice usury, and let them stay after purges if they "converted" outwardly to Christianity.
Disgusting status quo civic nationalism politicking. The monarchs were just as bad as modern politicians. Only concerned with their own power and wealth.
They sort of had a mutualistic relationship. They needed the banking system for functionality, and when shit hit the fan, they could easily pin the blame on Jews.
white women*
when i wondered what we're supposed to do since nothing seems to be working and no fight was being won statewise conservatively. I inspired to understand it was because we didn't have a monarchy.
For the last 4 years. We need more Kings and less democrats! Bring back the Monarchy! Bring back Tradition! Long Live the King!
Fuck fancy girly monarchys, republics are the way to go,
Merkel and Macron agree
When I visited adult Disneyland. Honestly, the place reminds me of Taris from KOTOR.
Our republic only works when the people in it are white and some form of Christian
At the current rate the Republic will die within the next 100 years
Why does the monarch have to be someone with (((royal blood)))? The ruler should be a qualified, visionary leader, like Hitler.
The Day of the Rake is coming soon Leaf.
those arent true republics those are cuckublics that bow to the muslim menace.
Anything else is a Jew government there is a reason Rome became a empire
Monarchy is a form of military rule based on an outdated military model.
what exactly do you consider a "true republic" your 56% white one? All republics are liberal to a considerable point.
top kek. Yeah, why aren't our political leaders all magically top-tier leaders?
This is how it actually works
>office isn't hereditary
>as a result, there is no aristocratic faction concerned with maintaining their kingship
>the vacuum of power makes it a competition among hidden aristocratic groups like the Bilderbergs, Skull & Bones, etc. to steal it for themselves
>"haha, yes, I am a man for the people!"
>in reality the guy saying it just works for his own tribe, not for the people.
no, the US was founded as a conservative republic, but niggers and cucks ruined it
>traditional liberals and marxists are the same thing, even though marxists hate traditional liberals
Fuck off.
When I realized they're really good but not as good as Fascism. The strong should rule by effort and community action not simply by birth right. And the people deserve a strong ruler.
If I wasn't a fascist I would be a very close second monarchist
So your argument for monarchy is that it does the same bad thing our current ineffective system does?
why because i don't stand for your illegitimate cucked & falling system of governance?
Thomas Paine was not a conservative.
is it wrong that i think a femdom type society is good?
All kings and queens must hang.
No exceptions.
>The strong should rule by effort and community action not simply by birth right. And the people deserve a strong ruler.
makes no sense.
The political world is a competition among factions of aristocrats for the monopoly of power.
If you don't have a birthright leadership, there you are just letting a bunch of different Houses of aristocrats compete for that power and they will use any form of treachery to take it.
Democracy is overrated.
t. Edward Bernays
Washington,Adams,Jefferson and Franklin were Conservative
If it's not a true republic, what is?
I should add
It's like your father making a company and grooming you to be the next CEO of this family business.
If there is no such thing as inheritance, then any random guy with ambition and a hidden motive can come and try to steal everything your father has created to be absorbed into his own family's business.
No. Queen Elizabeth II is okay. Hang the rest, though.
>Thomas "Fuck monarchies fight for liberty around the world" Jefferson was a conservative
Not for his time. Conservatism isn't a position, it's an attitude and a mindset. Conservatives today are traditional liberals and republicans. That wasn't always the case.
That's an argument based on who's the rightful owner of the company. The rulers of countries don't own them.
a country is a massive company.
>It's like your father making a company and grooming you to be the next CEO of this family business.
Also, this doesn't always work, and when it fails, it fails spectacularly. Besides, there have been more than enough succession wars in history to demonstrate that you're trying to compare the political reality of republics to an monarchical ideal, rather than the political reality of monarchies.
all monarchs must be defended, even the more left ones. They are all governors.
Sure, and every single citizen in America is an equal shareholder.
Honestly, the only monarchies I actually care about are the British and Japanese ones. British one for obvious reasons, the Japanese one because their cool.
And the chance for a Monarch to be raised shit or go wrong is a certainty, you putting your entire country's fate on the backs of one family who do not have what's best for the country or the people but what's best for them to maintain power and that includes Jewish banking and loans which happened all the time and these jews were able to gain huge amounts of power and influence the Monarch did you ever wonder how the Rothschilds got their wealth, they took control of the rich trade routes of England and were in defeacto control, they even pushed for England to invade China in the opium wars twice and England followed.
Fascism is simply an improvement on a almost perfect system
Monarchies are the ideal just by themselves.
1) They set the rules for aristocrats to follow rather than the other way around
2) they safeguard the country from corrupt aristocrats vying for power through lies
3) They allow things to get done instead of just a guy in for four years who can't do shit
4) He provides accountability. If something is wrong, people know who to blame instead of a million man bureaucratic machine with no faces.
you have to much faith in the common man. They will never be rulers. They want rulers.
Seriously, read Propaganda by Edward Bernays.
Democracy or any form of trust in the average person is retarded because they are so easily controlled.
What about Electors and Emperors?
Most all of human history is hereditary rulers. To think that just because sometimes they can be bad is a testament they all are bad is retarded.
Again, if you have no centralized hereditary ruler, there is no official aristocratic faction which owns all the force.
Then all the other Houses (Clintons, the Bushes, etc.) will seek to claim it for themselves and will do ANYTHING to get there.
>who do not have what's best for the country or the people but what's best for them to maintain power
Literally the opposite. Where do you think their power is derived, Leb?
>and that includes Jewish banking and loans
Nope. Historically monarchs kicked jews out, and (((republics))) let them back in. Only when monarchs stopped being monarchs was there a problem.
>1) They set the rules for aristocrats to follow rather than the other way around
Horseshit. Learn your history.
>3) They allow things to get done instead of just a guy in for four years who can't do shit
Which is bad when they want to do something that's fucking stupid or oppressive.
>4) He provides accountability. If something is wrong, people know who to blame instead of a million man bureaucratic machine with no faces.
Knowing who to blame doesn't help when the only thing you can do to them is start a fucking civil war.
>you have to much faith in the common man. They will never be rulers. They want rulers.
>Democracy or any form of trust in the average person is retarded because they are so easily controlled.
It isn't about people making the best decisions, it's about all people deserving direct political power.
>Horseshit. Learn your history.
Do you think Presidents in America have real power?
They get into office and the aristocrats who have been in power all their lives tell them how things work. With monarchs it isthe other way around.
>Which is bad when they want to do something that's fucking stupid or oppressive.
Oh no! A school shooting happened. Better ban ALL guns.
Outliers exist everywhere, brainlet.
>Knowing who to blame doesn't help when the only thing you can do to them is start a fucking civil war.
That is the only way to actually have any form of change. Politics is all a show.
>It isn't about people making the best decisions, it's about all people deserving direct political power.
>Knowing who to blame doesn't help when the only thing you can do to them is start a fucking civil war.
Why? If it's not worth shedding blood over, then it isn't that bad. That's the main reason plebs like democracy, they can pretend they're doing something without doing it.
I never said it was bad but Monarchies being corrupted by Jews is how we got here, let alone th french revolution where the monarchies got complacent
If you give that family certain right to rule they will get complacent and degenerate and fuck everything, we see this everywhere from Ancient Roman families to the Middle ages. Constant power and being guaranteed to hold it breeds laziness.
The Leader of the fascist owns all and can do all the things a Monachi can do without fear or these powerful aristocrats swapping allegiances, the aristocratic class would be infiltrated by Jews willing to give out loans and usury the population for more money to increase the Monarchs power.
Nope England had it's rothchilds, Russia it's Jews and France it's complacent rulers who tore society apart
I'm happy to see I'm not the only guy here who sees the truth
Hidden are the ones who benefit most from public policy today.
At least under a monarchy, you know who you actually deal with.
A figurehead leader that all people can look up to above the politicans
>Hidden are the ones who benefit most from public policy today.
Do you honestly believe that wasn't a thing in old monarchies?
>If you give that family certain right to rule they will get complacent and degenerate and fuck everything, we see this everywhere from Ancient Roman families to the Middle ages. Constant power and being guaranteed to hold it breeds laziness.
And that is when they get murdered by the military, aristocrats, or invaded.
There's a neat story called the Sword of Damocles.
As a ruler, yes you get so many luxuries, but there is always a sword dangling over your head by a single horse hair.
At any moment, it could easily fall and kill you. If you're a bad leader, your advisers, the men you lead, and your followers will grow to hate you and kill you.
Now with interchangeable political office, you can be corrupt, you can lie, and steal. It doesn't matter because you'll only be there a couple years.
>Monarchies being corrupted by Jews is how we got here
No, monarchies being turned parliamentary did. Because elected officials are designed to be corrupted.
Aye, the (((media))) has a real stranglehold on perceptions sadly.
>Now with interchangeable political office, you can be corrupt, you can lie, and steal. It doesn't matter because you'll only be there a couple years.
And after you're voted out, you get a [ension. No downside, or compulsion to do well at all.
And plenty of monarchs have let this sword come down and behead them, your one bad complacent Monarch from a Communist/French revolution, fascism has rule for life, absolute power, and pushes for the people and the morality of the nation rather then one families influence as number one then the people a second a easy key Jews will push to influence the king though advisors
Basically term limits so short make it so that your actions are all short-sighted, just to keep up appearances, and really just a show.
Think of any man who has dedicated his life to something and left a legacy. He couldn't do it in 4 or 8 years. It was his life. Every action had meaning and didn't have to be done just for PR.
fascism is honestly superior (as long as the leader is competent and has good will and intention.
monarchies over time pass power to weak willed, too young, or unfit successors with no business or interest whatsoever controlling the affairs of a large country, too much of a roll of the dice. wilhelm II, nicholas II etc. etc.
monarchy is shit tier
Knew it right from the beginning, like when I was 12-13
And even before that I liked constitutional monarchy
Before the century is out we will be back at absolute leadership. And I welcome it.
The Jews will still have heavy influence over the monarchy with cheap loans and advisors, sure medieval kings kicked out Jews sometimes but they certainly used them as advisors and bankers for the nations
How do you find this ideal fascist leader without accidentally giving power to a corrupt fraternal aristocratic group member who just wants to serve that secret group?
Jews aren't the only people who use subversion. All of politics is Jew tactics. Jews are just another aristocratic faction like the Masons are.
Yes, but it's not an inherent flaw. In fact, quite the opposite. A monarch should have no need for such loans as a rule. And certainly no need for them as advisors. Unlike under a democratic system.
If a monarch does make use of them, then it's invariably in conflict with the best interests of his nation, thus setting the stage for a de-noggening.
>Jews are just another aristocratic faction like the Masons are.
Pretty different thing there, bro.
>Pretty different thing there, bro.
No, not at all.
political or ethnic minorities realize they cannot take over without subversion.
A secret society of 80 members cannot fight a battle. They have to use subversion and trickery to consolidate power.
Jews are just another aristocratic faction. If you pressed a button and they all went away, you'd still have to fear infiltration and deception from countless other political and ethnic minorities who want to become the majority and consolidate power.
I meant that Masons are monarchists/loyalists.
Never understood the desire for fascism. Like yea, some good systems, but it could only ever have the flaws of the democratic elective system on a tiny hidden scale.
>I meant that Masons are monarchists/loyalists.
I'm talking about more than just Masons.
There are countless factions behind the scenes and there is always a conspiracy against the leader.
>There is a large propaganda effort all over the country such groups are banned and actively searched for with heavy police powers
>The fascist leader is not bound by loyalty to his cripple son being the next ruler but by educating and putting in place the next best person for his country
>These people will come from leading place in the community chief of the army educated peoples who have shown great love for their nation not just charismatic rich individuals
He does have use for loans for funding his own projects overseas or when the country is in a financial decline, Jews are rich educated people they make great advisors for kings
>>These people will come from leading place in the community chief of the army educated peoples who have shown great love for their nation not just charismatic rich individuals
This is overly idealistic. Nepotism is human instinct and you'll just end up selecting fascist leaders who are part of secret societies.
Do even get up into high positions of power, many people need to be part of some sort of secret society. That is now your pool for fascist leaders.
Also, are you going to suddenly ban fraternal groups and force men to be anti-social and not form close bonds of fraternity as they always have?
>This is overly idealistic. Nepotism is human instinct and you'll just end up selecting fascist leaders who are part of secret societies.
And Monarchism won't end up with secret society's as advisors and aristocrats? You can never eliminate traitors only limit them and Fascists do that better when every resource within a nation is used for attacking subversion and traitors rather then one single family getting one Jew advisor like Rasputin 2.0
>Do even get up into high positions of power, many people need to be part of some sort of secret society. That is now your pool for fascist leaders.
Your pool comes from leaders of the armed forces,or educated individuals who are always attending nationalistic parades and such not simply people with a paycheck or born overseas. You will have to be Born within the nation under heavy police watch and education/Propaganda among all your piers for decades before your even considered as a potential member of the party amongst all the others who want to try
>And Monarchism won't end up with secret society's as advisors and aristocrats?
A royal family is its own aristocratic faction. That is the whole point of it.
>Your pool comes from leaders of the armed forces,or educated individuals who are always attending nationalistic parades and such not simply people with a paycheck or born overseas.
Jesus Christ, you're just arguing out of idealism.
>they'll magically not be part of hidden factions because muh parades
From birth, poor Americans though, like foreskins and Kinder surprises Yanks can't have a Liz.
Freemasonry is banned under Fascists any subversive group or group which gains political power not for the best of the nation will be dissolved that includes Mussolini arresting a general of the army for being a free mason under the kingdom of Italy, men will not be antisocial they are free to join other hobby groups but not free to join such groups.
>A royal family is its own aristocratic faction. That is the whole point of it.
And Jews and bankers and Masons never snuck into a Monarchy before. All it takes is one advisor to a small child and your country is not occupied?
>Jesus Christ, you're just arguing out of idealism.
Muh one family will never be corrupted because the father or educator or advisor will never be from a secret society, I put my eggs in separate baskets over an entire nations worth of men putting their best foot forward trying to gain the job, good luck getting one man though and maintaing that secrecy with police powers, whereas Monarchy put all your eggs in the educator of the future monarch or his advisors, you only need one advisor and money is a good way to enter the aristocracy
Your flag has been revoked.
when I understood that i needed to take care of it
because shit obviously doesn't work
There is a problem with monarchy, very bad one. If one day your monarch fucks up hard enough one way or another, everything goes to hell. Both Russian ruling dynasties ended that way. Aside of that, being ruled by monarch bloodline bound to nation still better than being ruled by rootless kike banker dynasties in modern (((democracy))).
>any subversive group
*any group they want to shift the blame onto unduly
My ancestors came here specifically because the monarchy they lived under was a fucking mess.
if I were a monarch I'd make Sup Forums my parliament
Orthodox Jews hate other Jews but in the end they're both fucking kikes
Dynastic monarchy looks out for the interests of their own territory first and foremost because their heirs will rule it someday. That usually leads to a better outcome than with elected rulers who have to exploit the territory and its people to better themselves since they won't have their power forever.
What is Americas problem with foreskins is it a jewish thing?
No, it's Victorian, anti-masturbation hysteria that just sort of stuck.
Quack doctors in the Victorian era claimed that foreskin was prone to infection or other issues, and said that removing it at birth is a legitimate medical procedure (it's not, and hasn't been officially recommended since 1971). No man wants to admit that something is wrong with his penis, so most men act as if it's normal and no big deal. Popular media still spouts the health bullshit despite it being repeatedly debunked and the routine procedure condemned in multiple countries. Most people don't even know what a foreskin actually is, let alone what it does, why it's there, and other basic information you'd be required to know for any other medical procedure. They're just told that it's cleaner and healthier, and nobody questions it.
Republics are liberal by nature
Nigger please. Death to tyrants.
Forgot to add that I'm Jewish but still realize that circumcision is bullshit.