Why does my country refuse to join UN convetions?

Sup Forums why don't we join conventions?


Other urls found in this thread:


Convention on the Rights of the Child


Because the UN is a corrupt pro-Marxist and pro-islamist organization that is the enemy of the free world.

Because america is a sovereignty nation and is strong enough to say no, like china and Russia.

Paris Agreement


Even North Korea is involved

>Nice america should do something because all the nice guys are doing it.
America has a president and a senate, no need to an UN overlord giving orders.

But these agreements are supposed to improve the lives of people around the world. Why should we be against something like that?

The UN is faggot

Because America has a government from people, by people, to people, even if you think some
illuminated overruler can do better.

"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary." -- H.L. Mencken (1918)

"Our job is to give people not what they want, but what we decide they ought to have."
-- Richard Salent, Former President CBS News.

Perhaps, but even so it'd be better for us if we make allies with the other countries instead of pissing them off.

>these agreements are supposed to make you think they improve the lives of people around the world

learn to think for your self


>learn to think for your self

Lemme guess, the jews are involved in this somehow.

Why should we be for it?

How will you learn if you know all the answers before hand?

Please guys, all messages sage please.

America has always been a wild card with this kinnda shit I belive to this day only us and the ruskies allow cluster bombs cause fuck you. These agreements bind nations in europe to each other but we are america no one in the western hemisphere can fuck with us. If we wanna cluster bomb you or gas you what are you gonna fuckin do about it?

Trade being the most important, but not only that it builds credibility and trust amongst our allies and our enemies.

You need trade agreements to make trade, alliances to make allies and obey a supranational institution to became vassals.

While I agree with you, you have to take in credibility and reliability into account as well. Think, do you truly believe that countries find us credible and reliable after this? We are quite literally the only country, with the exception being Nicaragua and Syria, that has pulled out.
How can we still call our selves the leaders of the free world after all the mess Trump has gotten us into.

Fuck the UN.

Not sure about all the others, but the USA’s refusal to ratify UNCLOS (Law of the Sea Convention) is due to environmental lawsuits that would/could be brought against them. It’d also be unfavourable to American economic and security interests..

As it is now, UNCLOS defines several zones (base lines, 12 NM territorial sea, 24NM contiguous zone, 200 NM EEZ, + some more complicated examples). By accepting that, USA would limit itself and in the future one might call bullshit on all the Exclusive Economic Zones around Midway Atoll / Island(s), Wake Island, Howland Island, Baker Island, etc, since UNCLOS could easily nullify their "island" status and consequently US’s EEZs there too.

Those American EEZ in the Pacific are huge..