Why do millennials question religion but not science?
Why do millennials question religion but not science?
Science is based in facts.
this is the most retarded post i have ever seen on Sup Forums. kys. saged.
Because science questions itself while religion states it is the truth and anyone that questions it is considered a blasphemer.
Science is their religion
The notion that people have that you must believe whatever scientists say because they're scientists is curiously close to being religion.
Drugged up with chemicals from food, and (((Hollywood))).
Nobody asks questions when you say its science. Most people cannot show that
N^0 = 1
Where n is a number.
Science is objective, scientists are not.
Anybody who reveres Bill Nye the Butt Stuff Guy, Neil the Grassy Bison, or Richard Hawkins is probably the least scientific person in the room and is only trying to convince themselves that they are smart/clever by parroting entry-level science tidbits.
Stop posting Soe and millennials in the same post you faggot. I'm tired of this shit.
Because they don't even know shit about science.
This post is literally circular reasoning, tho.
answer is simple OP - > "Because 'science' is their religion"
because (((science))) is their new religion
>not science
They think sex is no longer biological and whatever is in your head is reality.
>implying millenials question Islam in any shape or form
Science is the seeking of facts.
It should not be used to supplement religion like a lot of people do. Nor should religion supplement lack of understanding of science.
Because millennials have a religion sanctioned by the (((elites))) called worshipping diversity. The most programmed generation ever.
t. woke millennial
damn look at dat flag
Science and religion are not equal. They're not even close to the same thing. One is theorized and tested and scrutinized and questioned and constantly improved upon and requires the consensus of other scientists who can repeat and verify results in order to be valid; the other is a feel.
The notion isn't that you MUST believe them (until it gets political). The reason people are generally inclined to trust them is because chances are the person who has spent their entire career studying a particular field and conducting research will know more than someone who hasn't. That doesn't mean they're infallible since science regularly challenges itself and changes.
>until it gets political
The intrusion of politics (and money) upon science is widespread.
This isn't the case. Nobody blindly accepts science. It's scrutinized constantly. Science isn't a faith; it only seems that way to you because you neglect to teach yourself anything about it.
What is science? Why do idiots just use one word to describe multiple concepts and allow constant miscommunication?
Questioning science can take different forms depending on what you're questioning. Are you questioning the methodology, the discipline of scientists in adhering to their principles, or the body of scientific knowledge which is subject to change?
Also, people are starting to conflate scientism with science so that might become a 4th defintiion.
"science" is not questioned, but scientific research is questioned all the time.
For example, there are new studies showing that methane emission may be balancing out global warming instead of worsening it. Meaning we can now adjust our models for better accuracy.
Science is ALWAYS questioning itself. That's literally the scientific method. Go to any conference in a scientific field and see how researchers are treated by their peers when they present findings. They're literally torn apart. Religion is what is based in "facts" and refuses to adjust with new information provided.
You apparently never took a science class...
It literally isn't. Explain yourself.
Unfortunately yes, but you could also argue that it's present in religion as well. What doesn't change is how the average person can conduct their own research and tests to verify published scientific results where as religion cannot be put under the same scrutiny.
false equivalent
It's merely about where one put's one's faith.
He's probably coming from a Jordan Peterson angle where you question the presuppositions of what constitutes facts.
Why are Millenials so fucking against religions but also believe that vaccines are bad, that GMOs are dangerous and that organic is ANY good?
Why do they also believe in shitty pseudoscience shit like chakras and karma? (which is literally cultural appropriation, ironically).
never has there been a generation more deserving of the gas
>Because science questions itself while religion states it is the truth and anyone that questions it is considered a blasphemer.
So, exactly like science then.
>Nobody blindly accepts science. It's scrutinized constantly.
If we're talking about the general population, this is plainly wrong. Lots of people blindly accept science.
(((science))) is a religion. They don't question religion, they just question other religions. It's no different than a Christian making fun of those crazy pagans.
Because of the incorrect presumption that metaphysical claims are not scrutinized, developed, or advanced over time. Also the erroneous positivism that is implicit to suggest science can provide all meaningful answers to all things--which it cannot. David Berlinskin (a Jew who seems quite decent to me) has written quite extensively about this in The Devil's Delusion.
And here we thought Anonymous killed (((Scientology))).
Nope, stronger than ever Xenu.
>89 genders
Wew lad
>this post proves either Sup Forums is contrarian and is now LARPing as fedoras or user is a redditor
Scientists are human. They make mistakes. And they can be bought. These are facts.
You're nearly retarded, aren't you?
What is? He didn't define science but when someone uses science the way he did, it implies they mean scientism. Scientism and religion aren't bad comparisons at all.
You can't compare the scientific method, or the body of scientific knowledge to religion, but then you wouldn't assume someone else was trying to do something so inane would you?
Science is the new religion.
millennials are a victim of the golden age of behavioral/psychological manipulation. absolutely nothing they believe is a result of personally developed thought processes.
Yes, your post makes you look much smarter than me.
What to question?
Something based on logic and evidence or something based on superstition with no evidence?
>anyone that questions it is considered a blasphemer
unless you question climate science, in which case you are a science denier
they don't question it because the scientific method os made to question itself. it's literally based on someone suspecting that there is something wrong with a theory and creating a better explanation based.
Using global warming as an example, if you think there's some factor that makes the human CO2 emission not change global climate you're free to explain how that works.
scientist are the new priest class
So many non-STEM uneducated retarded Christfaggots ITT
>Anybody who reveres Bill Nye the Butt Stuff Guy, Neil the Grassy Bison, or Richard Hawkins
probably get their news from the Daily Show
Wasn't intended to. This isn't a contest, user. You compared two opposites, stated exactly as opposites, and claimed them to be equals because you were too offended to use actual reason.
More precisely, the treat science as a religion
None of them do 'science' and take it all on faith
Their handlers know this and feed them a steady diet of 'science'
>too many studies to read
>no one is doing the verification to see if you get repeatable results
>too much sloppy science due to above
Nah, we're all highly educated super geniuses.
The world has survived millennia with religion, but science already has the world under thread of nuclear annihilation.
The average person can be excused for their suspicion of people who wish to constantly overturn social order with facts that will change in a decade. Ever heard of the Lindy Effect, STEM grad?
>two opposites
God damn this is embarrassing. It's hard to imagine a worse display of binary thinking.
They don't question religion, they just hate Christianity. Ask them what they find wrong with Hinduism, Buddhism, or especially Islam, and it'll all come back to Christianity somehow.
I'm not really sure why you think that. He said "religion states it is the truth and anyone that questions it is a blasphemer." This is exactly what science does when it is spread to the general population. people don't do the experiments themselves, they trust scientists to tell them what is right and wrong. This is very similar to trusting priests or the bible to tell you what is right or wrong. Do you see this? I'm sure you can think of some instances where people accept science blindly. Use your mind and you will see that it's not as ridiculous as you think.
You're assuming that everyone who advocates science is into "scientism", whatever the fuck that is - probably an assumption that anyone who has made a conscious decision to choose science over religion is deluded, which is exactly what someone offended by the notion that there is no god, after devoting their lives to "him", would feel.
>By understanding the basic laws of physics, I can jerry rig a pulley system that allows me move my engine block so I can do appropriate maintenance on my car without overpaying too much for it
>Praying to God to maintain my car for me however (far as I can see) seems to do nothing
Learn about it before discounting it.
The scientific method is a useful tool but "Science" is just a bullshit authority. No one has the time to read some study behind a paywall and replicate it themselves so they just put blind faith into it.
Science makes sense and isn't about dogma. If a scientific idea is shown to be wrong, and a better explanation comes around, then science will eventually adopt the better explanation.
Religion just holds on to the same ideas forever and then when a more reasonable explanation comes along they burn someone at the stake.
He isn't a scientist.
>climate change is settled
>because majority
That doesn't sound like science questioning itself to me.
At one point the earth being the center of the universe was a settled science and only one guy was saying that the sun was the center. So the church went ahead and forced him to publicly recant his position and tossed his ass under house arrest.
And then Bill Nye goes on tv saying we should probably be able to imprison or take people's kids away for not believing in climate change. And no one batted an eye.
>The matter was investigated by the Roman Inquisition in 1615, which concluded that heliocentrism was "foolish and absurd in philosophy, and formally heretical since it explicitly contradicts in many places the sense of Holy Scripture
Then explain it to me, user. Challenge accepted. Explain why they aren't opposites in a manner that doesn't require a certain level of ambiguous "faith" to accept.
Because science is their region.
I liked the part where Rocky Beat Soviet Science with Phili tenacity.
They don't question it because they're believers. The general population aren't scientists. They're not studying charts or taking core samples or coming up with a new hypothesis. They're listening to whatever mouthpiece the media chose to represent "science" as a whole. These mouthpieces barely pretend to question anything. They throw around the words "fact" and "proof" like they had the ear of God. That God isn't real science. It's politics. And believers of "science" can't tell the difference.
Everything in your post is wrong.
>You're assuming that everyone who advocates science is into "scientism"
Wrong, and a very stupid thing for you to think
>whatever the fuck that is - probably
This is not how intelligent people think so you're most likely too stupid to be worth serious consideration.
>choose science over religion
More binary thinking and signals severe historic illiteracy.
They can be compartmentalized and one doesn't necessarily interfere with the proper function of the other. It's rank stupidity to take up this less than basic bitch 'they are opposites' crap.
They're not yet to the point where they realize that science comes from the internal criticism and reparation of the church to make society what it is today. The whole scientific method is built off of shit tests philosophers would give theories to test their resilience. The church in later years believed if a part of the religion can't stand up to science then it can't be formally enforced. A catholic priest came up with the big bang theory by the way, because the giant hole in a Science Only approach is what happened before the big bang theory? Dunno? Well then this is the only theory. Interpret it as being in a simulation or manifestation of the divine but you have to acknowledge the gaps in our knowledge and the idea that we cannot know what we don't know.
You're literally the same as a muslim, you fucking demagogue cocksucker.
>Just go to a mosque, read the quran, live with muslims then you can discount it
difference is the bible and the people who wrote it and the people who preach it have thousands of years of experience observing human behavior they draw from. these are things you just cant understand in one lifetime so you have to have faith in what they say or else end up an old person warning young people against mistakes you made in your life as they laugh you off.
science in this sense is incredibly shortsighted and very often wrong in its assertions of moral or intergenerational subjects
Science is the art of questioning. What they believe is science, is actually religion.
Because they only *pretend* to have read Nietzsche.
send them some IQ statistics to test your hypothesis
Bump. Now let me see Sup Forums answer. (Gotta clear that horse face and pile of naked feminists from my mind.)
You didn't state a single fact. Every single thing you said was based purely on speculation and presumably projection. It is provable with data that climate change is happening.
That's how science works. You are now burdened with providing some evidence to back ANY of your claims or you are hereby deemed a certifiable retard.
Science is the act of questioning ffs
>It is provable with data that climate change is happening
Okay then send us the data.
The difference is that independent scientists test and retest each other's work to maintain validity. In many cases, the results of such research become our daily-used items and products at home. The only things religion ever produces is feelings. It doesn't matter if every religious official in history got together and agreed that heaven exists; there's no way to prove it. If the average joe blindly believes some bit of science without verification, that's his fault. Science provides references that can be reproduced. Religion does not. Furthermore, all scientists compete with one another; they're not interested in collusion to change anything. Truth and knowledge are the only motivations, and if one scientist can discredit another by proving him wrong, that usually helps his career, so he will. The main problem with this equivalency is that the assumption exists that both want to have followers and gain power, but that only applies to religion. If climate change (for EXAMPLE; I'm not looking to change the subject) could be objectively disproven, they would do it.
Time to get some knowledge a dropping.
You believe that religion if unchanging.
Please refer to Vatican, Vatican II, any other religious council, the Protestant Reformation, the eleven-hundred forms of Islam that might kill you, and Hinduism. Religion changes just as much (and as fast) as science.
On another note, science it the search for truth, not fact. Fact can be manipulated to fit a narrator's bias. Science seeks to eliminate the bias.
They are not polar opposites. Nor should either attempt to negate the other. In fact, the Catholic Church is one of the largest employers of scientists in the world.
So fuck off you stupid fucking piece of shit.
And God bless.
Such a horrible point. Is your point of view usually this bad? It can't be. Because, that Level 2 Misaka 10032 phone charger is exceptional, user-Anon says with hope the this Anon73386 will believe in Jesus and be saved.
What a retarded comment. Comparing the Catholic church when they hindered Galileo's facts and Bill Nye telling some people there wrong?
Evolution is accepted by nearly all scientists, The Big Bang theory is accepted by nearly all scientists, Global Warming is accepted by nearly all scientists.
If you have evidence on the contrary then present them, if your evidence is flawed or you are just talking straight out of your ass like you are then noone is going to listen to you, which is a good thing.
na man. religion has observed patterns in human/social behavior that span over thousands of years. keep in mind that the religious class were typically the most educated and literate throughout all of history, so their observations could be passed down throughout generations, and that negative social trends could be catastrophic to their fragile societies so they had a very vested interest in assuring their society did the right thing.
in a way religion is the highest form of science in that its had the largest span of observation of human behavior and society, to the point which modern science hates it simply because it is utterly incapable of comprehending the depth of its knowledge with its methodology
Explain it to me then, user. Use your superior intellect to convince me of something that I haven't already considered, and do it in a way that doesn't involve me taking anything on faith. Explain to me what I'm leaving out. Take into consideration that my conclusions exist because I've considered every facet I've ever been faced with. Give me a new one. Don't assume I'm unintelligent, though. You did that with this post and responded in kind. You're wrong, though. Just try not to be all offended this time.
Science is something they think they can hold over heads, thus proving their superiority over us.
>They blindly follow because once in, if they disagree they become the targets of their peers for apostasy.
Science is the new religion, because you cant refute it, you cant argue against it, or you deserved to be locked up or killed.
>Sound like early religions doesnt it??
>the only things religion ever produces is feelings
>[In science] Truth and knowledge are the only motivations
You obviously don't know anything about religion or science.
This. Modern science has a naturalistic philosophy, most people have drunk too much kool aid to see it.
There are scientific theories that are considered unquestionable, people who do are ridiculed and shunned from the scientific community. Awful lot like religion huh.
But, they are opposites. Science constantly affects religion, but not the other way around, but in the minds of the ignorant. One is based in the imagination and can't be proven. The other is based in logic and reason, and can.
>1 post by this id
This bot makes the exact same formulaic millennial thread every day, fucking 3 letter agencies need to get out.
Other scientists have also proven that climate change is not happening. So which one will you trust?
Science - based upon reality.
Any religion = feel.
Not the same thing.
The gay ones..
(((WHO))) could be behind this