face it user you fell for the shill meme too. shills dont exist, you are being trolled by other users and they are all laughing at you when you call them shills. this may be hard for you to swallow /nupol/ but shills dont exist. wake up
Shills dont exist
>this may be hard for you to swallow
the pill with no color
I partly agree with this. I do believe other anons shill just for the personal keks. I have. And I most likely will again. Muhahahaha!
thats called trolling sweetie, not shilling.
I shill I troll. It's still all for the personal keks.
Of course they are rural and suburban retards.
The greatest trick the shills ever pulled was convincing Sup Forums they don't exist.
>>>>>still falling this hard for the shill meme
if shills dont exist then why did the wendys bitch become a meme
because FRESH
is really good and people like wendy's
Quick rundown on Wendy?
kill all shills
>this guy doesnt know about wendy
just look up smug wendy
You are either dumb or a massive faggot.
talk about some good bait
>election hackers still believe in shills
i know its hard to swallow user
Careful, you're treading on some people's carefully constructed conspiracies
Yes there are shills on the internet but not on Sup Forums, there's zero reward in shilling among Sup Forumstard trash when they could be spending those buckos on people that are less autistically resilient and paranoid
nice one
I am literally paid to shill russian agenda here.
whats the russian agenda
Danke meine frueden
>they don't exist...
Yet the board is flooded with unrelated bullshit during the hours people are at a day job
>they don't exist...
Yet this board is only "political" in the hours between midnight and 5am
>they don't exist...
Yet I can watch the shill threads rise and fall like currents in the ocean and I can tell if something big has happened based on how many threads that draw people in with anger and off topic non political subjects, fill the catalog. Right when wikileaks releases something. Right when a political scandal happens. And right when a certain gate of pizza has a new lead.
That is when the board is full of so much bullshit I can barely stand to sift through the shit to find a diamond they are trying to smother. When no scandal is happening, the board calms and almost every thread is actually about a political subjects.
So please, shill. Keep trying to hide things with your shit. Keep throwing the shill label on everyone but you. I'll keep watching and I'll keep knowing exactly when I should search for the thread you are trying to bury. And I'll do it just to spite you because you smeared your off topic shit on my Mongolian Basket Weaving Board.
whats a night shift or neets?
>everyone without a job is a shill
people have different opinions and dont like seeing the same shit over and over again so they decide to derail a topic! SHILLS! also trolls can slide thread without being payed, ive done it multiple times and ive never been payed or shilled before.
There are retard autists here who think "sleepy posters" and nothingburger posters are actual shills
I assume all these guys aren't trolling just for the Lulz, I get the feeling trump autists pretend to be shills so idiots like the other user believe in Sup Forums narratives like pizzagate and all the countless bullshit that's never been proven
What is the Russian agenda?
whats the russian agenda